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EE 3113, Lab #7 Pre-lab. Pre-lab due start of class on rst day of the lab.

Reading SM: Class 7, Lab 7 Your Electronic Circuits I text will have sections on junction eld-eect transistors (JFETs) and their circuits if you want some background information. Section 7-1 1. Suppose that a JFET has IDSS = 6mA and pinch-o voltage VP = 3V . The JFET is currently biased to a drain current of ID = 2mA. Estimate the transconductance gm of the transistor at ID = 2mA. Section 7-2 OMIT THIS SECTION. Section 7-3 1. Part (a) Simple Follower:

(a) Suppose that you have a source follower as in Figure L7.5. If the gain is estimated to be +0.6, estimate the value of transconductance gm for this transistor. (Hint: Consider Figure L7.6.) 2. Part (b) Follower with Current Source Load: OMIT THIS SUBSECTION. 3. Part (c) Matched-FET Follower: OMIT THIS SUBSECTION. Section 7-4 No problems. EE 3113, Lab #7 Post-lab. Section 7-1 1. Measure IDSS and VP for two 2N5485 JFETs. Note that the values may be quite dierent between the two parts, especially if they come from dierent manufacturing lots. 2. Choose one of the JFETs and take enough ID versus VGS data to make a nice semi-log plot. (TYPO: The Student Manual refers to the Texts Figure 3.15 but it should say Texts Figure 3.8.) Include a similar plot in your report. 3. Estimate gm at VGS = 0 for the JFET you chose above using gm = 2 (kID ) or gm = 2k(VGS VP ), rst estimating k from IDSS = k(VP )2 . Section 7-2 OMIT THIS SECTION. Section 7-3 1. Part (a) Simple Follower:

(a) Take an input/output screenshot while driving the follower with a 1kHz sine wave with the peak-to-peak measurements enabled. Calculate the gain. Use these measurements to infer a value for gm . (Hint: Consider Figure L7.6.) (Omit that section of part(a) described on page 159.) 2. Part (b) Follower with Current Source Load: OMIT THIS SUBSECTION. 3. Part (c) Matched-FET Follower: OMIT THIS SUBSECTION. Section 7-4 1. Part (a) Uncompensated Attenuator:

(a) Drive the circuit with a 0.4Vpp triangle wave input and observe the output as you vary the potentiometer. Take an input/output screenshot at some mid-range value of attenuation. (b) Now drive the circuit with a 1Vpp triangle wave input and take an input/output screenshot. Compare the distortion in the two screenshots. 2. Part (b) Compensated Attenuator: (a) Drive the circuit with a 1Vpp triangle wave input and observe the output as you vary the potentiometer. Take an input/output screenshot. Has the distortion been improved compared to the uncompensated attenuator? 3. Part (c) Amplitude Modulation and Part (d) AM Radio: We will combine these two sections. (This is the instructors favorite lab section.) (a) You will need a second function generator, which the instructor will provide. Connect the output of this function generator to the BNC1 connection on the ELVIS board using your BNC cable. Build the circuit of Figure L7.14. (This requires only the addition of a 1 microfarad capacitor or bigger and a short wire antenna.) Wire BNC1- to Ground and connect BNC1+ to vin on your circuit. Connect FUNC OUT to vmod on your circuit. (b) Use the scope to adjust the amplitude of vin to be less than 1Vpp, and set its frequency to as close to 1MHz as possible. Use the ELVIS Function Generator to set vmod to about 1kHz and 0.2V in amplitude. Use your BNC-to-grabber cable to observe vmod on one channel of the scope and use the probe to observe the output node out on the other channel. Trigger on vmod . (c) When you have the function generators set up, call the instructor. The instructor will bring an AM radio receiver to listen to your radio signal. Take a screenshot of the modulated output.

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