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Karolinska Institutet 8,9,10,11 November 2012

Program Wednesday 7/11

Click the titles for more information.
Time 9-16 Workshop.

Mindfulness and ACT JoAnne Dahl & Fredrik Livheim

Program Thursday 8/11

Please note that the workshops described below run parallell and are all whole-day events.
Time 9-16 Workshop

Rene Your ACT Skills Niklas Trneke & Tobias Lundgren


Effective Inpatient Care with ACT Trym Nordstrand


ACTing on your values when Facing Struggle as a Therapist Rikke Kjelgaard


OCD from an ACT-perspective Martin Brock & Ole Taggard Nielsen


ACT for Kids with Pain (info coming soon) Rikard Wicksell and others

Karolinska Institutet 8,9,10,11 November 2012

Program Friday 9/11

More detailed descriptions will be available soon.
Time 8:00-8:45 9:00-9:45 10:00-10.45 O. Frlin - CRAFT, a Modern Treatment for Alc. and Sustance Abuse. 10:45-11.15 11:15-12:15 T. Gustavsson, E. Hjalmarsson Contextual Psychiatry 12:15-13:45 13:45-15:00 Symposium: ACT in Different Contexts w. F. Livheim (chair), A. Djordjevic, E. Frgli, P. Lappalainen, P. Rsenen, M. Bohling 15:00-15:30 15:30-16:45 Symposium: Perspective Taking w. M. Foody (chair), J. Pahnke, I. Mlarstig, J. Kotschack, K. stman COFFEE BREAK Workshop: T. Anderbro, L. Svirsky - Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy N. Trneke - What is RFT? Workshop: M. Bohling ACT and Psychodynamic Therapy COFFEE BREAK Symposium: RFT w. A. McEnteggart Symposium: Active H. Hesser, T. Lundgren, R. Wicksell LUNCH BREAK Workshop: G. Wisung, T. Gustavsson - ACT Brief Intervention Symposium: Internet, Groups and Beyond w. H. Ly, R. Brevik, K. Vernmark, H. Knudsen Workshop: R. Kjelgaard, O. Taggard Nielsen - Building ACT Skills S. Billinger - RFT (More Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Morning YOGA fr alle with Daniel Ek. OPENING CEREMONY Symposium: Pain w. R. Wicksell (chair) and M. Kemani. J. Holmberg, M. Stalby Conversations that work Symposium: Ett kontextuellt frhllningsstt till sjlvstigma w. S. Weinland (chair), E. Wallin Track 4

Larsson (chair), M. Foody, C. Mechanisms in Tinnitus w. spec. subject soon)

Karolinska Institutet 8,9,10,11 November 2012

Program Saturday 10/11

More detailed descriptions will be available soon.
Time 8:30-9:15 9:30-10:15 K. Ovefelt - DBT and complex clients Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Morning YOGA fr alle with Daniel Ek. Workshop: Just dont think about it w. Andreas Larsson 10:30-11.15 Symposium: Att anvnda teknik fr att ka effektiviteten i w. R. Lappalainen and others. 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:45 Special Guest: L-G st Effekten av ACT vid psykiatriska och somatiska strningar. En uppdaterad meta-analys 12:45-14:15 14:15-15:30 Workshop: Functional T. Gustavsson, Celia Young J. Eriksson Contextualism LUNCH BREAK Symposium: Internet, Groups and Beyond w. H. Ly, R. Brevik, K. Vernmark, H. Knudsen T. Parling - Eating Disorders A. Holmstedt Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) K. Andersson, M. Mannerberg Mindfulness for Desire Inequality - a Pilot Study COFFEE BREAK P. Carlbring (Subject to be announced soon) To be announced soon. J. Ramner - Sjlfull behaviourism - om antimentalism, pragmatism och sjlens plats J. Holmberg, M. Stalby Conversations that work G. Andersson - ACT for Depression - a Method Comparison T. Nordstrand - Effective Inpatient Care with ACT

vlbennandebehandlingar Couples with Sexual

Analytic Psychotherapy w. Functional



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