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Who is the a former Algerian diplomat who became the new United Nations international envoy in Syria after its former head Kofi Annan quitted the post? Answer: Lakhdar Brahimi PS, Aug. 19 2012 p. A-23 2. Name of the US secretary of State who endorsed Lakhdar Brahimi to be the next UN international envoy in Syria after Kofi Annan. Answer: Hillary Clinton PS, Aug. 19 2012 p. A-23 3. The name of the United Nations humanitarian chief who said that if the situation in Syria worsens, the number of people that will be affected in the civil war will be as high as 2.5 million? Answer: Valerie Amos PS, Aug. 17 2012 p. A-25 4. What is the name of the World Trade Organization head who said that the growth in global trade remains below four percent in 2012 and urged governments in the world against protectionism? Answer: Pascal Lamy MB, Sept. 1 2012 p. B-1 5. The name of Turkeys foreign minister who said that the UN may need to create a safe zone within Syria to accommodate a growing number of refugees in his country? Answer: Ahmet Davutoglu PS, Aug. 21 2012 p. A-15 6. Who is the World Bank Philippines country director who pay homage to the late DILG secretary Jesse Robredo for his reform agenda that focused on service to the people? Answer: Chiyo Kanda PS, Aug. 25 2012 p. 6 7. What is the title of the tribute in which World Bank Philippines country director Chiyo Kanda did to pay homage to the late DILG secretary Jesse Robredo? Answer: Legacy of Good Governance PS, Aug. 25 2012 p. 6 8. What is the name of the UN monitoring team being deployed into Stria as part of UN-Arab league envoy Kofi Annams six-point plan to end the bloodshed in that country? Answer: United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNIMIS) PS, Aug. 26 2012 p. A-23

9. What is the name of an international funding mechanism that established in 2010 under the United Nations framework convention for climate change , that will put pressure on each country to do its part in cutting greenhouse gas emissions? Answer: Green Climate Fund PS, Aug. 26 2012 p.B-4 10. What is the name of the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) country coordinator who said that the reproductive health bill is important for the Philippines to achieve its health-related targets in the mmillennium development goals like maternal health, HIV/AIDS and infant mortality? Answer: Ugochi Florence Daniels PS, Aug. 4 2012 p. 4 11. What is the name of the UNAIDS country coordinator who said that the lack of an RH law in the Philippines will contribute to the rise of HIV/AIDS cases in the country? Answer: Teresita Bagasao PS Aug. 4 2012 p.4 12. What is the name if the World health Organization country representative who said that the issue of reproductive health is the same across all regions and should not be misused as a political tool? Answer: Dr. Soe Nyunt-U PS Aug. 4 2012 p.4 13. What is the name of the celebration in which the International Labor Organization (ILO) joined in order to encourage the practice of breastfeeding and to improve the health of babies? Answer: World Breastfeeding Week PS, Aug. 12 2012, p.C-3 14. What is the title of the United Nations-Habitat flagship report that had been launched at the sixth session of the World Urban Forum that recommend that those engaged in development work need to explore a more inclusive notion of prosperity and development? Answer: State of World Cities 2012/2013 MB, Sept. 9 2012 p. 3 15. What is the new UN-Habitat indicator that will show aat a glance how a city is fairing in terms of five key areas: productivity, infrastructure, equity, quality of life, and environmental sustainability?

Answer: City Prosperity Index MB, Sept. 9 2012, p.3

16. What is the new international Monetary Fund representative in the Philippines? Answer: Shanaka Jayanath Peiris PS, Sept. 10 2012 p.B-9 17. What is the name of the ILO convention which grants domestic workers who care for families and households the same basic labor rights as other workers? Answer: Convention on Domestic Workers PS, Sept. 7 2012 p.2 18. What is the approximate number of people worldwide die by suicide each year according to the WHO? Answer: one million PS, Sept. 9 2012 p.14 19. What is the name of the UN human rights envoy who had been accused by some groups in Myanmar for being biased in favour of the Rohingya, a muslim minority group in the said country? Answer: Tomas Ojea Quintana MB, Sept. 4 2012 p. 9 20. What is the name of a muslim minority group within the predominantly Buddhist nation of Myanmar, in which the UN called their stateless condition as one of the worlds most persecuted people? Answer: Rohingya MB, Sept. 4 2012 p.15 21. What is the name of the World Bank lead rural development specialist who stressed that the agriculture sector needs to integrate a value chain approach for the said sector to be more inclusive and broad-based? Answer: Carolina Geron MB, Sept. 4 2012 p.15 22. What is the name of the initiator of the International Childrens Peace Prize? Answer: KidsRights Foundation MB, Sept. 21, 2012 p.12 23. What is the name of a 13-year old Filipino who get this years International Childrens Peace Prize at a ceremony in The Hague, Netherlands? Answer: Cris Kesz Valdez MB, Sept. 21 2012 p.1

24. What is the name of the charity in which International Childrens Peace Prize winner Cris Valdez led to raise funds to needy children in Cavite City? Answer: Championing Community Children MB, Sept. 21 2012 p. 12 25. Who is the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize icon who handed over the International Childrens Peace Prize award to Cris Valdez? Answer: Desmond Tutu MB, Sept. 21 2012 p.12 26. What is the name of the sculpture given to the International Childrens Peace Prize winner that symbolizes how a child can move the world? Answer: Nkosi MB, Sept. 21 2012, p. 12 27. What are the countries in the UN security council that abstained from a resolution on children and armed conflict? Answer: China, Russia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan PS, Sept. 21 2012 p. A-24

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