Final Project

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The project was undertaken keeping the following objectives in mind: 2.2.1 To understand the customer preferences on one of the successful brand LOral Paris. 2.2.2 To understand the improvement and customer preferences in beauty product. 2.2.3 To understand brand perception of the customer and customer loyalty towards the product. 2.2.4 To provide the fruitful suggestion to the company so that they can achieve higher market share.


2.3.1 Research design
Prior to undertaking this research, a review of the literature was conducted to Identify and develop the initial research questions and subsequent hypotheses has been identified. The goals of a literature review were as follows: To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish Credibility. To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it. To integrate and summarize what is known in the area.

The primary focus of this research is a quantitative study. Quantitative research uses structured questions with predetermined responses and a large number of respondents to quantify the response to a particular research problem. This research quantifies consumer response toward the strategy, attitude change toward the brand and purchase intention.

2.3.2 Data Collection Methods:

The data collection methods used for quantitative research include experiments, surveys, content analysis and existing statistics. Given the nature of the research question, this requires both measurements of consumer response as well as comparison. A combination of the remaining two methods, survey and observation, was proposed. Surveys lend themselves to collecting data from a large group of people and then summarizing the results in a quantifiable form.

2.3.3 Design: Population: The population in this study consists of the people who were involved in the purchase and sale of Reebok shoes in chandni chowk. sample Size: As suggested by the objectives document the sample size will be kept in the range of 50. Sampling technique: Simple random sampling shall be used to collect data. But, this will be within a set stratum of people. We shall include people who are going to make purchase decision regarding buying a shoe by visiting shoe shops, multi-brand shoe outlets. We will also include

people who may have purchased shoes in the recent past to get an idea of post purchase behavior.

2.3.4 Methods of data collection: data was collected through: Books Website of Reebok Primary data- primary data was collected with the help of questionnaire Instrument for data collection: Questionnaire was used to collect the primary data from the respondents.

Name: ____________________ Age: Sex: _____ M F

Profession: _________________ Phone: _________________

1) Income level: (Per year) a. Below Rs. 50000 b. Rs. 50000-100000 c. Rs. 100000-300000 d. Rs. 300000-500000 e. More then Rs. 500000

2) How much do you spend on footwear in a year? a. Less then Rs.1000 b. Rs. 1000-3000 c. Rs. 3000-6000 d. More then Rs. 6000 e. None

3) When you think of sports shoes, which of the following brands comes to your minds first. a. Adidas b. Nike c. Caterpillar d. Fila e. Reebok f. Others

4) Have you ever bought Reebok shoes? Yes No

5) If no then which other brand? _______________________

6) How many pairs of shoes do you have?

a. 1 b. 1-3 c. 3-5 d. More then 5


How many of them are sports shoes? _________________


How long have you been using it? a. 2 months b. 4 months c. 6 months d. Year

9) Which of the following you consider most while purchasing footwear? a. Style b. Brand Name c. Comfort d. Price e. Durability

10) Which of the following influences the most to your buying procedure?

a. Family b. Friends c. Brand Ambassadors d. Peers/Colleagues e. Personal Choice

11) Kindly give in terms of % (weight age) the qualities you look for in a sport shoes OTHERS a. b. c. d. e. Style Price Comfort Brand Durability ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ REEBOK ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

12) What time of the year do you do your shoes-shopping? a. Occasions b. Festivals c. Anytime d. Travel/Vacations

13) Your experience with Reebok shoes a. Very Satisfied b. Satisfactory c. Ok d. Poor e. Very Poor

Survey on Womens Responses towards LOREAL (Cosmetics):
1. Do you use cosmetics? a) Yes b) No 2. Are you a LOreal customer? a) Yes b) No

3. Do you wear make-up? a) At Parties b) Always c) When I want to d) Outside home

4. How following face foundation have you used mostly? a) Lakme b) LOreal c) Avon d) Others

5. Which is your Favorite face foundation? a) Lakme b) LOreal c) Avon d) Others

6. What is your skin type?

a) Rough b) Dry c) Smooth d) Oily e) Spotted 7. How often do you use cream including night creams? a) Once a day b) Twice a day c) Twice in a week d) Three times in a week 8. How following creams you have used mostly? a) Avon b) Lakme c) Fair n lovely d) LOreal e) Others 9. Which one you found more effective? a) Lakme b) Avon c) Fair n lovely d) LOreal e) Others 10. In dealing with make-up, will you take chance with your skin for experimenting the products of LOreal Paris? a) Agree b) Agree a little c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Disagree a little e) Disagree strongly

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