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Sudden death of Infant ages 1 year or below that remains unexplained after a thorough investigation including autopsy, clinical history, and examination of death scene. Incidence: a. Common in Autumn and Spring b. Common in Native Americans and African American Infants than in other ethnicities. Risk Factors: Infant * Premature (13) * Male * Low Birth Wt & Ht * Low Apgar Score * Non Breastfed * Multiple Births * Twin Victim of SIDS * CNS & Respi Disturbances * Previous ALTE * Prone position during sleep * Sleeping on soft surfaces * Cosleeping with an adult * Overheating Maternal * Substance Abuse (10) * Smoker * <20 years old * Short interval between preg. * weight gain during pregnancy * Anemia * History of STD or UTI * Placental Abnormalities * Less Prenatal Care * Poverty

Theory: Abnormality of Brain Stem and structures responsible for regulating Respirations, Heart Rate, Temperature, and Aura. Management: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Home monitoring with event recorder Supine Position During Sleep (1st 6 months) No Overheating No Soft Bedding Surfaces Safe Sleeping Environment NO SMOKING (Prenatal and Postnatal)

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