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Year 6 Task Rubric

1 - Beginning
Research Extract limited relevant and valid information and requires guided assistance to answer the research questions Write notes that are messy, disorganized and are copied word-for-word from the source

2 - Consolidating
Extract a lot of information that is not relevant or valid and makes answering the research question(s) challenging Write notes lacking organization and are often copied word-forword from source

3 - Meeting
Extract mostly relevant and valid information which answers most of the research questions

4 - Exceeding
Extract relevant and valid information which answers all of the research questions


Write notes which are mostly organized and written in the students own words

Keep well organized, succinct notes written in own words

Sources of Information

Includes one some source with guided assistance

Includes two different sources used, but information is missing

Includes three different sources used

Includes more than three different sources used

Accuracy of Information

The information is lacking in historical accuracy.

The information presented is mostly accurate and includes some good detail.

Information is somewhat detailed and presents an accurate view of history.

Information is very detailed and presents an accurate view of history.


Demonstrates an insufficient understanding of a historical event from a specific perspective. Unable to explain how this event has shaped HK today.

Demonstrates a limited understanding of a historical event from a specific perspective. Gives a limited explanation of how this historical event has shaped HK today. The technology chosen is appropriate and effective for the purpose. The presentation was completed with guidance and support. Mostly demonstrated time management, organization and focus while following the inquiry process to complete the project

Demonstrates a good understanding of a historical event from a specific perspective. Gives a sound explanation of how this historical event has shaped HK today. The technology chosen is appropriate and effective for the purpose, The presentation is attractive and organized and completed with some support. Demonstrated time management, organization and focus while following the inquiry process to complete the project

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of a historical event from a specific perspective. Gives an informative and deep explanation of how this historical event has shaped HK today. The technology chosen is appropriate and effective for the purpose. The presentation is attractive, organized and was completed with limited support. Worked independently and demonstrated efficient time management, organization and focus while following the inquiry process to complete the project


The technology chosen is ineffective.

Self Management

Unable to stay entirely focused or organized throughout the process.

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