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b) What is the importance of calculating deflection in analysis of structures? As a structural engineer I would recommend indeterminate structure.

Indeterminat e structures have been widely used for several advantages although you may exper ience several difficulties during the building process. Statically indeterminate structures allow for more than three external forces to exist. Such structures if properly designed have the capacity to redistribute its loading when certain structural portions become overstressed or collapse in cases of overloads, earth quakes or impacts. This is because they have more members and support reactions than required for static stability. Statically indeterminate structures have got a higher factor of safety. Temperat ure variations do not cause stresses on indeterminate structures. There are seve ral advantages in designing indeterminate structures. These include the design o f lighter and more rigid structures that are also durable. With added redundancy in the structural system, there is an increase in the overall factor of safety. The maximum deflection and the maximum stresses are smaller in statically indet erminate structures as compared to statically determinate structure. c) What is the importance of calculating deflection in structural analysis? Deflection can be defined as the displacement or movement made by a point from i ts initial position before loading on a beam after to a certain point after it s loa ded. All structures which are designed have some degree of deflection either due to dead or live loads. Deflection is calculated so as to make sure that when th e structure is loaded its deflection will be within the regulated deflection cap acity stated by the standard association. Nonetheless, the deflection of a struc ture should not be excessive as this may lead to collapse and the sight of an ov erly deflected building causes a state of unease with the users of that building . Deflections are also calculated so that the deflection can be compensated for in the erection of the structure. Therefore it is important to find the extent t o which a structure will deflect under loading.

All structures which are designed have some degree of deflection either due to d ead or live loads. However, the deflection of a structure should not be excessiv e as this may lead to collapse and the sight of an overly deflected building cau ses a state of unease with the users of that building. Now, it is important to f ind the extent to which a structure will deflect under loading. If, from calcula tion, a building is seen as deflecting above acceptable limits, more measures ca n be put in place to avert this such as adding more reinforcement or supporting units.

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