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Decisions for Christ

Dominique Corder Jenna Corder Lauren Corder Michael Corder

Last Weekend


October 13 & 14
Saturday Night Sunday 9:30 a.m. Total

Worship Attendance
1,242 1,899 3,141

Special Events
Bilingual Prayer Meeting Friday, October 26 7:30-9pm in the Chapel
Pastor Miguel Cruz and our Hispanic Congregation would like to invite you to participate in this beautiful bilingual Prayer Meeting. Pastor Miguel and the Hispanic worship team will lead us in a heart-felt time of prayer and worship. May the Lord use this time to deepen the unity between our Hispanic congregation and the entire FBCN church family.

2012-2013 Operating Revenues July 1, 2012 - Oct 14 , 2012


Financial Stewardship
Budget Actual

October 13 & 14

Bible & Life Attendance

38 795 71 944 407 2,255

$1,757,023 ($206,443)


Debt balance as of Oct 14 $7,285,945 Deacon of the Week October 22 - 28 Al Winterman & Roger Sparling
If you need assistance, please call the church deacon hotline at 800-732-9573. For Spanish, call 601-6051.

Saturday 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 p.m. Sunday 8:15 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Home Groups Total

Next Week
Wednesday Family Meal
Meal for Oct 24 (4:45 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Recreation-Gym) Tenderloin Tips with Noodles, Salad, Veggie, Dessert
Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse Cafe during regular business hours or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a family (immediate ` family residing in home). Alternate choices include grilled chicken breast, hamburger, pizza, or a grilled hot dog.

Car Care Next Saturday, October 27 8am - Noon

Car Care could use your help next Saturday! We still need volunteers to drive the cars, as well as car ramps. Pick up a registration card in the Commons or register online by going to

Next Sunday, October 28 Our Two Sunday Morning Worship Services and Two Bible and Life Group Hours Resume at 9:30am & 11:00am
Dr. Wicker on the Radio
You can hear Dr. Wicker every day at 1pm on 91.5 Kingdom FM. Dr. Wicker is also on WSOR 90.9 FM at 8pm on Sundays.

Saturday, October 20
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule

Touch Points

Guest Reception

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus RefresHer Womens Ministry: Worship Center (east side) Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym AWANA: Education Building Band of Brothers Mens Ministry: Chapel RefresHer Womens Ministry: Worship Center (east side) Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room High School Ministry: In Homes Middle School Ministry: Family Life Center-Gym Orchestra Rehearsal: Worship Center

Because Dr. Wicker is out of town, the guest reception this weekend is cancelled.

Sunday, October 21
8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 4:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

For more information about any of our ministries, please visit our church website at and like us on Facebook at

Tuesday, October 23

Wednesday, October 24
3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Receptionist ............................................................. 597-6057 Enter ext. # for direct connection .......................................... 596-8600 Lighthouse Bookstore ........................................................... 449-4488 First Baptist Academy Naples .............................................. 597-2233 24-Hour Prayer Line ................................................597-PRAY (7729) Church Email

First Baptist Church Naples

Other events this week include: Outreach Evangelism, Resonate, Project 56, Praise Kids, Celebrate Recovery, Grief Share, Bilingual Prayer Meeting, and Car Care. Please see our weekly schedule at

Rising and Falling

As our country deliberates and votes soon concerning the most difficult of positions, we should remember Paul Dixons words: Everything rises and falls on leadership. As I arrived recently in Columbus for a Cedarville University board meeting, a stranger who just got off my plane asked if I was going to Cedarville. He introduced himself as Mike Dewine, but I was unfamiliar with him. I was then embarrassed when he told me that he was the Attorney General for Ohio. Somehow he knew me.

This Weekend
LCT Tickets On Sale Now
Tickets for the 30th anniversary production of The Living Christmas Trees are on sale now in the Commons before and after worship services, online at, or by calling 888-795-1559 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm). You may also call 596-8600 x803 for more information.
Dr. Russell Moore - Our guest speaker will be signing his books in the Commons after both worship services this weekend. His books will be on sale in the Bookstore and in the Commons this weekend as well.

New Bible & Life Group Study - This new study begins this Saturday night, October 20 at 7:30pm in Room DC110 and is taught by Ernie Labrador. It is a new four-week series entitled Parable of the Sower from Luke 8:4-15. In Christs interpretation of this parable, Jesus explicitly affirms the possibility of a person believing in a life of faith. Mens Ministry - Join our Band of Brothers this Wednesday, October 24 as we study Prayer in Jesus Name taught by Steve Hayes at 6:25pm in the Chapel. Annas Tea - This is a ministry of the deacons wives to the widows of our congregation. Join us for fellowship and encouragement from Gods Word. This month will be a carnival theme on Monday, Oct 29 at 1:30pm in Room WC117. Please sign-up in the Fellowship Hallway, or call Vada at 596-8600 x268.


You may not know Dr. Russell Moore, but you will not forget him. He began in politics as an aid to a Congressman, but was later called to vocational ministry, serving in various churches, including being a teaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church in Louisville. He currently serves as Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice President to Dr. Mohler at Southern Seminary. He is also an authority on ethics, our national challenges, and adoption. He fills our pulpit this weekend while Janet and I are away during the last of our two-week vacation time in Colorado. You will appreciate his winsome spirit, love for the Lord, practical preaching, and nation-wide influence. As we look for more godly lay leaders, I urge you to prayerfully nominate new deacons during this season. They should be active and faithful in our church, fulfilling 1 Timothy 3:8-13. As true servants, this work makes a huge difference in our church. Please be a prayerful citizen and not only vote in the election, but remind others to. You can even help older members and neighbors to get to the polls. Our Public Policy Committee can give you more details. Come to our prayer meeting on November 5 in the Chapel as we call on the Lord to sovereignly direct the course of events but also to bring true spiritual awakening. Vote your convictions and not just your preferences, traditions, or pocketbook. Vote for the party platform which best reflects a biblical perspective about liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, compassion, free enterprise, national security, and other vital issues. Our city set on a hill, called the American Experiment, cannot survive with the present erosion of its moral and religious foundations. May we rise, as our rulers not pay attention to falsehoodbut judge with truth (Proverbs 29:12, 14).

Dr. Hayes Wicker Senior Pastor

Bria Bare Live in Concert - Join Bria for a free evening of spectacular music and worship on Friday, November 2 at 7pm in the Worship Center. This concert will debut tracks from her new album, which will be available that evening at the concert. For more information, visit

Upcoming Events

RefresHer Womens Ministry - Join us for the True Woman 101 Celebration with Holly Elliff on Tuesday, November 13 from 9am-11:30am (this will be a potluck) or Wednesday, November 14 from 6pm8pm (this will be a dessert fellowship). Please notice the early start for Wednesday. All those with preschool and children involved in childrens ministry must pre-register for early check-in by Sunday, November 11. Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God Colossians 1:10.
Operation Christmas Child - Please help in this world-wide missions effort without ever leaving home! Each child receives, in his/her shoe box, a gospel booklet in his/her own language. Pick up a shoe box in the Commons or Fellowship Hallway. Then shop and fill it full of school supplies, clothing, candy, and toiletries for a girl or boy. Or, if you prefer to help with shipping, you can write a check to Samaritans Purse and give it to any volunteer at the tables. Also please pray for the boys and girls that will receive the shoe boxes from our church, that they come to know Christ soon. Deadline to return filled shoe boxes is November 11. Please call Jody at 591-1895 for more details. Cans by the Car - The Heath BLG will be sponsoring a Cans by the Car event for all church attenders the weekend of November 3 & 4. Please bring non-perishable food items that weekend and leave them behind your car. Members of the Heath BLG will pick up the items during church service and give them to Helps Outreach.
` Blood Drive - Join us on Sunday, November 11 in the FBCN Parking Lot for our next blood drive (from 9am until 2pm). To register a time, call 436-5455.

Beach Baptism - Our next Beach Baptism is Sunday, November 4. If you would like to be baptized in the beautiful Gulf of Mexico, please call Linda Pfeiffer at 596-8600 x280.
Public Issues Committee - To find out how you can be part of this ministry that brings awareness of public issues to our congregation, please come to our next meeting Sunday, Nov 4 at 4:00pm in Room WC117. For details, call Ken Price at 200-0448.

Opportunities to Serve

Solemn Assembly of Prayer - Join us the evening before Election Day, Monday, November 5 at 6:30pm in the Chapel for an evening of prayer as we call on the Lord to sovereignly direct the course of events and also bring true spiritual awakening to our country.
Quarterly Business Meeting - All church members are encouraged to join us at the next Quarterly Business Meeting on Wednesday, Nov 7 at 8pm in the Chapel. Voters Guides - Please pick-up your Voters Guides this weekend in the Commons and Fellowship Hallway. Daylight Savings Time Ends - We will once again Fall Back on Sunday, Nov 4 at 2am. Before you go to bed Saturday night, Nov 3, be sure to set your clocks BACK one hour.


Help Decorate the Church for Christmas - Join us in decorating the church for Christmas on November 12, 13, and 14 (Monday - Wednesday). Email Linda Beckwith if interested at or call Tina at 596-8600 x229. Whatever time you could give will be greatly appreciated! Childrens Ministry Volunteer Needed - We are in need of a greeter every other Saturday night for the Childrens Ministry. Please call Nancy at 596-8600 x350 for more information. FBA Open House - First Baptist Academy proudly presents our first Open House for the 2012-2013 school year on Thursday, November 1 from 9am until noon. Guided tours of our facilities will be provided and will start in the Commons. Curriculum will be on display and our administrators and admissions director will be available to answer questions. For more information, visit us online at

Invite your friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers to this fun annual event. In addition to going from one decorated trunk to another getting candy, there will be a special drawing, bounce houses, snacks, hot dogs & burgers, music, and more! Candy donations are needed and can be dropped off in the Commons, the Fellowship Hallway, or the Preschool or Childrens Ministry information booths in the Education Building.

New Arrival - Juliana Evelyn Osterbrock was born on October 12 weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and measuring 21 inches long. Proud parents are Todd & Christa. Absent From the Body; Present With the Lord - FBCN member Bob Lyons passed away on Oct 11. We express our sympathy to his wife, Betty, and the rest of the family.

First Baptist Academy

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