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Magnetically Coupled Circuits

Understand magnetically coupled circuits. Learn the concept of mutual inductance. Be able to determine energy in a coupled circuit. Learn how to analyze circuits involving linear and ideal transformers.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Mutual Inductance
Transformers are constructed of two coils placed so that the charging flux developed by one will link the other. The coil to which the source is applied is called the primary coil. The coil to which the load is applied is called the secondary coil. Three basic operations of a transformer are:
Step up/down Impedance matching Isolation

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Mutual Inductance Devices

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Mutual Inductance
When two coils are placed close to each other, a changing flux in one coil will cause an induced voltage in the second coil. The coils are said to have mutual inductance M, which can either add or subtract from the total inductance depending on if the fields are aiding or opposing. Mutual inductance is the ability of one inductor to induce a voltage across a neighboring inductor.

d1 d (11 + 21 ) = N1 ELEC 24409: Circuit dt Theory 2 dt v1 = N1

d2 d (12 + 22 ) = N2 Dr. Kalyana dt Veluvolu dt v2 = N 2

Mutual Inductance

v2 = M 21

di1 dt

a) Magnetic flux produced by a single coil.

b) Mutual inductance M21 of coil 2 with respect to coil 1.

v1 = M 12

di2 dt

c) Mutual inductance of M12 of coil 1 with respect to coil 2.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2 Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Mutual Inductance
Mutual inductances M12 and M21 are equal. They are referred as M. We refer to M as the mutual inductance between two coils. M is measured in Henrys. Mutual inductance exists when two coils are close to each other. Mutual inductance effect exist when circuits are driven by time varying sources. Recall that inductors act like short circuits to DC.

M 12 = M 21 = M

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Dot Convention
If the current ENTERS the dotted terminal of one coil, the reference polarity of the mutual voltage in the second coil is POSITIVE at the dotted terminal of the second coil. If the current LEAVES the dotted terminal of one coil, the reference polarity of the mutual voltage in the second coil is NEGATIVE at the dotted terminal of the second coil.

v2 = M

di1 dt

v1 = M

di2 dt

v2 = M

di1 dt

v1 = M

di2 dt

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Dot Convention

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Coils in Series
The total inductance of two coupled coils in series depend on the placement of the dotted ends of the coils. The mutual inductances may add or subtract.


Series-aiding connection. L=L1+L2+2M

b) Series-opposing connection. L=L1+L2-2M

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Time-domain and Frequency-domain Analysis








a) Time-domain circuit

b) Frequency-domain circuit

Time Domain di di v1 = i1 R1 + L1 1 + M 2 dt dt di di v2 = i2 R2 + L2 2 + M 1 dt dt Frequency Domain V1 = ( R1 + j L1 ) I1 + j MI 2 V2 = j MI1 + ( R2 + j L2 ) I 2

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2 Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Induced mutual voltages

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Induced mutual voltages

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


To find I0 in the following circuit, we need to write the mesh equations. Let us represent the mutually induced voltages by inserting voltage sources in order to avoid mistakes and confusion.

Mutually Induced Voltages

-j50 Io I3 j20Ic + Ia j40 j10Ib + j30Ic 500 V + I1 Ib + j10Ia j80 I2 100 + + j30Ib Ic j60 + j20Ia Ia = I1 I3 Ib = I2 I1 Ic = I3 I2 Io = I3 Blue Voltage due to Ia Red Voltage due to Ic Green Voltage due to Ib

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Energy in a Coupled Circuit

The total energy w stored in a mutually coupled inductor is:
Positive sign is selected if both currents ENTER or LEAVE the dotted terminals.

Otherwise we use Negative sign.


1 2 1 L1i1 + L2i2 2 Mi1i2 2 2

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Coupling Coefficient
The Coupling Coefficient k is a measure of the magnetic coupling between two coils

0 k 1

k = 1 Perfect Coupling k < 0.5 Loosly Coupling k > 0.5 Tightly Coupling


Loosely coupled coil

b) Tightly coupled coil

0 k 1 M k= L1 L2
ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2 Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Linear Transformers
A transformer is generally a four-terminal device comprising two or more magnetically coupled coils. The transformer is called LINEAR if the coils are wound on magnetically linear material. For a LINEAR TRANSFORMER flux is proportional to current in the windings. Resistances R1 and R2 account for losses in the coils. The coils are named as PRIMARY and SECONDARY.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Reflected Impedance for Linear Transformers

Let us obtain the input impedance as seen from the source,


V = ( R1 + j L1 ) I1 j MI 2 0 = j MI1 + ( R2 + j L2 + Z L ) I 2

2M 2 V Z in = = R1 + j L1 + = R1 + j L1 + Z R I1 R2 + j L2 + Z L

2M 2 ZR = R2 + j L2 + Z L
ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2


Secondary impedance seen from the primary side is the Reflected Impedance.
Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Equivalent T Circuit for Linear Transformers

The coupled transformer can equivalently be represented by an EQUIVALENT T circuit using UNCOUPED INDUCTORS.


Transformer circuit

b) Equivalent T circuit of the transformer

La = L1 M , Lb = L2 M , Lc = M

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Equivalent Circuit for Linear Transformers

The coupled transformer can equivalently be represented by an EQUIVALENT circuit using uncoupled inductors.


Transformer circuit

b) Equivalent circuit of the transformer

L1 L2 M 2 L1 L2 M 2 L1 L2 M 2 LA = , LB = , LC = L2 M L1 M M

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


La = L1 M Lb = L2 M Lc = M

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Ideal Transformers Objectives:

Understand magnetically coupled circuits. Learn the concept of mutual inductance. Be able to determine energy in a coupled circuit. Learn how to analyze circuits involving linear and ideal transformers.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Ideal Transformers
A Ideal Transformer is a unity Coupled, lossless transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have infinite self inductances. A Transformer is ideal if: L1 , L2 , M 1.) Large reactance coils; 2.) Unity Coupling k=1. 3.) Coils are lossless (R1=R2=0)

Ideal transformer

Circuit symbol for the Ideal transformer

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2 Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Ideal Transformers

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Non Ideal Transformers

An ideal transformer has no power loss; all power applied to the primary is all delivered to the load. Actual transformers depart from this ideal model. Some loss mechanisms are:
Winding resistance: Causing power to be dissipated in the windings. Hysteresis loss: Due to the continuous reversal of the magnetic field. Core losses: Due to circulating current in the core (eddy currents). Flux leakage: Flux from the primary that does not link to the secondary. Winding capacitance: It has a bypassing effect for the windings.

The ideal transformer does not dissipate power. Power delivered from the source is passed on to the load by the transformer. The efficiency of a transformer is the ratio of power delivered to the load (Pout) to the power delivered to the primary (Pin).

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Input-Output Variables of an Ideal Transformer

The input and output voltages and currents of an ideal transformer are related only by the turns ratio.

V1 = j L1 I1 + j MI 2 V2 = j MI1 + j L2 I 2

I1 =

V1 j MI 2 j L1

MV1 j M 2 I 2 V2 = j L2 I 2 + L1 L1 Substitute

Perfect Coupling k = 1, Thus we have M = L1 L2 V2 = j L2 I 2 + L1 L2 V1 j L1 L2 I 2 = L1 L1

L2 N V1 = nV1 = 2 V1 L1 N1

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

V2 N 2 = = n = Turns Ratio V1 N1 Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Input-Output Variables of an Ideal Transformer

V2 I1 N2 = = = n V1 I 2 N1
A Ideal Transformer is called: 1.) Step-up transformer if n > 1. 2.) Step-down transformer if n < 1. 3.) Isolation transformer if n=1.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Transformer Dot Convention

Transformer DOT convention is needed to assign the polarity of the output variables. 1.) If V1 and V2 are BOTH + or BOTH at the dotted terminals use +n, otherwise n. 2.) If I1 and I2 BOTH ENTER or BOTH LEAVE the dotted terminals use n, otherwise +n.

V2 I1 N = = 2 = n V1 I 2 N1

In phase

Out of phase

Dot convention indicating the phase relationship between the input and the output.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Typical circuits illustrating polarity for voltages and direction of currents of an ideal transformer

Dot Convention for Ideal Transformers

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Conservation of the Complex Power

An ideal transformer absorbs no power. The complex power in the primary winding is equal to the complex power delivered to the secondary winding. Transformer absorbs no power. We assume a lossless transformer.



S1 = V1I1 =
ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

V2 (nI2 ) = V2 I2 = S 2 n
Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu

Reflected Impedance of Ideal Transformers

The ability of a transformer to transform a given impedance to another value is very useful in IMPEDANCE MATCHING.

a) Obtaining the VTh.

Zth b) Obtaining the ZTh.

VTh = V1 =

V2 Vs 2 = n n

Z Th

V2 Z 2I 2 Z2 V = 1= n = n = 2 I1 nI 2 nI 2 n

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Reflected impedance
Equivalent circuit of reflection of the secondary to primary side.

Z R1 =

Z2 n2

Reflected to Primary

Equivalent circuit of reflection of the primary to secondary side.

Z R 2 = n 2 Z1 Reflected to Secondary

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu



ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu



ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Example 13.15
Determine the voltage across the load.

Apply superposition principle.

DC Source only

AC source only

Load voltage due to DC is zero (No induction without change in time)

VO = VO-DC + VO-AC = 0 +
ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

120 cos t = 40 cos t 3

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.2 Determine the inductance of the three series-connected inductors.

Consider the polarities of the coupled inductances. M12 is series adding while M23 and M31are series opposing .

L = L1 + L2 + L3 + 2M12 2M23 2M31 = 10 + 12 +8 + 2x6 2x6 2x4 = 22H

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.9 Find Vx in the network shown.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.21 Find I1 and I2 in the circuit. 13.90. Calculate the power absorbed by the 4- resistor.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.22 Find current Io in the circuit.

With more complex mutually coupled circuits, it may be easier to show the effects of the coupling as sources in terms of currents that enter or leave the dot side of the coil. The Figure then becomes,

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.22 Find current Io in the circuit.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


Problem 13.28 find the value of X that will give maximum power transfer to the 20- load.

ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu



ELEC 24409: Circuit Theory 2

Dr. Kalyana Veluvolu


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