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The Process of Christian Initiation

I. Period of Inquiry
The first period of the process is known as the period of inquiry, or precatechumenate. It is a time for evangelization. The basic gospel message is proclaimed, and inquirers reflect on their own lives in its light. This is a time for questions, too. An inquirer can find out more about the church, its beliefs and practices. Even those who already believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ can find this a time to hear the message anew and move to a deeper conversion of mind and heart. During this period, some inquirers may choose not to pursue initiation, either because they feel the time is not right for them or because they feel the Catholic church is not the community for them. The church respects every inquirers decision.

II. Period of the Catechumenate

The unbaptized who profess their faith in Jesus Christ and sincerely desire to enter the church are accepted as catechumens at the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. During the catechumenate period , the initial conversion of the catechumens is deepened as they discover the tremendous love of God and become convinced of the power of God in their lives and in the life of the community. With the help of a sponsor and other members of the parish, the catechumens experience the church as a community of the faithful: their spirit, their work, their prayer, their creed and their mission. Persons may remain catechumens from a few months to a number of years.

III. Period of Purification and Enlightenment.

Catechumens who are ready for baptism are invited to celebrate the Rite of Election at the beginning of Lent. To be ready for baptism means that the catechumens have undergone a conversion of mind and of life, and have developed a sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching and a spirit of faith and charity. Lent is the time of final preparation for initiation. Through the scrutinies rites celebrated on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent the community assists the catechumens in strengthening all that is good and in removing all that is harmful or sinful in their lives. By observing the traditional discipline of prayer, fasting and works of charity, the elect journey together toward Easter. The sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist are celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Candidates for reception into full communion may make their profession of faith, be confirmed and participate in the eucharist at this celebration also.

IV. Period of Mystagogy.

The period of 50 days from Easter Sunday to Pentacost helps to unfold the meaning of the Easter mystery. It is a time for new members to find their home in the community and to consider how they will share in the mission of the church through Christian service.

What is the RCIA? Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

* The RCIA is first and foremost, a process. It is a process of Conversion. Conversion cant be scheduled - you are ready when you are ready. We have processes along the way to help you discern readiness. * The RCIA is a community event. *The RCIA ministry is basically one of witness and hospitality. We are the church - We, the community of the faithful initiate members into this church. Therefore, the community takes an active role prayer partners, snack donators, babysitters, sponsors...). A lot of people come together to support you in this process. *The RCIA is ongoing and multi-dimensional. It includes all aspects of parish life education, worship, prayer, scripture, social justice... Information + Formation + Integration = Transformation * The RCIA is a step by step journey punctuated by corresponding rituals. (Rite of Acceptance, Rite of Election, Scrutinies, Anointings, etc.) *The RCIA reinstates the Easter Vigil as the time for initiation, and the original sequence of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. As it was in the early church, catechumens are initiated at the Easter Vigil, (evening before Easter Morning), and the most significant day of the church year.

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