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God Particle

No,they found or they seem to have found something new to what they are referring to the God Particle. You know this? Its called the Boson which has a mass which has significance. If you try to look at the whole Univer se, you will not see anything. If you just look at an atom intensely enough, atom yields to you then you know how the whole universe is made. Now there were no more talking about an atom.They were talking about sub-atomic particles. Now they not even talking about that. When two sub-atomic particles collide, not atoms, when two protons collide something spills out of that. They want to see that. But when you say I am on the path of yoga, you not even interested in the tiny miniscule particle, you want to see the empty space which holds all this and plays. That is their desire also but they kind of given up on it. Thats their desire also but they wanted to see what is it holding all this together but they dont have understand ,sensible enough to understand with this two eyes, senses, we cant see it. The only way is to go to the nearest point and see it. The nearest point is as far as away as timbup to.Understand. Right now I dont know sure how many of you are interested in these things. But you must know these things. Because this has got direct relationship with yogic system. There was a time when scientists believed. They thought, lets say if this is an atom(showing a white colouredcircle shaped object in the hand) everyone of you see? O..k. If this is an atom, proton, electron and neutron are all embedded in it like dots.They thought it was like that. Then by the time you came to highschool there was a different picture. They wrote one central circle which contains proton, neutron and. electrons are going around like planets in different formats just using those pictures. But now they know its completely wrong. And we have always known its completely wrong. Thats why textbooks never, ever interested me. Because when I looked at it, it looked down. Today suppose this(showing a white coloured circle shaped object in hand) is the science, the core of an atom. The electrons are,lets say, somewhere approximately a mile away. Thats a kind of distance. You are understanding within an atom? An atom is not like this. No human being has ever seen an atom. Do you know this? Forget about a proton, neutron,electron. Nobody has ever witnessed an atom even in a superelectron microscope you cannot see it. In that there is a housing where protons, neutrons are there and the electrons are about a mile away in comparison, in proportion I am saying. So what is the maximum substance in this. Emptyness, isnt it? We always told you the yogic systems are always insistent that the microcosm and the macrocosm are made the same way. If you know this piece of life you will know everything in the universe because thats how it was made. When they say if you know the way this bosons behave and what they are.They are saying we will know the whole universe. The way the universe was made we will understand. And you dont understand that you are also a bloody boson. In the cosmic space you are just a boson. So you are as much as a Higgs Boson in the universe.If you observe this, if you pay enough attention to this, you would know everything.But if you have not even paid attention anything around you, paying attention within you will be our question. Part-2: So the very good thing that they called it a God Particle. It seems somebody wanted to call it Got them particle. So they just put God Particle. And thats how very clever. Ploy Marketing ploy. You

must be glad that the scientists are becoming market serving. Evolve is being in a subtle way now they are being a little awaitSo,yYou know for most people their idea of science is just the new telephone model coming up.The Next model of iphone is their idea of science. All these people, who never ever were interested in any kind of physics. Now talking about particle physics world over everybody is talking about the particle physics. Thats an achievement(laughing). Breaking a proton and coming up with a boson. Is that an achievement? That needs to be seen. But its definitely an achievement that certainly the whole world, atleast the educated part of the world is thinking particle physics. Thats an achievement. Thats a good achievement. Atleast people are thinking of science as not a way of milking the existence. Not entirely, atleast a little bit. They are willing to spend 10 billion dollars just to know something. I like that. There is right now, there is no technological use. But they are willing to spend 10 Billion Dollars and 30 years just to know something. Thats sounds very spiritual to me. But usually it doesnt cost that.(a laugh). So, having achieved one thing having made a social goal scientifically what does it mean? In yoga we see it this way. There is, existence is like this, there is something called as sthula, shukshma,shunya, shiva. Stula means the gross existence. Physicality, the sthula. Everything that you can see, everything that you can sense through 5 sense organs, everything that you can see, smell, taste, hear and touch is considered sthula. This can be analyzed with your intellect and understood and grasp it. And this is always made of ,as we know today of, Anu or atoms. Ofcourse it is physical in nature. Its a complete bluff of building block of existence is an atom. And if its made of an atom,once enough number of atoms are there we can touch it, we can smell it, we can taste it, we can see it if it becomes big enough. Initially in a microscope after that with our bare eyes we could see it. But if it goes beyond the perception of the 5 senses but still it is physical in nature. We call it shukshma. So when you enter into shukshma, it is still physical but you are not able to grasp it. Do what you want you can not grasp it through 5 senses nor can you analyze it through your intellect, That dimension if you approach it we call it viseshagyan or Viseshagyana.That means an extra ordinary knowledge.Gyan aur Gnana means knowledge. Vesesha gnana is extraordinary or significant knowledge. So visesha gnana is referred to as vignaan. The word vignaan is being used very loosely today. But essentially it means this. Those dimensions which cannot be perceived through five senses, if you perceive them that is vigyaan. So today science is entering those spaces. Because never ever is anybody going to see a Higgs Boson?(laughing). They are only going to see its foot print. Even now they only saw the foot print. They did not see a Higgs Boson. But because they see the footprint they believe he is there. Somebody has gone by. They left the footprints. You have not seen the man but we know its gone by. We have gone to the forest we see the pug marks and we say, ok there is the tiger.We havent seen the tiger. Infact in tropical forest is difficult to see a tiger. But we will see the pug marks here and there.Just like that they saw the foot print. So they are entering viseshagyan. If you go further it will become shunya. That means Absolute emptyness.There your intellect will be completely useless. Your senses will be completely useless. Because there is no physicality. Where there is no physicality your sense organs,intellect absolutely will become redundant.If you go beyond shunya, there is something that we refer to as shiva. When I say shiva dont imagine that calendar man. Some shivakasi. means something which is not. If you touch that which is not, we have already seen it is not physical in nature. It is not physical in nature means it doesnot exist. But it is opaque. How can that be? It is not in the realm of your logical mind. Today modern science believes the whole existence has to oblige to human logic which is a very limited way of approaching life. The whole existence will not obliged to human

logic. You think you can fit the whole existence in your head. No, no your head fits into the existence. The existence will not fit into your head. Your logic can analyze the physicality of the existence. Once you cross the physical dimensions your logic is completely out of its ground. So because this is a dialectical culture, the same science has been expressed in story forms. I cannot go into the whole story, its a long story, but when I told the stories one of the top scientists in the world when I was speaking to him and explaining this, this is how it is. This is the nature of existence. This is from the yogic law. But we are always told not to believe the law till it becomes reality in your experience. And this is the reality in my experience. If you go like this, this is what will happen. So when I spoke this to very top level scientist, a nobel laurette. And I was telling him this is what it is. There were a group of them. And when I explained this is how within me. What do you think? They said, Sadguru if you can give a mathematical backbone to what you are talking this is nobel prize stuff. Can you give a mathematical background? I said, I will never bothered about the Mathematics. Its true for me and it is transformed everything that I am because its true for me. Everything I ever was changed. Simply because I touched these dimensions within me. I dont wish to work equations for that. Anyway nobel prize wouldnt mean anything to me . I am too embarassed by such things. So this story, I will because I will make it so brief, there could be holes in it. If I make it elaborate enough there will be no holes in the story its a perfect theory. And we had proved it within ourselves that it is true. But you want to build a 10 million Dollar instrument under the ground to prove the samething its up to you. This can be experiencely proved within yourselves. If you are willing to go into the depths of what this(showing his own body) is ? Because this(showing his own body) is made exactly the same way as the whole universe was made. If you go deep enough into this and you how enough this is made by inference you know how this whole universe is made, by inference. And even now science is also only inferring. Today the modern science is admitted that it is ever expanding universe or an endless universe rather ever expanding is a yogic term,they are calling it as an endless universe. If it is an endless universe trying to travel across the universe and find out the nature of the universe is unattainable, isnt it? Simply out of question. The only way you could know the nature of the universe, nature of the creation and the source of creation is by going inward because whatever you ate in the morning whether it is idli or dosa or a banana has been transformed into human being in the last few hours. Nobody else can do this except the source of creation. If the source of creation is right here(pointing towards his own heart physically), if you want to know anything about creation isnt it the best place to consult. If you want to know anything about creation isnt it the source of creation the best place to consult. And if you have to go to heaven for this you could give it up. If it is right here(heart) why dont you consult. Simply because you too enomoured by your own thought. You think you are going to capture the whole universe with your thoughts. It is a foolish way to approach. The only reason why science is survived is because of technology. It keeps throwing out technologies. If no technologies were coming out of science, they were just talking about all the things that they have been talking people would have beaten them down, for the money that they spend. And it happened in the past when there were no technologies and people just spoke science they were beaten down,isnt it? So science has its value in terms of utility. But science cannot open up the existence for human experience. It will not. It can never do it because they are going with intellect. Intellect as an instrument works only to disect. The only way the intellect can approach anything is to break it up and see. If you ask a scientist to find out something about this flower. First thing is he will break it up into pieces. I think I should ask a scientist to make me understand one of you. He will talk

about disecting you then. If you break this up you may know many parts of this(flower). You may know the structure of it(flower). You may know the chemistry of it(flower). But you will not know the beauty of it. But you will not know the completeness of it. Because the flower is an expression of a plant finding its fulfillment. It is a highest thing for the plant. For its life this is the highest happening. Its a flowering of that life.You will not know that. You will not see the hand of the creater in this, if you break it up. But as a whole if you are willing to pay attention, absolute attention. If in your approach you make this flower more important than yourself and keep your focus on it you will see the whole universe in this(flower). If you break it up, you will have petals, you will have other parts of the flower and you will come to vulgar conclusions and then you will learn how to make use of it. So right now unfortunately our approach, what we call as science is become like this, how to use everything in the universe for our benefit. If you see a tree , somebody call it as wood. This happened when I was in college. This happened about 4 years ago when I was in Mysore. The first time I conducted a programme after many many years and all kinds of people turned up. My teachers of school and college turned up. They wanted to see (laugh), What is happened to me. So after I spoke there two day event and then my English teacher came and hug me and she said now I know why you wouldnt let me teach Robert Frost. I said why Mam why I wouldnt let you teach Robert Frost. I like Frost. She said,No. Do you remember you wouldnt let me teach Frosch. Then I remembered. One day she came and she opened the book and she intoduced Robert Frosch as a glorious poet. And then she started off . Woods are lovely dark and deep. I said Stop. I said A man who calls a tree a wood I dont want to listen to him. She said No,no. Robert Frosch is a great poet. I said I dont care how great he is. A man who calls a tree a wood I will not listen to him. I didnt let you teach. I didnt let it teach Frosch. So after many years he comes up to me and says Now I know why you wouldnt let. So if a Tiger comes here now from the mountain , looks at you he will think Wow dinner. And you look at a tree and think Wood. Its allright for a tiger to do that because thats all he knows. But it is not alright for you to do that, isnt it? But right now that is all science has become. Anything we see how to make use of it. Anything we see how to make use of it. Even an invisible atom we wont leave. Even the Got them Boson. Already people are talking about in how many ways it could be used. We could make a boson bomb. Do you understand? If we make a boson bomb all of you will vanish. We dont have to deal with their dead bodies. Yes, because you will see it exist just like the boson. Instead of shooting you to death or burning you to death if we make all the protons in your body collide with each other you will just vanish. You want the technology? But they will tell you no,no,no, there could be medical uses to it, we could do this, we could do that. Yes I know all that. But just the idea , it doesnt matter what. You cannot look at anything without thinking in what way can I make use of it is a very gross way to exist. With this level of existence you will have everything and you will have nothing this is modern life. People have everything like never before and they got nothing in their lives. Nothing that you can call of any worth. People who have everything and cannot feel life in any significant way , when they die or when the moment of death comes, they will see that they spent these whatever the number of years without living a moment because what can I get, what can I get is a sure way not to lift. Because from what you get you can only make a living. Its only by what you give that you make life. So giving means doesnot mean money or something else something else or something else. It is just that this moment if you look at this tree how totally you can give your stuff to this tree. That is how intensely you know life. If you sit here and calculate what can I get out of this tree. You will completely miss life. Completely. Life will

away to you. So this kind of science which denies you life should be restricted if you ask me. I know I am going to be hugely unpopular because somebody is going to twitter and says, Sadhguru says Science should be cuttled. Its alright I am telling you a science which is driven just by what can I get out of it needs to be controlled a bit. Otherwise humanbeings will have everything and they will have nothing. when thats your experience. Then you will destroy everything. Today the planet is not being destroyed because of somethingelse. It is just unbridled use of technology, isnt it. It could have been used for our well being. But it is working against us because we have not worked the other dimensions of life. We are just going with this just what can I get, what can I get. If you go with this, there will be no planet left after sometime. But even if the planet is left. Suppose we rope in another 10 ten plantets still it will not be enough we will still have nothing we will have everything. This is my experience. Science should have been just a question, No. Dont exploit the creation. It is just a longing to know. Human longing to know, wants to find expression in every possible way. Physical science is one of the ways. Perfectly fine. But once it starts serving the masters who sponsor it, then if businesses sponsor it they are looking for profit from it. If nation sponsor it they arelooking how to make more powerful weapons out of it all the time. You must understand this, the cutting edge - science. Always first becomes cutting edge military technology. Only after that it comes to the other uses. How many lives has it taken? How many more do you want to take. Thats a question. So this Got them particle, one good thing its done , the whole world is thinking particle physics, I like that(laughing). Thats nice. But do you know the Boson is named after Satyendranath Bose. Know this? No. Its an Indian Mathematician. A self taught mathematician. As Albert Einstein acknowledged he said that western science couldnt take a single step without the Indian Mathematicians. The fundamentals of Mathematics came from the East but always here the other athost of the culture said you should not do anythingelse that is exploitative to nature. Because nature was seen as mother nature. You dont go about raping mother nature. You take only what you need nothing more. Because of that attitude this science was not converted into technology and that is the wisest way to handle science. Just as a question, a tool, a way, to know and nothing beyond that and technology must be really controlled. What is absolutely needed thats all that should be done. This unbridled usage already people are talking how to use the boson that they have not seen. when we can use the atom that we have not seen. So it doesnt matter of what you see. You are thinking of how to use it. This attitude unfortunately has been further fuelled by the attitude of science. This need to be checked. Otherwise it will be our nemesis. It will be sure a Got them everything.

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