October 14, 2012: 318 North Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024

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October 14, 2012

SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:30 am, 10 am & 12 N WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri, and Sat. 8 am (Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Service) HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm

(Confession) Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Saturday 7:50 am ADORATION First Friday 8:30 am5 pm, Rectory Oratory

Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V.F.Pastor Deacon Manuel Valencia Deacon John Hull 318 North Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Phone: 626/355-1292 FAX: 626/355-2290 www.st-rita.org


Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V. F.Pastor
626.355.1292 x. 228 revkrek@st-rita.org Dcn. Manuel & Chela Valencia deaconmanuelvalencia@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Dcn. John Hulljohnhull65@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Weekend Presiders: 10 am MassFr. Chris Thiel, OFM Capuchin 12 Noon MassRev. Msgr. John Morales


Parish Ministries and Organizations

Liturgy & Worship
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: David & Jill Muhs 355.9810 em@st-rita.org Altar Servers, Youth: Kathy Ganino: 626.398.9302 Altar Servers, Adult: Bill Cosso Eucharistic Adoration: Marylyn Barnes Rosary Prayer Group: Marylyn Barnes Sacristans: Sat. Vigil: Gary Fidone/Bill & Patti Huber Sunday Masses: 7:30-Bill Cosso/David Banis; 10:00-David Muhs; 12N-Bernie Grace Weekdays: John Bigley, Margaret Duran Porter: (Evening Church Lockup) Sheila Palazzolo Environment: Barbara LeVeque /Gil Lazo 355.1292

How to Contact Us
Parish Office/Mailing Address 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 6pm; Sat. 9 am to 1 pm. Office Email: ParishAdmin@st-rita.org Director of Administration
Mary Lou Butler: mlbutler@st-rita.org 355.1292

Ministries & Organizations

Bereavement Ministry: Call Parish Office: 355.1292 Christian Family: Sheila Pierce 355.8332 Greeters & Ushers: Erny Henry: 626.289.3504; 626.446.6715 Mens Club: Nick Sotis: 358-2495 nick.sotis@pro-sites.net New Members/Welcome: Contact the Parish Office St. Rita Guild: Patty Sullivan : 355.3707 sullivan514@gmail.com Senior Ministry: Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Shawl Ministry: Mary Taillac 355.3179 Marilyn Delgatto 355.8717

Pastoral Council Vice Chair

George Landis: 626.792.0445

Finance Council Chair

Bill Sullivan: 355.3707

St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114

Principal: Joanne Harabedian jharabedian@st-rita.org

Other Contacts
Archivist: Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Bulletin Submissions: bulletin@st-rita.org or drop off at Office Public Relations: ParishAdmin@st-rita.org Registration Information: rc@st-rita.org 355.1292 Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: seymour@seymourmedia.com

Director of Liturgy & Music Paul Puccinelli: mm@st-rita.org Director of Religious Education Cristina Cullen: 355.3841 dre@st-rita.org Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation Theresa Bui Costanzo: 626.590.8828 ym@st-rita.org RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia; Susan Blakeslee: rcia@st-rita.org

Let Saint Rita Be There For You . . .

Communion for Sick and Homebound Parishioners
St. Rita ministers provide Communion home visits. Contact the Parish Office (355.1292) or Jill Muhs 355.9810 em@st-rita.org.

For Information about the

Sacrament of Baptism
Baptismal Preparation for parents and godparents: 7 8:30 pm the last Monday of the month. Call for Reservations. Baptisms are usually the first Sunday of the month. Preparation for children who have attained the age of reason (usually during 2nd grade) is arranged either through the Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School.

Anointing of the Sick

Please notify us (355.1292) as early as possible for the Anointing of the Sick, the sacrament intended for the seriously ill or dying. It is Our Lords special presence and companionship in serious time of need. Anointing may take place in the home, at the hospital or elsewhere and as often as once a month. If someone should die without anointing, remember that the desire to receive is sufficient and the Lord cares!

Sacraments of Reconciliation and first Eucharist

If You Should Experience the Loss of a Loved One

Please call us at 355.1292 If you feel you will be in need, or your loved one has passed, we will assist in making arrangements with your chosen funeral directors; refer you to our liturgy and music directors; and offer you helpful guidelines and a book that will aid in the selection of readings for the Mass or Memorial Service. Areas we can help you with prior to the passing may help in the planning of funeral services. We know that this can be a tough time and we want you to know that your parish is there for you. PLEASE UNDERSTAND we only have one resident priest, sometimes arrangements for another priest may be needed.

Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact the Parish Office upon engagement; at least six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament!

Sacrament of Confirmation

A two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens. Apply through the Office of Religious Education.

NOTE: Adult applicants for the sacraments should contact the Parish Office.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

See adjoining column.





Dear Parishioners, In this Sundays Gospel passage from St. Mark, Jesus declares that

All things are possible for God.

He says this to his disciples who have become afraid that, in the end, only a very few might be saved. Their fear is based on a most challenging invitation that he had just made to a young man who had questions about how to be saved: Jesus said to him Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and then you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me. Now I ask you, What is the title given to our St. Rita of Cascia? Thats right, THE SAINT OF THE IMPOSSIBLE. On the back of the stewardship pamphlet that you received today, We are The Body of Christ, you will find a picture of our patroness, St. Rita. As her beautifully sculptured image gazes upon those kneeling and seeking her intercession, she seems to say, I, like you, heard the words of Jesus invitation in the gospel, then, come and follow me. Trusting in him, I believed and followed. At the same time, she looks to the cross and embraces Jesus crown of thorns. The mark on her forehead bears witness to how intimately she had entered into the paschal mystery. Her peaceful countenance speaks eloquently of the peace and reward of eternal happiness that can also be ours if we too come and follow. What I would offer as your pastor, is that our invitation to STEWARDSHIP today, is the very same invitation that Jesus makes in the Gospel of Mark. You see, St. Ritas life was one of faithful stewardship, of being a disciple, and of living the Holy Eucharist she received. She relied upon her following of Jesus to give meaning to her vocation to be a daughter to her parents, a wife to her husband, a mother to her children, and, yes, eventually, even a vowed nun. In other words, she placed her time, talent, and treasure in the service of the Lord, so that she might know, one day, her treasure in heaven. Faith is the undeniable ingredient here; its the leaven in the dough. As we fill out our commitment cards this weekend, I simply pray that we believe enoughhave faith enough. I pray that we would, like our own St. Rita, be such good stewards of his Kingdom, that by Gods own grace, whatever of heaven we can be instruments of here on this Earth (here at St. Rita), will win us the corresponding everlasting treasure in heaven that Jesus himself promised. Msgr. Richard

Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!
Psalm 90




8:00 AM 5:30 PM

7:30 AM Tony Silva Oliveira RIP 10:00 AM For All Parishioners 12 NOON Timothy Hoffman RIP


Maria Francisca Carrasco RIP William Conroy RIP

Lucina Vidaurri, JoAnn E. Douglass, Kathleen Ramsey, Tonyja Blakeslee, Addie Marshall, Alice Feeney, Joanna Singleton, Jackie Bagnuolo, Mary Ellen Isoard, Tim Stanley, Antoinette Wassef, Theresa Morcos, Aspet Herapetian, Tony Comaianni, Rose Mary Taquino, Selma Tuffs, David Duran, Paul Viger, Julie Meyer, Zdenka Czerny, Debra Ann Williamson, Cliff Hancuff, Wendy Wolf Fadel, Dorothy Van Gordon, Rosanne Kenny, Hal Finney, Louise Bigley, Christa Owen, Ailey Gardner-Ybarra, Cathy Hundshamer, Eva Bernejo, Laurie Larkin Masella, Rudy Wunderlin, Edith Olah, Matteo Begnoche, Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Clare Marquardt, Brian Eck, Alex Arranaga, Anna Mary Hession, Mildred Vocelka, Ann Twedell, Joseph Moore, Effie DeGroot, Ned Vento.

8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM


Kate McGowan RIP Jean Commianni INT

Rose Fafach Yomar Iriarte (mother of Jeannette Innocenzi) Beatriz Valencia (mother of Deacon Manuel)

8:00 AM 5:30 PM Communion Service Communion Service

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Tuesday, October 16, RCIA
7:30 PM, Parish office meeting room


Rose Ann McDonald RIP Robert McGrath RIP Lioba Schmitt RIP

Wednesday, October 17, Evening Prayer

Try ityou may like it!

5:30 pm Meditation 6 pm Prayer Rectory Oratory

7:30 AM Rev. Steven M. Ochoa, O.S.A. RIP 10:00 AM Megan Boken RIP 12 NOON For All Parishioners

Sunday, October 14, CatholicismPart II

4 5:30 pm in OMalley Hall

St. Teresa of Jesus

Refreshments will be served; babysitting is available.

Nearly 40 parishioners and friends packed St. Ritas Rectory on September 30 to view Part I of Catholicism, the highly acclaimed DVD series about the Catholic Faith. Following the hour-long program, the group held a lively discussion about the video and the Catholic faith. They enjoyed peppering Deacon Manuel Valencia with several questions on issues ranging from Martin Luther to the Vatican and the Pope. They also enjoyed fellowship and refreshments. In the DVD series, Father Robert Barron, the producer and program host, unfolds the question: what is Catholicism? Is it a 2,000-year living tradition? A worldview? A way of life? A relationship? A mystery? In Catholicism, Father Barron examines all these questions, seeking to capture the body, heart and mind of the Catholic faith. Starting from the essential foundation of Jesus Christs incarnation, life, and teaching, Father Barron moves through the defining elements of Catholicismfrom sacraments, worship, and prayer, to Mary, to the hellusing his distinct and dynamic grasp of art, literature, architecture, personal stories, Scripture, theology, philosophy, and history to present the Church to the world.

Join us for Part II of the series this Sundayeven if you missed Part I you will still enjoy and learn.

St. Ignatius of Antioch St. Luke


St. Paul of the Cross

First ReadingI pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. All good things together came to me in her company (Wisdom 7:7-11). PsalmFill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy! (Psalm 90). Second Reading Indeed the word of God is GospelIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:17-30 ).
living and effective (Hebrews 4:12-13).


Confirmation Preparation Program
Year 1 Confirmation Class will attend Life Teen Inspiration at Magic Mountain on Saturday, November 3. Permission slips need to be turned in St. Rita Guild Communion Breakfast


by October 20.

Year 2 Confirmation Class Session with Sponsors on October 20, 4:00 - 6:30 pm in OMalley Hall, which includes a Commitment to the Journey ritual at the 5:30 Youth Mass. Candidates families and the assembly will witness the ritual and affirm the youth candidates on their faith journey.

On Sunday, September 30th, 65 women and girls of the parish enjoyed a delicious brunch prepared by A & B Catering that was ably served by Girl Scout Troop 13731. We also heard an informative and inspiring talk from Theresa Costanzo, Director of Youth Ministry at St. Rita. who spoke on the topic Practical ways for Parents (and Grandparents) to share faith at home. Theresa presented several practical ideasMake a practice of having dinner as a family whenever possible; at dinner, ask/share How did God bless you today? or Where did you see God today?. Read books and tell stories that promote faith and virtue. For example, Beatrix Potter books, the Velveteen Rabbit, etc. Share our cross moments and tell how our faith carried us through it. Have faith images on display in the home. Establish priorities for activities beware making sports a new god. St. Rita Guild meets the first Friday of every month at 9 am in Gara Hall. Please come and join us!

New! Just for Confirmation Parents As we begin a new Confirmation year, Mark and Marie Hischier welcome Confirmation parents to their home in Sierra Madre for "Parent Nite", a bi-weekly small faith community gathering. After you drop your teens off for "Youth Nite" at St. Rita's, you can stop by the Hischier's, just a minute away, to enjoy each other's company and explore faith topics of common interest such as, Raising Faithful Children, Faithful Selves in Todays World and How to Live Out Sundays Gospel at Starbucks on Monday. No candles or vestments will be necessary for thisjust a cup of coffee and a bit of faith to grow on! Meetings will be on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings at 7pm each month to coincide with Youth Nite. please email Mark and Marie at

St. Rita School

This Weekend St. Rita Drama Club presents: Something Wicked In OMalley HallFree Admission! Saturday, October 13th 7 pm Sunday, October 14th 2 pm Matinee Harvest Festival WeekendWest Campus Friday, October 26Beer, Brats & Bingo
610 pm; brat, chips & lemonade $5

If you plan to attend Parent Nite, Wednesday, October 24,


Safeguard the Children

Are you prepared for the Big One? Are you and your kids prepared for the next earthquake? Think about a communications plan for your family. Choose someone who does not live with you (preferably an out-of-town relative or friend) whom you and other family members can contact to check on each other in the event that you are separated during a disaster. Carry that persons contact information in your purse or wallet. Make sure children know their last name, phone number, address, and number for the out-of-town contact person. Make sure every member of your family knows an alternate route home. If family members cant get home, designate a meeting place. For particular help, you may call: Archdiocesan Assistance Ministry, 213/637-7650. Articles from the Archdiocese are also on our website st-rita.org (select publications, then Safeguard the Children)

Saturday, October 27Harvest Festival

12:30 - 9:30 pm; BBQ Dinner, 7-9 pm

St. Rita WebsiteTake a Look!

Our website has descriptions and contact information for parish organizations and ministries; monthly calendars for events, Youth Ministry and altar servers. The current Sunday Bulletin is posted online every Monday. www.st-rita.org

Bulletin articles. Please submit copy/information

10 days before the desired Sunday of publication. bulletin@st-rita.org or bring/send to the Parish Office.


Meetings, Ministry & Special Events


A Note from Mary Lou Butler

Last weekend as we began our Stewardship awareness program, we distributed copies of our State of the Parish Annual Report. We hope you received a copy and were able to spend some time reviewing the information in the report. If you did not receive a copy, there are copies available in the Parish Office or in the vestibule of the Church. As our parish continues to look at the call of being a Christian steward, we gratefully acknowledge that everything we have comes from and belongs to God. And we ask ourselves: How do we express our gratitude to our God? And what can we do to build up the Body of Christ at St. Rita Parish Community? Note from the report: Still due for this years Together in Mission: $9,781
(This amount must be paid by the parish. So any donation you make toward Together in Mission will also benefit our parish.)

This Week at St. Rita

St. Rita Drama Club Presents Something Wicked See page 5 for more information.

This Saturday & SundayOctober 12-14

This Sunday, October 14Catholicism

4-5:30 pm, OMalley Hall See page 4 for more information 3 pm, Parish Office Meeting Room Please join us to help plan coming events, including our November Boutique!

Tuesday, October 16Senior Ministry Meeting

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

(See page 4 for more information.) Tuesday, October 16, RCIA Class
7:30 pm, Parish Office Meeting Room

mlbutler@st-rita.org 355-1292 x 222

Wednesday, October 17, Evening Prayer

5:30 pm Meditation 6 pm Prayer Rectory Oratory

Save the Date

Sunday, October 21Mens Club Golf Event
Sunday Afternoon on the Greens For Information : Tim OConnor 355-5053 Bill Sullivan 355-3707 Bruce Berra 213/446-1987

Catholic Community & Local Events

Volunteer Opportunities at Santa TeresitaYou can help in a variety of ways such as transporting residents on campus to their activities, assisting in the resident dining room, pray with the residents, assist in the Gift Shop, etc. Adult volunteer program is open to both men and women. The Junior program is open to girls and boys from ages 13-17. For more information, please call Sr. Rosario Therese 626/408-7822 outreach@santa-teresita.org Saturday, Oct. 20CARA Ministries. 10am-4pm. A one-day Womens Retreat. St. Johns Church, 4745 Wheeler, LaVerne 91750. Registration: $55. Information: 909/973-6012 CaraMinistres@hotmail.com FingerprintingWednesday, October 24. Sacred Heart Church, 344 W. Workman St., Covina Info/Appointments: 626/331-7914 Sunday, Oct. 28Centennial Brunch, Maryknoll Sisters. 10 am-1:30 pm. Food, Bake Sale, Country Store. Adults $15; Children $7. No reservations needed. 300 Norumbega Drive, Monrovia. Information: 626/358-1825 LaSalle & Alverno Alumni (1960-1992)DeJaVu Social, Saturday, February 2, 2013 from 7-10 pm at La Salle. Check for more information on Alvernos Alumnae Facebook Event pageDeJa Vu Social.

Friday, October 26Beer, Brats and Bingo Saturday, October 27 Harvest Festival
See page 5 for more information.

Give us something good to eat!

Once again, we ask your help in providing goodies for the hordes of goblins and ghouls that invade Alegria on Halloween. While youre shopping in the next few weeks, please pick up a bag or two of candy to help! Donations may be dropped off at the Parish Office or in the box provided in the Vestibule. Wrapped candies only please. Thank you!


Financial News
September Repairs & Maintenance Report
Special Monthly Collection (Blue Envelopes) For Maintenance & Repairs Total Income$6768 September Utility ExpensesEdison, Gas, Water (For the Church and Rectory/Parish Office)


Thank You
Thank you to the eight families who contributed to Together in Mission in the past two weeks in response to our recent reminder. To date, 175 St. Rita families have pledged/ donated to this Annual Archdiocesan Appeal.

Total$6602 September Expensesphone, cable, alarm system Total$ 792 * Total Expenses$7394 Income Shortfall <$626>
* Total Expenses does not include September minor repairs, i.e. sprinklers, electrical, plumbing.

October Special Collections

collection during the month of September. We were able to reduce our September shortfall by almost $1000 from the previous month! We encourage everyone to help by contributing to this very necessary extra collection. Simply indicate for Maintenance on your check and/or envelope.

Thank you to the 185 families who donated to this special

This Sunday, October 14Maintenance & Repairs (see article in adjacent column). Sunday, October 21World Mission Sunday, Propagation of the Faith. An Thank you for your generosity!

annual Archdiocesan Appeal to benefit evangelization efforts throughout the world.

All funds stay at St. Ritathank you!

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