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BIOL 51 Dr. Thomas 21 Oct.

2011 Instructions:

EXAM #2 Principles of Biology

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Lab Section_______ Use only a #2 pencil to write on your SCANMARK card.

Before you begin the test, write your name and lab section on this question sheet. Also, write your name, student ID number, lab section, and today's date on your SCANMARK card. Please let your instructor know if you do not want your grade posted. Mark the best answer for each question on your SCANMARK card; answers marked on the question sheet will not be graded. Make sure any erasures are complete! Please turn in this question sheet with your SCANMARK CARD at the end of the exam! IF YOU FAIL TO RETURN THIS QUESTION SHEET WITH YOUR SCANMARK, YOU WILL RECEIVE A "0" ON YOUR EXAM!!

1. The fungus Penicillium grows on fallen rotting oranges in an orchard. This is an example of a ____ fungus. A) mutualistic B) competitive C) parasitic saprobic predatory D) E) 2. The unique double shells of diatoms are made of ____. A) chlorophylls B) proteins C) silica D) agar E) cellulose 3. ____ are pores in the epidermis of most plants which regulate the movement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water into/out of leaves. A) micropyles B) cuticles C) stomata D) guard cells E) stamens 4. Fungi have a larger surface area-to-volume ratio than most other multicellular organisms because: A) chitinous cell walls are more permeable than cellulose cell walls. B) every cell along a hypha may be in contact with the environment. C) hyphae grow together to form a mycelium. D) most fungi are microscopic organisms. E) an individual mycelium can grow very large. 5. ____ bacteria convert nitrates (NO3-) into dinitrogen (N2). A) Nitrogen fixing B) Defecating C) Nitrifying Ammonifying Denitrifying D) E) 6. The term seaweed applies to all of the following EXCEPT the ____. A) green algae B) brown algae C) red algae D) kelp E) golden algae

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7. The diplomonad Giardia lacks functional ____. A) membranes B) nuclei flagella D) E) mitochondria

C) chromosomes

8. Individual unicellular organisms move through the soil or other substrate to digest and absorb bacteria, etc., until a certain phase of their life cycle, when they aggregate into a single moving mass, which ultimately becomes encysted into spores. These organisms are A) red algae B) brown algae C) cellular slime molds D) dinoflagellates E) rusts and smuts 9. Clusters of sporophylls are typical among the ____. (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) horsetails A) B) maidenhair trees C) hornworts D) Bryophyta E) Lycophyta 10. Which of the following statements about the Chlamydomonas life cycle is correct? A) The dominant stage in the life cycle is the diploid stage. B) There is no diploid stage in the life cycle. C) unicellular haploid individuals can reproduce asexually by mitosis. D) multicellular diploid adults produce gametes by meiosis. E) The life cycle includes heteromorphic diploid and haploid stages. 11. A) B) C) D) E) Ascomycetes sexually. asexually. Conidia are Conidia are in response produce conidia

produced by zygomycetes, not ascomycetes. produced by basidiomycetes, not ascomycetes. to harsh environmental conditions.

12. Among the organisms listed below, which group does molecular evidence indicate is most closely related to the Fungi? A) brown algae B) red algae C) slime molds D) animals E) mosses 13. Silica is embedded in the epidermis of ____. A) horsetails B) liverworts C) ferns D) lycophytes 14. A) B) C) D) E) True only only only most many E) hornworts

multicellularity is a characteristic that is typical of ____. plants and animals prokaryotes and protists protists, plants, and animals prokaryotes and all eukaryotes eukaryotes

15. During sexual reproduction, zygote fungi form a ____. A) conidia B) club C) stalked sporangium cup sac D) E)

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16. Plant species that form separate male-producing sporophytes and female-producing sporophytes are called ____. A) dicots B) heterozygous C) perfect D) monoecious E) dioecious 17. All ____ have dichotomous branching stems and lack true leaves. A) Lycophyta B) Bryophyta C) Coniferophyta D) psilophytes E) Pterophyta 18. Prokaryotes sometimes obtain genetic material (DNA) from viruses. This process is called ____. A) transformation B) transduction C) conjugation D) mutation E) hybridization 19. Among all multicellular fungi, the body is called a ____. A) mushroom B) chitin C) spore D) mycelium E) hypha 20. A) B) C) D) E) What is the function of contractile vacuole in a ciliate? Expel excess water Control the process of conjugation Take in food Expel digested food wastes Store nutrients

21. Salmonella and Escherichia coli are examples of ____. A) enterobacteria B) cyanobacteria C) pseudomonads D) gliding bacteria E) spirochaetes 22. A) B) C) D) E) Mycoplasmas possess elaborate internal membrane systems. are spirochetes. are found deep under the ocean at hydrothermal vents. are the smallest living organisms known. have peptidoglycan cell walls.

23. The phylum ____ includes some species that resemble palm trees. A) Coniferophyta B) Gnetophyta C) Ginkgophyta Cycadophyta Anthocerophyta D) E) 24. A) B) C) D) E) Which of the following statements about ferns is FALSE? The sporophytes are much smaller than the gametophytes. Clusters of sporangia arise on the undersides of their leaves. Their leaves are called fronds. The gametophytes and sporophytes are both photosynthetic. Their underground stem is called a rhizome.

25. The ____ is the ONLY taxon of algae that has NO flagellated stage at any time during its life cycle. A) Chrysophyta B) Bacillariophyta C) Rhodophyta D) Phaeophyta E) Chlorophyta

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26. Which of the following phyla includes members, ALL of which form endomycorrhizal associations with plant roots? A) deuteromycetes B) basidiomycetes C) glomeromycetes D) zygomycetes E) ascomycetes 27. A ____ is a single haploid cell that undergoes mitosis to produce a multicellular haploid organism. A) sporophyte B) gametophyte C) sex cell gamete spore D) E) 28. Lichens reproduce asexually by releasing fragments called ____. A) conidia B) sori C) gemmae D) gemules E) soredia 29. Which of the following might you find in an archegonium? (Note: not necessarily all at once, but at least for part of the life cycle) A) Only egg cells B) Only sperm cells C) Only eggs and sperm cells D) Eggs, sperm cells, and an embryo E) Only an embryo 30. ____ is a gymnosperm that lives in African deserts and produces only one pair of evergrowing leaves during its lifespan. A) Ephedra B) Welwitschia Ginkgo biloba C) D) Pinus E) Both (A) & (B) are correct. 31. You discover a new multicellular organism growing in your backyard. The organism is green and has archegonia embedded in the gametophyte tissue instead of being borne on stalks or separate leaves. The organism has a single large chloroplast in each cell. The organism is most likely a member of the ____. A) Mycorrhizae B) Anthocerophyta C) Bryophyta D) Lichens E) Hepatophyta 32. As plants adapted to land, one of their earliest evolutionary adaptations was most likely the development of ____. A) wood B) flowers C) seeds a cuticle lignified cells D) E) 33. From an evolutionary standpoint, pollen is a ____. A) microspore B) megagametophyte C) megasporophyll D) microsporophyll E) microgametophyte 34. Which of the following statments does NOT describe the life cycle or behavior of the Myxogastrida? A) They form a stalked fruiting body when conditions are adverse. B) The life cycle includes a feeding plasmodium stage. C) Meiosis occurs at some part of its life cycle. D) Spores develop into multicellular diploid amoebas. E) Flagellated or amoeboid cells may fuse to form a diploid zygote.

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BIOL 51 35. A) B) C) D) E)


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When a malaria-infected mosquito bites a human, what happens next? sporozoites enter the human's blood supply. sporozoites form within the human's gut. gametocytes are injected into the human's blood. merozoites mature within the mosquito. the human slaps the "blood" out of the mosquito (DON'T PICK THIS CHOICE! IT'S A JOKE! YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR PICKING (E) ON THIS QUESTION! Pick a different answer choice.) Which of the following is NOT a major group in the Domain Archaea? Methanogens B) Extreme thermophiles Nitrogen fixers D) Extreme halophiles Both (A) and (D) are correct.

36. A) C) E)

37. Dr Thomas remembers a dream he had last week about the the life cycle of the Bryophyta. In his dream (which was scientifically accurate), the protonema developed into the ____. A) antheridium B) archegonium C) gametophyte D) sporophyte E) sporangium 38. A) B) C) D) Biologists believe that eukaryotes are: equally related to the Archaea and Bacteria. more closely related to the Archaea. more closely related to the Bacteria. not related to either the Archaea or the Bacteria.

39. Saprobic basidiomycetes are probably the most important of fungi in regards to decomposing rotting wood because these basidiomycetes are more effective than other fungi at digesting ____, a plant compound that helps harden wood. A) chitin B) pollen C) cellulose D) lignin E) suberin 40. A) B) C) D) E) Deciduous plants keep their leaves year-round. are characteristic of the gymnosperms. live only one year then die. usually drop their leaves in autumn or winter. are usually very small. C) cell membranes

41. Members of the group Gymnamoeba lack ____. A) nuclei B) meiosis D) flagella E) mitochondria

42. You discover a new species of prokaryote and you are trying to classify it. The prokaryote has DNA introns and several different RNA polymerase enzymes. What other feature do you expect to observe in this prokaryote? A) formyl-methionine as the amino acid that initiates protein synthesis. B) division by mitosis C) peptidoglycan in the cell wall D) linear strands (not loops) of protein-linked DNA E) branched membrane lipids Page 5



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43. Oomycetes are called fungus-like protists because both Oomycetes and fungi have ____. A) filamentous hyphae. B) cellulose-rich cell walls. C) a diploid multicellular stage. D) flagellated spores. E) None of the above are correct. 44. A) B) C) D) E) Which of the following statements is descriptive of Rhizobium? It is a member of the Spirochetes. It is cannot produce ATP and is dependent on animal hosts for energy. It is Gram-negative. It is a photoheterotroph. It a member of the Methanogens.

45. In some liverworts, there are specialized elongated cells called elaters that possess a helical thickening of the cell wall. Elaters function like springs. When the stress reaches a critical point, the compressed "spring" snaps back to its resting position, liberating hundreds of ____ in all directions. A) rhizoids B) ova C) moisture particles D) sperm E) spores 46. Scientists believe that modern plants evolved from a charophyte-like ancestor and not from a chlorophyte-ancestor because chlorophytes lack ____, a trait shared by plants and charophytes. A) sporangia B) rosette cellulose-synthesizing complexes C) chlorophylls A and B D) chloroplasts E) embryos 47. Oceanic "red tides" are caused by sudden blooms of ____. A) Plasmodium B) amoebas C) red algae D) dinoflagellates E) golden algae 48. Many obligate anaerobic Archaeans make ____ as a by-product of their metabolism. B) O2 C) methane D) N2 E) sunlight A) CO2 49. Photosynthetic purple sulfur bacteria obtain electrons and hydrogen from ____. A) hydrogen gas B) sulfur dioxide C) ethanol D) water E) hydrogen sulfide 50. Which of the following describes the mature sporophyte of liverworts? (MARK ALL ANSWERS THAT APPLY) A) diploid B) woody smaller than the gametophyte C) D) free living E) photosynthetic

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