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The Disappearance of the Messenger of Rain Those simple villagers, with sadness, would tell you, if you have

a time, and patience to listen, that the dryness, of the canals, was accompanied by, the holding back, of the rain, together came, to worsen, the lives of those, simple farmers. The quantity, of the rain itself, isn't like that, of the past, when the question, of the rainy season's success, was something taken for granted. To them rain is rain, and as the result of that, you would find them, very occupied, from an early time repairing, the cracks and the leaking roofs of the houses. And with the assistance, of children, they dig in the ground, making deep, narrow outlets, for the rain water, to go out away, of the houses. Having taken these necessary precautions, for fear of drowning. Those simple farmers, always started their preparations, for the new, agricultural season, by cleaning the fields, cut the dry bushes, and weeds, piled them and set fire on them.

The sign success, of the rainy season, to the people here represented, in the appearance of, simberyia bird, as they name it. At the time, of seeing this friendly bird, those simple farmers, become optimistic. Wad al.Hassans tree, which is located in the centre, of the village, is the station from, which the bird, sends the message, of its arrival. So its coming implies, the coming of goodness, to them. The mere appearance, of the rain's messenger, farmers gather, to congratulate, each other, for there is, no good tidings for them, other than the coming, of this wanted guest. And as the true devout Muslims, wait with great expectation, the appearance, of the new crescent moon, of Ramadan, farmers here also, optimistically waiting, the appearance, of the messenger, of rain. At about the time, of his appearance, the land seems, to wrap itself, in a very thick green garment; you couldn't see the soil. All of a sudden the land, becomes green as thick as a forest, and alive with insects, of every size, jumping and flying,

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through the air, a world of birds that, seems to scream, of plants that give off, strong smells, of insects that spring about, with no warning. Among these types, of insects, is a one that really, surprises the scrutinizer, and the observer. This insect appears, during the night, and has a light that,

resembles that of a helicopter, in the deep darkness. In their local culture, they give it, the name of al.gewhyra. When those simple people, fail to find an interpretation for, this miraculous insect, they resort, to repeating, subhaan Allah! A light and a material body, on a flying insect! What majesty! What a secret, that the insect holds?.

The cattle and the goats, fed from the house yard. They no longer, need went farther to be fed, or looked after. Wherever a person stood, the grass was rich and thick. Meanwhile the coming, of the rains messenger, to them also means frequent, and regular visits, to meet the doctor, for malaria spreads in tandem, with the rain falling. The village engages, in indescribable activity. Thanks God for many things, in this remote area, still being attractive and beautiful, the sinful mans hand, haven't totally, damaged and exploited, thanks God many things, seem to be in, their natural existence, of which the Almighty God, has created.

As usual, and with the elapse, of the final days, of the summer season, the villagers started hopefully, to prepare themselves, to receive, their beloved the messenger, of the rain. The week of its arrival passed, with no trace, of its coming. Fear crept in, and dominated their thinking,

another week passed, and nothing new, was heard, about the bird. The sudden disappearance, of the bird, became the focus speech, of the village folk. Therefore they, used to gather, at Wadal.Hassans tree, every day, with their children. The tree,

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became the residence place, of theirs; food and drink, brought by their sons, so they leave, the place only, to perform the prayers, at the mosque, or at sunset, when darkness fall. The delayed arrival, of the messenger, of rain, wasn't only an obsession, for those farmers, but also to their animals. Which also, felt that the time, at which they, would be fed, had come, and till then, there was no grass, yet in the land. Not being humans, they reacted to the situation, by their own method, so goats began, complaining first, followed by the sheep, and then the cows. To complicate the situation, the price of dura, and dura sticks, which were used as fodder, for these animals, was raised, to the extent, that one sack, of dura was sold, for one hundred, and sixty, Sudanese pounds, and the cost, of a lorry of dura sticks, jumped to two hundred, Sudanese pounds. Page 23-35 From Yearning of the bird Abdulgalil abdallah salih October 2012 e-mail:

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The Disappearance of the Messenger of Rain With sadness, Those simple villagers ,would tell you, if you have a time, and patience to listen, that the dryness, of the canals, was accompanied by, the holding back, of the rain, together came, to worsen, the lives of those farmers. The quantity, of the rain itself, isn't like that, of the past, when the question, of the rainy season's success, was something taken for granted. To them rain is rain, and as the result of that, you would find them, very occupied, from an early time repairing, the cracks and the leaking roofs of the houses. And with the assistance, of children, they dig in the ground, making deep, narrow outlets, for the rain water, to go out away, of the houses. Having taken these necessary precautions, for fear of drowning. Those simple farmers, always started their preparations, for the new, agricultural season, by cleaning the fields, cut the dry bushes, and weeds, piled them and set fire on them.

The sign success, of the rainy season, to the people here represented, in the appearance of, simberyia bird, as they name it. At the time, of seeing this friendly bird, those simple farmers, become optimistic. Wad al.Hassans tree, which is located in the centre, of the village, is the station from, which the bird, sends the message, of its arrival. So its coming implies, the coming of goodness, to them. The mere appearance, of the rain's messenger, farmers gather, to congratulate, each other, for there is, no good tidings for them, other than the coming, of this wanted guest. And as the true devout Muslims, wait with great expectation, the appearance, of the new crescent moon, of Ramadan, farmers here also, optimistically waiting, the appearance, of the messenger, of rain. At about the time, of his appearance, the land seems, to wrap itself, in a very thick green garment; you couldn't see the soil. All of a sudden the land, becomes green as thick as a forest, and alive with insects, of every size, jumping and flying,

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through the air, a world of birds that, seems to scream, of plants that give off, strong smells, of insects that spring about, with no warning. Among these types, of insects, is a one that really, surprises the scrutinizer, and the observer. This insect appears, during the night, and has a light that,

resembles that of a helicopter, in the deep darkness. In their local culture, they give it, the name of al.gewhyra. When those simple people, fail to find an interpretation for, this miraculous insect, they resort, to repeating, subhaan Allah! A light and a material body, on a flying insect! What majesty! What a secret, that the insect holds?.

The cattle and the goats, fed from the house yard. They no longer, need went farther to be fed, or looked after. Wherever a person stood, the grass was rich and thick. Meanwhile the coming, of the rains messenger, to them also means frequent, and regular visits, to meet the doctor, for malaria spreads in tandem, with the rain falling. The village engages, in indescribable activity. Thanks God for many things, in this remote area, still being attractive and beautiful, the sinful mans hand, haven't totally, damaged and exploited, thanks God many things, seem to be in, their natural existence, of which the Almighty God, has created.

As usual, and with the elapse, of the final days, of the summer season, the villagers started hopefully, to prepare themselves, to receive, their beloved the messenger, of the rain. The week of its arrival passed, with no trace, of its coming. Fear crept in, and dominated their thinking,

another week passed, and nothing new, was heard, about the bird. The sudden disappearance, of the bird, became the focus speech, of the village folk. Therefore they, used to gather, at Wadal.Hassans tree, every day, with their children. The tree,

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became the residence place, of theirs; food and drink, brought by their sons, so they leave, the place only, to perform the prayers, at the mosque, or at sunset, when darkness fall. The delayed arrival, of the messenger, of rain, wasn't only an obsession, for those farmers, but also to their animals. Which also, felt that the time, at which they, would be fed, had come, and till then, there was no grass, yet in the land. Not being humans, they reacted to the situation, by their own method, so goats began, complaining first, followed by the sheep, and then the cows. To complicate the situation, the price of dura, and dura sticks, which were used as fodder, for these animals, was raised, to the extent, that one sack, of dura was sold, for one hundred, and sixty, Sudanese pounds, and the cost, of a lorry of dura sticks, jumped to two hundred, Sudanese pounds. Page 23-35 From Yearning of the bird Abdulgalil abdallah salih October 2012 e-mail:

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