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St Paul's Way Primary School

1.St Pauls Way Primary School

StPaulsWayPrimarySchool WeareplanningtoopenanoutstandingnewPrimaryschoolforlocalchildrenaroundStPaulsWayinTower Hamlets.PoplarHarcaHousingAssociationandregenerationCharityworkingwithStPaul'sWayTrustSchoolwant togiveyoungpeopleanexcellentstartinlife.Wewantthemtobeequippedwithglobalskillstobesuccessfulin secondaryschoolandthenmoveintohighereducation,theprofessionsorotherskilledwork. WeareputtinginabidtotheGovernmentandthenplanningtoopentheschoolto60receptionchildrenin September2014andthenafurther60childreninreceptionin2015untiltheschoolisfull..Wewanttoinvolveparents andthelocalcommunitysowehavealearningcampusacrossStPaulsWaywithaPrimaryschool,thecommunity centreandStPaulsWayTrustSchoolwhichisshapedbythecommunity,forthecommunity. WewanttobuildonthesuccessofPoplarHarcaandStPaulsWayTrustSchoolinopeningupopportunitiesfor localyoungpeopletotranslatetheiraspirationsintorealityfromanearlyage.Itwillgiveyoungpeopleandtheir parentsandthelocalcommunityconfidenceintheirfuture. Wehopethesuccessofthisnewschoolwillimproveoutcomesforotherlocalschoolsandcontributetothelocal communityandlocaleconomicregeneration.

j k l m n Yes j k l m n No

*1. Do you support the ethos of this school in this area, as outlined in the description

*2. What is your post code?

*3. Would you choose this school as first choice for your child ?
j k l m n Yesdefinitely j k l m n YesIwould

j k l m n Yesprobably j k l m n Probablynot

j k l m n Definitelynot

age? (Please enter it as dd/mm/yyyy eg 04/04/2004)

Child1 Child2 Child3 Child4

*4. Please give the dates of birth of any children in your household under 3 years of

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St Paul's Way Primary School

Indicate your first choice with 1, second choice with 2 and third choice with 3.
Distance CommunityLinks Creativity Multicultural SupportforParents Happyenvironment Goodacademicperformance Individuallearningsupport

*5. What 3 things would you look for when choosing a primary School for your child?

6. If there is another element that you look for in a primary school then please add it here.

have your name and email address and mobile please? Full Name

*7. We would like to keep in touch with you and invite you to a meeting. Could we

8. Email Address

9. Mobile Number

*10. What is your country of origin?

*11. if you want to receive further information about the school, please indicate here.
j k l m n Yes j k l m n No

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