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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes September 14, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Shannon Hayes, Annie Enzbigilis, Becky Foellmer, Mary Pallin, Gina Stetka, Janet Oliver, Joy DeFors, Erika Myers, Terri Smeltzer, Jake Little, Janet Schultz I. Approval of minutes from May meeting A. Annie motioned to approve the minutes B. Erika seconded the motion. C. The May minutes were approved II. Treasurers Report A. Annie will have a better idea of budget once she has all membership data B. Can we consider online banking as an option? o This will save $2.00 monthly to move to paperless o We have a secure account C. Building Reps are encouraged to help get membership paperwork turned in quickly. III. Positives/Concerns A. Ide a. Positives i. Presence of Tim in building appreciated & knows many teachers names! ii. Much excitement & positivity at the beginning of the year b. Negatives i. A/C/Heating continues to be an issue (Ide reps will bring this issue up with Jill) ii. Parking more staff this year and there isnt enough parking spaces for everyone (Ide reps will see if Jill knows of a plan that is being developed to resolve this issue) B. Prairieview a. Positives Excitement about Tims presence in the building b. Negatives i. Open House Friday afternoon was difficult not much prep. time given this for classrooms. ii. Beginning of the year items need to be handed out earlier schedules, etc. Teachers didnt receive these lists, etc. until Friday before first day. iii. PV teachers are being pulled to cover classes for meetings and not being compensated (Joy and Erika will discuss this issue with Tim Arnold) iv. There are personnel who dont have specific placement at the beginning of the year due

to class lists being developed and it would be nice if those people could possibly be scheduled to help other teachers who dont have a classroom aide yet or help other teachers in various ways is this something that could be done in the future? v. Concern about class lists these were created in the spring and when teachers got their lists in the fall the lists had changed. c. Lakeview a. Positives Tims positive presence in the building b. Negatives i. Curriculum night was too early this year. It would be nice to ask the teachers for their input when we would like to have it held. ii. Only have 2 days for institute is not enough time. Too busy with meetings and communication wasnt as clear as it could have been about where meetings were being held. IV. Building Volunteer Sheets turned in V. Dues Increase VI. Meetings with Mr. Arnold a. Tuesdays after the Exec. Meeting b. Joy & Erika will forward these dates to building reps VI. Regional Council Report A. See September Minutes B. Election details will be forward to Erika & Joy. Info will be given to election committee C. See IEA bulletin board for information about Presidential election D. IEA lifetime membership is increasing by $50 this year VII. VIII. Presidents Report Adjournment a. Erika motioned to adjourn the meeting b. Joy second the motion c. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 a.m.

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