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2012 Best Supporting Manager of the Year Nominees

Clement Carey The kITano new York

Years of Service: 25 | Organizational Affiliations: Hotel Association of NYC What does being a Concierge mean to me? A Concierge creates the personal connections and memories for our guests, which make for extraordinary hotel stays. They have their fingers on the pulse of the city and guide both first-time visitors and seasoned travelers through its landmarks, treasures and secrets. The Concierges unique skills and compassion builds upon a great hotels service and physical setting to provide true world-class hospitality.

david CHaSe The new York PalaCe

Years of Service: 23 | Organizational Affiliations: Hotel Association of NYC What does being a Concierge mean to me? In the luxury hotel market, you have to differentiate your hotel with what you have to offer your guests experientiallynot just what you offer as far as the newest room product or the coolest technology. An incredible hotel experience is defined by the excellence of the service providers that your guests interact with. Our Concierge team sets the standard in our hotel by delivering wonderful recommendations to our guests each and every time. Our guests tell me over and over that it was one of our Concierges that made their entire stay memorable due to their genuine, personalized assistance. To me, being a Concierge means being the benchmark in providing exceptional, personalized service, and I am proud to be on their team.

JonatHan Crook The PenInsula new York

Years of Service: 27 | Organizational Affiliations: Hotel Association of NYC What does being a Concierge mean to me? I believe Concierges are the most passionate members of any hotel. They truly live, breathe and eat every aspect of their job and are always thinking of ways to go the extra mile for our guests. An exceptional Concierge has near psychic abilities to understand what will make our guests visit truly amazingfrom matching the perfect day shopping itinerary to a romantic proposal. It is that intuitive nature that truly makes our Concierges shine. Concierges seamlessly uphold such high professional standards while juggling a myriad of demands placed upon them every minute of the day. Concierges are not amenities; they are integral parts of a hotels culture and personality. Without a Concierge desk and those golden keys, a hotel loses their competitive edge. Concierges really do set the example for the rest of the hotel staff. They know no boundaries and never utter the dreaded words, Its not my job. This is why I salute and support my Concierge team and the endeavors of their organizations. Without their great service culture of In Service Through Friendship and vast networking abilities, it would be impossible to take The Guest Experience and the service industry to a whole new level..

Herv Houdr The InTerConTInenTal new York BarClaY

Years of Service: 34 | Organizational Affiliations: Hotel Association of NYC (Board of Directors), NYC & Company (Board of Directors), Global Sustainable Tourism Council (Board Member) What does being a Concierge mean to me? The profession of Concierge has remained faithful to its roots while at the same time has evolved considerably with time and technology. Due to the nature of direct contact with customers, and their basic need for information while staying with us, a Concierge is the most important asset of a hotel to ensure our customers feel valued and in the know. Nevertheless, due to technology and communication, customers have evolved incredibly these past 10 years. They arrive at a hotel already knowledgeable about the destination, having read all necessary websites and social networks, which make it more challenging for a Concierge to deliver pertinent information. This challenge makes the difference between a Concierge and a true Les Clefs dOr champion, who will always keep abreast of what is going on in their destination and will have a very serious, well-developed network of relationships and partnerships that can never be replaced by technology.

SCott nadeau new York MarrIoTT MarquIs

Years of Service: More than 30 | Organizational Affiliations: Broadway Association, NYC & Company, Times Square Alliance, Hotel Association of NYC What does being a Concierge mean to me? The Concierge is the ultimate service provider to our guests. They are a warm smile and trusted resource whose knowledge of the local area and relationships within the community they serve provide a service that creates an experience for our guests. Even with all the knowledge guests have through the Internet and social media, they will always rely on the Concierge to help them verify their choices and to seek their guidance on how best to make the most of their stay. I appreciate the support the Les Clefs dOr organization gives to our Concierge teams.

Peter Strebel The oMnI BerkshIre PlaCe

Years of Service: 35 | Organizational Affiliations: Hotel Association of NYC What does being a Concierge mean to me? In a simple word, I would say Mom. Just like being a mother, a Concierge is there to help, advise, guide, support, comfort and make our guests feel special. I have been in the hotel industry for 35 years and am currently a regional director for Omni Hotels and oversee four other Omni Hotels in the Northeast and Canada. I am actively involved in NYC & Company and my church, St. Matthew the Apostle RC.

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