Transition Flyer 2012

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All your questions answered
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How MANY STuDENTS ARE IN EACH YEAR IS THE uNIfoRM goINg gRoup? To CHANgE wHEN You There will be 150 places for girls and 150 places for MovE INTo THE NEw boys in each year group. ACADEMY? No, the uniform will remain the wHAT wERE THE ExAM RESulTS THIS YEAR? same. uniform Retailer, Harpurhey, IS THIS AN IMpRovEMENT? Manchester (situated adjacent to we are continuing to build on our results year on Asda car park) year and the 5A*-C results this year were 78% at the girls school and 54% at the boys school. As always expect wHERE IS THE NEw these to continue to rise in the forthcoming year.



The new address is: 300 victoria Avenue East, Manchester M9 7SS The new academy is located in Blackley with entrances at both victoria Avenue East and Charlestown Road. wHAT ARE THE TERM DATES foR NExT YEAR?

wIll THE BoYS AND gIRlS BE TAugHT TogETHER? we are currently a co-located academy under a single trust board where boys and girls are taught separately, unless there are educational benefits to boys and girls being taught together, such as drama productions or enrichment activities.


Staff INSET and move into the new build School opens Half Term INSET DAY for staff
School Closed to Students

Mon 3rd Sept- fri 7th Sept Monday 10th Sept friday 26th oct Monday 5th November

How wIll I gET To SCHool EvERY DAY? The main entrance will be Charlestown Road, which is served by the following buses: 88, 116, 118 and 294. Students can also arrive at the victoria Avenue East entrance using buses 115, 116 or 149.

Tuesday 6th November friday 21st December Monday 7th January friday 15th february Monday 25th february wednesday 27th March Thursday 28th March Monday 15th April Monday 6th May friday 24th May Monday 3rd June friday 5th July Tuesday 23rd July

School opens End of Autumn Term School opens Half Term School opens End of Spring Term INSET DAY for staff School opens Bank Holiday Half Term School opens INSET DAY for staff

School Closed to Students

School Closed to Students

End of Summer Term

How wIll I pAY foR SCHool MEAlS? we will be operating a brand new biometrics cashless system and we are developing a facility so that parents will be able to top-up their childs credit online. In addition, we support all families on free school meals.


our doors are open from 7.30 for students and breakfast is available from 8am. we offer a breakfast club 5 days a week

Manchester Creative & Media Academy has been designed to ensure that our students will be able to learn in a safe, secure and beautifully designed space. Set in 110,000m2, the site of the new academy features large, clear spaces, both inside and out, with a courtyard that will host outdoor events during the summer and will enable students to have the space to imagine, work and create. Internally, there is a three-storey performance space that will form a community theatre and will become a part of North Manchesters social calendar, providing a multitude of opportunities for our students and their families and extended networks. Both the internal and external areas are designed to give pupils the chance to learn in an environment that they can both respect, value and feel involved in. Current students have been involved in the design of the landscape, the colours of the interiors and the Eco-zones that will be housed on the roof of the building. There are a series of outdoor areas that will provide students with the opportunity to learn in new and exciting ways, helping to support our pupils to reach their aspirational targets. It is a space that our student can be proud to call their school. Join the next generation at Manchester Creative & Media Academy.



key Dates

Transition Day (Boys and Girls) - Wednesday 4th July 2012 9.30am-2.00pm Girls Academy Brookside Road Moston Registration Evening Girls Academy Brookside Road Moston Thursday 5th July 2012 6.00pm-8.00pm New Term Begins Monday 10th September 2012 further details about each day to follow.

Important Contacts
Boys 0161 681 1592 girls 0161 681 4678 These numbers will operate until friday 20th July 2012. from 22nd July to August 31st 2012, all parents will be able to contact school using 0161 681 1592 All details and updates about the new build and information for parents will be found on our website

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