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Prop 2 Insider

October 9, 2012


The campaign to protect collective bargaining rights will be won or lost depending on the number of Michigan voters who have had a one-on-one contact with someone who tells them about the benefits of collective bargaining and asks them to vote YES on Prop 2. Our path to victory is clear. It is going to take each and every one of us to make these contacts. Were asking MEA members to Give two hours for Prop 2 over the last 27 days of the campaignGive 2 for 2. The last three weekends in October are MEA Days of ActionOctober 13-14, 20-21, 27-28. Members need to turn out and knock on doors, make telephone calls and write letters to our friends, neighbors and families and let them know the importance of voting YES on Prop 2. And we need to go out and talk with the public individually and face to face. This is not easy for many of us, although the actual activity is a lot easier than the idea of doing it. (But it must be done. ) Spend two hours on a Saturday or Sunday during the next three weeks. Talk with your UniServ Director how you and your co-workers can make a difference. Give 2 for 2!_____


The Michigan Association of School Boards is trying hard to defeat Prop 2. Their latest tactic is to encourage local boards of education to adopt proposals in opposition to the amendment to protect collective bargaining. Some local boards of education are quickly changing their agenda to include consideration of a resolution, and providing little notice to the public. When this happened in Marquette, the Marquette Labor Council took immediate action. They sent out a call for members to attend the meeting, and many voters did. The room was filled with teachers, support staff, nurses, iron workers, carpenters, steelworkers, Northern Michigan University staff. All came to tell the Marquette Board of Education how important collective bargaining was to them and their community. They also let the Board know how Proposal 2 was a benefit to area small businesses. They encouraged the Marquette Board of Education not to bow to pressures from Lansing, but to consider how collective bargaining benefited the working families of Marquette. The result was that each board member talked in support of not trying to influence the vote on Prop 2 and ended with the Board taking NO Action. Be on the lookout for this happening in your area. If it does, follow the steps of the Marquette Labor Council and let your board know why it is important to Vote YES on Prop 2._______________

Some early voters were confused when they got their absentee ballots because they couldnt find Proposal 2. They started at the bottom of their ballots, as they had been advised, but Proposal 2 was nowhere to be found. Or so they thought. Proposals are listed on the ballot with the last two digits of the year listed in front of the proposal number. Thus Prop 2 is listed on the ballot as Proposal 12-2. So when you mark your ballot, Vote YES on Proposal 12-2!

TAKE ACTION Talk to two neighbors or friends today about why collective bargaining is important to you. Encourage them to

27 Days

Vote YES on Prop 12-2.

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