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Boones Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: Printed Oct. 2012, Volume 45, issue 10 Deadline for next Issue: Nov.15, 2012

A Note to you, -Remember in prayer and please attend our remaining Association Revival in October. It is as follows: October 22-26 at Jeffersonville Baptist Church in Jeffersonville, pastors from the Irvine area will be preaching each night at 7PM. -The next executive board meeting and Baptist Womens day of prayer will be held at Heritage Baptist Church in Winchester on November 5 at 7PM. - Remember to vote November 6, 2012. Ronald Reagan said, "If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." Food For Thought: Prov 23:29-35 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes? 30 Those who linger long at the wine, Those who go in search of mixed wine. 31 Do not look on the wine when it is red, When it sparkles in the cup, When it swirls around smoothly; 32 At the last it bites like a serpent, And stings like a viper. 33 Your eyes will see strange things, And your heart will utter perverse things. 34 Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, Or like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying: 35 "They have struck me, but I was not hurt; They have beaten me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?" Bro. Kevin Burden wrote: We have a drug problem in the U.S. We could talk about: cocaine, marijuana, meth, or heroine. Americas #1 problem drug is not any of these illegal substances, but a legal drug called ALCOHOL. Alcohol on College Campuses: A campus rape is reported every 21 hours, which translates into 6,000 rapes each year nationwide. Alcohol is implicated in 90% of all campus rapes. Sixty percent of all college women diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease were drunk at the time they were infected. More than 1,700 college students in the U.S. are killed each year as a result of alcohol-related injuries. Alcohol & Teens: Alcohol is a leading cause of death among teenagers. It contributes substantially to teenage automobile accidents, traumatic injuries, suicide, date rape, and family and school problems. Every day more than 11,000 American youth between the age of 12 to 20 try alcohol for the first time. Alcohol is the most used and abused drug among Americas teenagers. According to a national survey, nearly one third of all high school students reported participating in hazardous drinking (5+ drinks in one setting). Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism. 1. Most deaths Alcohol causes more deaths than any other drug. Over 55% of highway deaths are alcohol related. It causes heart, liver and kidney disease, and deadly addictions. 2. Most addictions There are over 17 million alcoholics in America today. They, by far, outnumber the addicts of any other drug. 3. Most misery Think of the death, disability, psychosis, addiction. It produces more misery than any other drug on earth. Chinese proverb, first the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, and then the drink takes the man. Yours in Christ,

Bro. John Ryder

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES

CAMP REPORT We had approx. 150 children that came from the 4-H for 1 day. We still need help getting the camp ready for next year. EX. BOARD REPORT We held our Fall Semi-Annual Mtg. at Spears Mill. There were 16 churches present with 98 in attendance. Karl Babb from KBC, Tom Townsend from Western Recorder and Bro. Drew Murphy from Fayette Baptist Church in TN, were our special speakers. ALLANSVILLE No Report BEECH GROVE No Report BOONES CREEK You are invited to join us on Sunday Dec. 9th at 6:30 pm as the churches from Athens Community present an Adult Christmas Musical Drama. It will be a wonderful time of fellowship and Christmas celebration!. CALVARY Hosted Sept. Ex. Bd. Mtg. and Estill Co. Area Assoc. Revival. Our youth had their first movie night. Thanksgiving Dinner will be Nov. 14, we are collecting items for Thanksgiving food baskets. We are the operation Christmas Child collection site for Estill Co. again this year. CENTRAL Attorney Lori Valentine with the Kentucky Baptist Foundation gave a brief seminar, Ask a Lawyer at the LLL Club meeting at Central on Sept. 18. The seminar was about Estate Planning, Incapacity Planning, Long Term Care Planning, and Charitable Gift Planning. The LLL Band performed at the meeting. There was a Mens Fellowship Breakfast at Central on Sat. Oct. 6. Central had Church Under the Bridge in Lexington on Sunday Oct. 7. On Sunday, Oct. 28, Dr. Shane Garrison will be at Central for Childrens Emphasis. Dr. Garrison will speak about raising children. Trunk and Treat will be at Central on Wed. Oct. 31 from 6-8 PM. CLAY CITY Planning activities to attract more young people. CORINTH No Report COW CREEK Revival Oct. 21-24, 2012, Bro. Terry Rhye from Nebo Baptist Church, Madisonville, KY EMMANUEL We had a back to school pizza party for the Sunday School youth and for the neighborhood children. We gave out School supplies to all those that attended. The youth played outside games and all had fun. Sept. The Sunday School youth presented a program in which each recited the books of the Bible. Some of the students knew the Old Testament while other students knew all the books of the Old and New Testament. After the church the youth went to lunch and to the movies to watch the The Odd Life of Timothy Green. The church had a cookout and then special singing with Kentucky Mountain Trio. Also, there was a special Prayer walk in the neighborhood. EPHESUS Fall Festival was held Oct. 6 with games, food, trunk-or-treat and a bonfire. Sunday School Harvest Day for high attendance was Oct. 7. Youth spaghetti supper fundraiser Wed. Oct. 17. Outreach scheduled for Oct. 18. Youth Bake Sale at Walmart Sat. Oct. 27/ TNT (Tuesday Night in Town) Oct. 30, 6:30pm at Taste of China, Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 14. Collecting laundry detergent for our Mission of the Month, Clark County Homeless Coalition. Eliza Broadus goal of $1,200.00 ($10/county) FAITH Had a great Homecoming, Bro. Brett Benton was our speaker. Had a Gideon speaker on Sept. 30th, very inspiring how Gods word is being given to people everywhere. FRIENDSHIP Put sealer on blacktop and marked off parking lot. Bro. John Rhodes Jr. will be our Homecoming Speaker on Nov. 4th. Making plans to increase size of fellowship hall and install upstairs bathroom. GREENBRIARHomecoming is Oct. 14th. HEIDELBERG No Report HERITAGE What a blessing we received through Gods Man, Bro. Gary Willoughby, who inspired us with 5 powerful messages during our 2012 Fall Revival. Thanks to all the people who joined us and worshiped with us from other churches. The music and fellowship were outstanding, and set the tone for each nights service. Also, we have started our parking lot expansion since we have outgrown the existing one. This is just one of two projects are designed to help Heritage be a better host to our church families and to our guests. We are looking forward to hosting the Ex. Bd. Mtg. in Nov. and other events in the near future. We recently celebrated two more Baptisms at Heritage as well. The Sweet, Sweet Spirit of God is moving mightily in the lives of His people at Heritage. Heritage is going places, and we are doing it in the Spirit of the Lord. Come and be a part of the movement. HOWARDS MILL No Report IRVINE FIRST Second 5th Quarter was well attended. Chili was served. (Continued)

IRVINE FIRST-Our Homecoming with Bro. Raymond Flynn was well attended and we were all encouraged by his message, The Final Homecoming. The weather was perfect and the meal was at our shelter. IVORY HILL Ivory Hill now has a new tin roof over the whole church. We have a wonderful 3 day Revival. Sun. Oct. 21 at 6pm we will have a special singing with the Jeff Clower Blue Grass band singing and playing for us. JEFFERSONVILLE Homecoming with Bro. Scott Rogers preaching, New Found Four singers, dinner with 136 plus people. Wonderful Fellowship, meet you in Sunday School and Worship. Oct. 22-26, Fall Revival at Jeffersonville Baptist, Pastors are from the Irvine area. Everyone is invited. Oct 21st evening service-Christmas skits by the youth, titled, Go Forth. KIDDVILLE-No Report MACEDONIA We had our Homecoming service on Sept. 9th. Mountain Joy, a group from North Carolina, brought a message in song and we had pot luck on our grounds. Our Miles for Pennies Program had grown to 75,000. We will have a yard/bake sale during Court Days. Cameron Mills will be our guest speaker on Oct. 21st. We will have a Fall Festival with a chili supper on Oct. 26th. We are collecting Socks for Seniors for the Windsor Care residents for Christmas. We are packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. MEANS- No Report MT. OLIVE-No Report NEW COVENANT REFORMED-No Report NEW HOPE No Report NORTHSIDE We are so thankful for our members who support our building fund. Spring of 2010 we began many repair and replace projects. They included a new church sign, mailbox, and sidewalk. All basement windows and doors replaced. The fellowship hall received new lights, tables and chairs. Our Shelter was completed with lights, fans and siding. The vacuums, lawnmowers, computer and safe were replaced. The sanctuary and several classrooms were painted. We are so blessed to have completed these updates this summer and have a zero loan balance with money in our fund to begin our new projects. Many of our members attended Calvarys Revival to support Bro. Jesse and hear our choir. Our cottage prayer mtg. have lifted our spirits and set our hearts for Revival to begin in us. The Senior ladies visited Sister Kline on her birthday. We so enjoyed our Gideon speaker Billy Hughes and collected $518.30 to support this ministry. We passed our Eliza Broadus goal and had a total of $1105.00. The new Sunday School year has begun with promotions and certificates given out, The Senior Adult class is averaging 25-30. We presented Bill Buttrey with a plaque for his service to our believers and we are excited about our Revivals and Homecoming in Oct. Theres no place we would rather be than with our church family serving our Lord. PANOLA Our 200th celebration was a great success. Our treasurer, Parish Johnson was hurt in a tractor accident. Please pray for him and his family. Oct. 31-Trunk and Treat. Nov. 11-14-Fall Revival. Dec. 9-Christmas meal. POWELLS VALLEY On Sept 9th, we had a meal after Morning Service to raise funds for the building fund. Our church went to the Assoc. Revival at Calvary on Sept. 19th. Sept. 29th was food ministry, 200 meals delivered. Sept. 30 is our 5th Sunday Hymn Sing. Our next Food Ministry will be Oct. 27th. PROVIDENCE, CLARK Will host Octoberfest on Sat. Oct. 13 from 12-6 pm, singing, preaching, games, food and fellowship. Everyone welcome. PROVIDENCE, ESTILL During Homecoming we honored Deacon Bobby Rose for having 50 years of service, we had over 200 people in attendance, many there for Bobby, he was very surprised and honored. The best part of the day, Bobbys grandson-in-law was saved after the services. Bro. Tommy Thomas brought a wonderful message and the food as always was wonderful. Plans are underway for Thanksgiving dinner and taking part in the Day of Hope. Fall Festival is scheduled for Oct. 27 at 2pm. We are blessed people and can never thank God enough for all He is doing for us at Providence, we have a preacher who does not care to preach the word to remind us Hell is as real as Heaven. If you are thankful for your pastor let him know, pastor appreciation month is Oct. Our van ministry is underway and growing on Wed. nights. REID VILLAGE A group of 17 CIA children and workers attended the CIA Day Camp Block Party at the Highland Baptist Church in Shelbyville, KY and had a great time. Continued on Back Page


II Corinthians 8:20-21
20-Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: 21-Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

In This Issue look for:

1-DOM (A note to you) 2-Disaster/Emergency Relief 3-To all Churches in the Association 4-Building Fund 5-Calendar 6-Nov. Birthdays and Anniversaries 7-Mission Opportunities 8-New Beginning Pregnancy Center 9-Clark County Community Center

TO ALL CHURCHES IN THE ASSOCIATION: The Disaster Emergency Relief Committee is available to the churches for projects that require manpower. Call the Association Office 859/744-0037 if you need help.

Building Fund For The Camp You can donate to the Boones Creek Baptist Association in MEMORY or in HONOR of a Love One. Please write on your check memo: Building Fund.

Donation in Honor of:

Corinth Baptist Church

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES (Continued) REID VILLAGE-Our WMU hosted a World Craft party featuring crafts from all over the world and raised $800 for the artisans which will help provided them income to better their lives. Our youth attended Fields of Faith at MCHS. They also went to Windsor Care Nursing Home to play bingo with the residents. We had a great day at the Two Sisters Pumpkin Patch raising funds for Covenant Friendship Ministers. Visit the website for more information about the mission and how you can help. You can also like them on Facebook to help spread the message on this ministry. We are observing World Hunger Sunday by taking donations of non-perishable food items and so we can provide food baskets to needy families for Thanksgiving. The WMU/CIA project Pure Water/Pure Love will continue through the end of the year. They are collecting plastic bottles filled with dimes and use the money to purchase water filters for our foreign missioners. The youth will go cosmic bowling on Friday night, Oct. 26 from 11pm-1am. We will enjoy a cookout at the Two Sisters Pumpkin Patch. Our Fall Revival will begin on Sunday Oct. 28th with a meal following the morning service. The revival will continue through Fri. Nov. 2nd at 7pm nightly. Bro Gary McCammon will be our guest evangelist. SALEM Several members attended every night of the Assoc. Revival held at Calvary Baptist. They would all say, they received a blessing. Celebrated Pastor Appreciation Day with a dinner after service. This is Bro. Jerry Smiths 22nd year. Looking forward to celebrating Salems 220th Anniversary. An old fashion dinner is planned. SPEARS MILL Fri. Oct. 5th our pastor Bro. Barry Proctor held the service at Central Baptist in Winchester. The Choir was also there and sang a couple songs. Continued

SPEARS MILL-Our pianist Wanda Morgan played the piano for the congregation hymns. The revival was well attended by several churches in the Boones Creek Baptist Assoc. Mon. Oct. 8, Spears Mill hosted the Ex. Bd. Fall Semi-Annual mtg. The service day trip to Cumberland Falls was enjoyed by a van of members. The youth are staying very busy. Kindergarten thru 5th grade learning about missionaries in Florida and other parts of United States. Youth 6th thru 12th are focusing on Salvation and taking responsibility for own actions. They also are planning a trip to Julies Pumpkin Patch for hayride, games and food. Many blessings go out to Julie Blackburn and Claudia Claypool and their helpers for their great work and dedication. Also praises to the men and women of the van ministry that brings many of these children to church. A family fun night had been planned for Oct. 27th with bonfire, hotdogs. marshmallow's and games. Our choir director Lois Claypool Myers has passed out the materials for the Christmas Cantata. The season is just around the corner. Another month has come and gone and all of Spears Mill wishes everyone many blessings. Love and prayers to all. SPRING STREET-Church had their Annual Fall picnic, traveled to Pastor Runyons Daughters Farm in Nicholas Co. had a great turn out and great time. Every 5th Sun. we have a gospel sing it is open to the public and open stage. THOMAS Oct. 7th, Birthday Appreciation Celebration for Benny Ray Cox, in honor of his 80th birthday. Ben was born one year before our church was established and his parents were charter members of our church. Ben is a dedicated member and trustee of our church. Oct. 13th a hayride and cookout at the Kenneth Brinegar Farm was enjoyed by the Thomas Baptist Church family. Oct. 28th will be our Homecoming Sunday. VALLEY VIEW No Report WM. MEMORIAL On the 5th Sunday we had a singing and sharing service in the evening followed by fellowship. The best was baptizing 2 young people and receiving their mother by letter. Our 89th Homecoming will be celebrated Oct. 28 at the Morning Service.

Best Wishes to Nov. Birthdays: 6-Kevin Strausbaugh-Pastor-Macedonia 11-Loretta Powell-Pastors Wife-Valley View 17-Nevedda Canter-Pastors Wife Heidelberg 19-Revecca Blevins-Pastors Wife-Faith 20-Jim Rediford-Pastor-Corinth 25-Sharon Kline-Pastors Wife-Spring Street 28-Susanna LaBona-Pastors Wife-Providence (Clark) 29-Jan Milheiser-Pastors Wife-Howards Mill Best Wishes Nov. Anniversaries: 8-Delmar&Catherine McGee-Greenbriar 21-Jeff & Missy Ryder-Williams Memorial 21-Phil & Shirlene Ronk-Panola 25-Douglas & Nevedda Canter-Heidelberg 26-Ron & Karen Montgomery-Emmanuel 28-Joe & Noreen Lahrmer-Cow Creek

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES 1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed 2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contact the association office for more information

New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has an ongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well as continued financial support. Churches are encouraged to support local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year. Please call 859-744-5988 with any questions or to arrange drop-offs.



FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS 10 THRIFT STORE DONATIONS 2461 MONETARY DONATIONS 48 Thank you to the many groups and individuals who responded to our plea for food to stock the food pantry. We received designated food donations from the Mary Jo Mahan Foundation, the Winchester Elks Club, the Salem Presbyterian Church, the Boonesboro Lion Club, and the Central Ky. Coonhunters Association. We also have collection sites at the Boonesboro Lions Club Fish Fry, the Scarecrow festival, BCTC campus, and the CarMart Centre on the Bypass. We never want to turn someone away who is hungry. Thanks for everyones help in this area. Upcoming Events: Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk November 3, 2012 Christmas Open House at CCs Closet November 3 Operation Happiness December 20, 2012

This ministry helps the families in Clark County

GA JAM 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012 St Matthews Baptist Church, Louisville 10:00 am-2:00 pm All girls 1st-6th grade Registration deadline November 1, 2012 For more information contact Twyla Sheffield-859-842-0785

Dear God, I heard about how Jesus turned water in wine. Did you know my Mom can turn water into Kool -Aid? Andrew, age 6

Sun Mon Tue Wed




4 Daylight Savings Ends (Fall Back 1 hr.)

5 (1)Ex. Board Mtg. and Baptist

Womens World Day of PrayerHeritage BCWinchester-7pm
(2)KBC Officers & Staff Planning-KBB

10 GA Jam Nov. 10, 2012-Matthews Baptist ChurchLouisville, KY (More info. On back of this Calendar). 17


(1)Mission BoardImmanuel BCLexington (2)KY Baptist Music Conference-TBA

KBC Annual MeetingImmanuel BC, Lexington


15 Pastors Prayer Fellowship-Golden Corral-Winchester -11:30 am


Thanksgiving Offering for Sunrise Childrens Service-KBC Churches




22 Office Closed Happy Thanksgiving

23 Office Closed








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