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Josh Schlude Engl 1101-040 8/28/2012

Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 2: Cultural Domain Analysis

Instructions (Part 1 Domain Analysis Chart): When introducing the Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative project, we established that your mind is influenced by different cultural/social systems that work both separately and together to shape your ideas, beliefs, and practices as a reader and writer. To analyze these systems, your first task is to complete the domain analysis chart in which you must reflect on each of the four domains listed below and identify as many practices, ideas/values/beliefs, objects, or significant details from each cultural/social system that you think has influenced your literacy and composition skills.

Home Immediate family: mom, dad, sister Middle class family, dad is a hardware engineer and mom is a technical supporter Reading every night before going to sleep. My parents taught me how to read My parents always made sure I did my homework so that I would be able to keep up with class, and helped me if I had any problems with it. I was always encouraged to share my thoughts and opinions My family and I read the first three Harry Potter books and then watched the movies when we were done reading them. My parents always strongly discouraged us from using slang and bad words My parents always made sure to use bigger and more complex words as my sister and I grew older so that we started learning more words My parents encouraged us to ask questions about everything My parents always limited the amount of TV I watched so that I would read or do more intellectually stimulating things My parents would give me books for my birthday and Christmas so that I would read during my free time School

Work Job: automotive technician When noting comments on a customers vehicle they had to be concise and make sense all the time I had to speak with customers in a polite manner with a good tone of voice all of the time I learned how to understand people with a poor sense of grammar and communication skills I was able to learn the way of communicating in a garage I learned how to ask open ended questions when I was confused about something so the people who knew more about something than I did would elaborate on the concept so that I would fully understand it I had to learn how to explain things in a very descriptive manner to customers who didnt understand the basic and advanced concepts of how a car works Job: sailing teaching assistant Had to learn how to speak to kids from age 8 to 14 to where they could understand what I was saying Learned how to describe things using very descriptive terminology Learned how to explain just about everything sailing related

Neighborhood / Community / Peers

Reedy Creek Elementary In elementary school I was first taught how to read and write We were encouraged to perfect our skills by practicing at home In the second grade, we started writing journals every day We also had to define words for homework so we had a broader vocabulary Martin Middle School In middle school we were taught how to use pre-writing In the 7th grade we further developed our paper writing skills In the 8th grade we had to make a family history project where we had to write papers on most of our family members and our family history Enloe High School Learned how to properly cite and record sources Introduced to better researching methods through research papers 10th grade English was where I stopped liking English Teacher was mean and said you all will never be as smart as me often In the 11th and 12th grade I learned how to write pretty much any type of essay

Neighborhood: suburban Cary The neighbors down the road always used slang and didnt censor what they said My peers would talk like everyone else, which was using the different slang that was trendy at the moment The community always had things going on like arts festivals that encouraged people to express their opinions The peers I had at my last job (auto tech) had a very unsophisticated way of communicating to each other Involved with other sailors where I learned how to debate the rules of sailing Met more people in my auto shop class to where I could talk car with them and we could use slang to talk about cars

Instructions (Part 2 Domain Analysis Narrative): Now that you have completed the chart and generated some ideas about the cultural/social systems you engage with, it is time to flesh out those ideas, and analyze/explain how you think each domain has influenced your literacy and composition. For each of the systems listed below, write between 75 and 100 words to explain the major details of each cultural/social system and how the qualities of each system have influenced your literacy and composition (this means you will compose four short analyses total). You may complete your essays below. Simply type your essay next to each of the headers.

1. Home: I believe that my literacy experience has been greatly influenced by my parents and my home life. First off, it has influenced my literacy the most because it was the setting where I first started to learn how to read and write. I also believe it was influential because my parents put such an emphasis on the importance of reading, writing, and having a broader vocabulary and learning new words. Finally, I think my home situation helped my literacy the most because of how I was always encouraged to express what I was thinking.

2. Work: I believe that my first job of being a sailing teaching assistant was very beneficial to my literacy for multiple reasons. First, it was very helpful because I learned how to explain more complex thoughts and processes in a very elementary way, and it helped me understand how to look at a situation from multiple points of view. It also helped me because I learned how to accommodate other peoples literacy needs with the diction I used and how I worded my sentences. I think my second job as an automotive technician also helped me develop my skills of being very descriptive and such because I had to explain things in a multitude of ways so that the customers I was talking to would understand the concept that I was talking about. 3. School: School has been one of the most influential things towards my literacy. Its influence started from the first grade where I was taught how to read and write and where I practiced for hours on end every single day. School was also the place where I learned how to pre-write, portray my thoughts more clearly and concisely, and where I was able to perfect my writing skills to where they are today. School is currently helping my writing and reading skills evolve, such as in my earth science class, the professor is teaching us the most effective way to read a textbook. 4. Neighborhood / Community / Peers: I think my neighborhood/community/peers have been the least influential on my literacy. I think it has been the least influential because of the people and community I was a part of. It has been the least influential, because one of the only benefits of being in the sailing community that I was in was where I learned how to debate and argue, through the rules of sailing. The only other thing that was a benefit was that my peers at my last job were not very intelligent, so I had to use a more basic diction, and that helped me learn more words and make comparisons via synonyms for smaller words.

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