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2012 Chef Concierge of the Year Nominees

Keoni BoyeR GansevooRT MeaTPaCkinG nYC

Years of Service: 10 | Organizational Affiliations: Les Clefs dOr USA, NYCAHC (Secretary) How and when did I become a Concierge? As the oldest child in a large family, I was groomed early on as a caretaker. I began my hotel career as a busboy in a hotels restaurant in Alaska before moving to the "big" city. This was eye opening, but the one thing I felt comfortable doing was taking care of others, which led me back into the hospitality industry. This, combined with my fascination of all the amazing things one has access to in New York City, made being a Concierge a perfect fit for me. Im happy to have worked with so many amazing Concierges throughout my career, and I share the honor of being nominated with my amazing team. What does being a Concierge mean to me? Being a Concierge is the most rewarding and hardest thing that has happened to me. Concierges are a special breed of people. We have to be masters of anticipation, be able to multi-task, want to educate, and have tact and patience when dealing with guests. The opportunity to make someone's experience amazing and to share the knowledge you have is what makes being a Concierge all worth it. For me, nothing is worth more than a genuine smile or a heartfelt thank you from a guest. I look forward to the new challenges every day brings with this occupation, and I appreciate that every day I get to teach and learn from my team and other Concierges. ize that being a Concierge was my true calling. What does being a Concierge mean to me? The Concierge position requires enthusiasm, patience, discretion, willingness to learn every day and anticipation of guests needs. As Concierges, we have to possess the ability to find out in a very short time what each and every guest needs in order to give the guest the perfect experience. We are in the business of making memories. It is a great responsibility to be able to make or break the guests stay, but there is also a great sense of pride in taking ownership of guest satisfaction. As stressful as it may be at times, it is also the most rewarding position I have ever held. When a guest comes back to tell me how much he loved his experience, I am always reminded how much I love what I do. A recent guest comment summed it all up: The concierge desk was extremely helpful and welcoming. They should be commendedand act as the anchor of the entire hotel.

susanne CaRteR The RiTz-CaRlTon new YoRk, CenTRal PaRk

Years of Service: 13 | Organizational Affiliations: Les Clefs d'Or USA, NYCAHC How and when did I become a Concierge? When I first came to New York City, I worked at the front desk of The Pierre hotel. I became increasingly fascinated with the Concierge position. At the time, only a few hotels in my native country had a Concierge and none of them were female, so it had never occurred to me that this was a career path I might want to pursue. As I observed the interaction the Concierges had with guests, I understood how important the Concierge position is to guest service. When I accepted a position as assistant manager at the New York Palace, one of my areas of responsibility was the Concierge desk, and I began to real-

CaRlos FReiRe TRuMP inTeRnaTional hoTel & ToweR new YoRk

Years of Service: 34 | Organizational Affiliations: Les Clefs dOr USA, NYCAHC How and when did I become a Concierge? While attending Hunter College for my Sociology degree, my uncle informed me that I needed to find employment. He was working with the Westbury Hotel as the head butcher. I was immediately hired as a dishwasher; later I became an elevator operator (white gloves) and eventually a bellman. These professionals have my utmost respect because their passion was engraved into my spirit. Two years later, the Concierge concept was introduced to the Westbury Hotel, and our desk was born. There is a saying that states, When the student is ready the teacher will appear. I have the distinguished pleasure to introduce my teachers: Anthony Pike, Renato De La Noche and Tito

Fornari. These gentlemen, like Michelangelo, took a chunk of marble and chiseled away the rough edges. They introduced me to this art, which I am so fortunate to be a part of, and will forever be grateful. What does being a Concierge mean to me? I was fortunate to begin the study of the art of being a Concierge 34 years ago and still continue to be a student to this day. As the hospitality industry evolves year by year, so does this profession, which we are blessed to be associated with. To quote Bryan K. Williams, Being a Concierge is purely about anticipating, organizing and delivering exceptional service. I would like to humbly add, and to touch the hearts of every guest with a memorable experience that will ensure their return. The Concierge is driven by an unquenchable thirst and an unsatisfied hunger. They are indeed fueled by passion and commitment to ensure that every guest has that ultimate experience. The bridges that we build connecting to our guest are compiled with the elements of integrity, trust, assurance, diplomacy and professionalism.

peteR Johnson The kiMbeRlY hoTel

Years of Service: 21 | Organizational Affiliations: NYCAHC, Les Clefs dOr USA, NYC & Company, Screen Actors Guild How and when did I become a Concierge? I happily have more than 20 years experience in the Concierge industry. I served as Concierge at Le Parker Meridien from 1993 to 1996, and then was asked to become a member of the team at The Kimberly hotel, where I am Chief Concierge. I have been with The Kimberly hotel for 16 years. I am a collaborator on two theatrical musicals, partnering with fellow Concierges Raphael Pallais and Keoni Boyer. My memberships include Les Clefs dOr USA, New York City Association of Hotel Concierges, NYC & Company, the Screen Actors Guild and the Creative Actors Workshop. I have

dubbed numerous foreign films and have had several productions at the Theater for the New City. What does being a Concierge mean to me? Being a Concierge is a privilege to me. I live in one of the greatest cities in the world and I am able to enjoy the vast amount of cultural attractions, entertainment and cuisine available. I therefore can enhance a guest's visit by sharing my knowledge of these venues. It is a joy to see the excitement of a hotel guest when you recommend something from your own experience. It is a joy when they come back to you and praise your recommendation. To be able to shape and mold a visitors time in New York is quite an extraordinary thing. They go home with the memories you have helped to create for them. When we receive letters of praise after someone stays at our property and has called upon the Concierge for services, we have an added bonus.

Raphael pallais The Plaza

Years of Service: 22 | Organizational Affiliations: Les Clefs d'Or International Society How and when did I become a Concierge? After a short stint as a Concierge in New Orleans, I was summoned to work in New York by my former general manager. Before reopening The Plaza hotel as its Chef Concierge, I was also Chef Concierge at the Parker Meridien, the Peninsula New York and the InterContinental in Pariscontributing to the industry for more than 20 years. A Clefs dOr member since 1992, I was the first recipient of the New York City Hotel Associations yearly Best Concierge in New York Award (1993) and have been a member of the Board of Directors of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges

(NYCAHC). In 2009, my team at The Plaza won the coveted Best Concierge Desk in New York at the Hotel Excellence Awards. What does being a Concierge mean to me? To me, being a Concierge is the best opportunity for personal and professional development. There is something uniquely human and down-to-earth about our profession that makes it incomparable to any other. Our jobs require us not only to dig deep into our guests souls, so that we can better understand what they really want, but also to develop our own personalities in accordance to these needs. This development needs to include the following skills: an insatiable curiosity, a penchant for adventurous travel and an unusually strong ability to empathize and put yourself in other peoples shoes. In this way, through the profession and daily guest contact, we continue to enrich ourselves. What else can you ask for?

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