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SmartPlant Review

Select Modules Utility User's Guide

Version 2010

June 2010


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Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Using the Select Modules Utility ................................................................................................................ 7 Select Licenses for Modules ................................................................................................................... 7 Select Modules Utility Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 8 Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide


SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide

This document is the user's guide for Smart Plant Review. The content is the same as the online Help delivered inside the product. This user's guide explains various procedures and commands needed to review a complex model and is intended for users who are experienced with computer fundamentals. Knowledge of 3D design systems is helpful, but not necessary. Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of this document that you need for non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution outside your company. SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Review Publisher and other add-on utilities support both SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D project files. For simplicity in the documentation, the references to SmartPlant 3D imply both SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine support. We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide


SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide


Using the Select Modules Utility

The SmartPlant Review Select Modules utility (SelectModules.exe) allows you to select which modules you want to pull licenses for when starting a SmartPlant Review session. Installed by default to C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Review\Utilities\SelectModules, this utility is available on the Start menu under Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Review > Select Modules. By default, SmartPlant Review attempts to obtain licenses for each module installed when you start the product. However, if there are not enough module licenses available to cover the number of modules installed, the SmartPlant Review session closes. In this case, we recommend that you use the Select Modules utility to unselect the modules for which you cannot obtain licenses. Doing so allows you to run SmartPlant Review with only those modules for which you can obtain licenses. You can also ask a co-worker to exit SmartPlant Review, which returns in-use licenses to the server, or you can purchase more licenses.

If your site has four licenses of SmartPlant Review but only three module licenses for the Construction module and three of the SmartPlant Review sessions are currently using all three Construction module licenses, the fourth SmartPlant Review session will not run unless you use the Select Modules utility to de-select the Construction module before starting SmartPlant Review.

Select Licenses for Modules

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Review > Select Modules. Check the modules for which you want to pull licenses. Click OK. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Review > SmartPlant Review. Click Help > About SmartPlant Review to view a list of the modules for which SmartPlant Review was able to obtain licenses. By default, the first time you start SmartPlant Review, it attempts to pull licenses for itself and for each module you have installed, unless you first use the Select Modules utility to select the modules for which you want to pull licenses. If you are running SmartPlant Review in remote license mode (that is, you used the SmartPlant License Checkout utility to obtain licenses) and open the Select Modules utility, all modules appear disabled, with checks beside the modules with currently checked out licenses. These selections cannot be changed until the checkout duration expires, nor can licenses be obtained interactively while licenses are checked out. Checked out licenses cannot be checked in. Pulled licenses are returned to the license server when you close SmartPlant Review. SmartPlant Review displays a message if it cannot return a license for any reason (for

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide

Using the Select Modules Utility example, the network connection to the license server is down). Licenses that cannot be returned must be scavenged on the SmartPlant License Manager server. For more information about scavenging licenses, see the SmartPlant License Manager Installation and User's Guide (SPLMInstall_UserGuide.pdf). If SmartPlant Review cannot obtain enough licenses at start up, the software displays a "not enough licenses available" message and SmartPlant Review shuts down. Before SmartPlant Review will run, you must either free enough currently in-use licenses to cover the modules you want to run or use the Select Modules utility to unselect the modules for which you cannot currently obtain a license. To see who is currently using licenses, use SmartPlant License Manager on the license server.

Select Modules Utility Dialog Box

The SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility, installed by default during SmartPlant Review setup, allows you to specify which modules you want to pull licenses for when starting a SmartPlant Review session.

_ Modules - Displays the modules available with SmartPlant Review. A grayed-out entry means that module is not installed on your workstation. Check the box beside the module you want SmartPlant Review to pull a license for during startup. Licenses are not pulled for modules that are not checked. By default, all installed modules are checked. If you are running SmartPlant Review in remote license mode (that is, you used the SmartPlant License Checkout utility to obtain licenses) and open the Select Modules utility, all modules appear disabled, with checks beside the modules with currently checked out licenses. These selections cannot be changed until the checkout duration expires, nor can licenses be obtained interactively while licenses are checked out. Checked out licenses cannot be checked in. If SmartPlant Review cannot obtain enough licenses at start up, a "not enough licenses available" message is displayed and SmartPlant Review shuts down. Before SmartPlant Review will run, you must free enough currently in-use licenses to cover the modules you

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide

Using the Select Modules Utility want to run or you must use the Select Modules utility to unselect the modules for which you cannot currently obtain a license. After SmartPlant Review obtains the necessary licenses and is ready for use, the Help > About SmartPlant Review dialog box displays the modules for which licenses were obtained.

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide

Using the Select Modules Utility


SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide

Preface 5

Select Licenses for Modules 7 Select Modules Utility Dialog Box 8

Using the Select Modules Utility 7

SmartPlant Review Select Modules Utility User's Guide


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