Marketing Final

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Marketing is an essential part of any business, whether big or small. It plays a significant role in promoting the well-being of all businesses. Marketing is perhaps the most complicated and thought-provoking function carried out by every business house. As an art or science, in todays complex world marketing is undergoing dramatic and exciting changes, and the field promises to be just as dynamic in the years ahead. A marketing plan is an important tool for any company to have, regardless of size. It lays out, in a formal fashion, the overall goal and accompanying objectives, strategies and tactics designed to be implemented in the support of the goal. Having a formal plan will ensure that everybody in the organization knows what is going to be done when and why. In this assignment I have gone through the business process from the production level to the delivery level of the Maliban biscuit product to the consumer and illustrated how they have adopted strategic marketing plan according to the following frame work. Objective setting Business definition Market Definition Segmentation- Division of market space Competitor analysis Market opportunity analysis SWOT analysis Target-market selection Positioning of Brand Marketing-mix

1. Introduction
A strategic marketing plan is an important tool for any company to have, regardless of size. It lays out, in a formal fashion, the overall goal and accompanying objectives, strategies and tactics designed to be implemented in the support of the goal. Having a formal plan will ensure that everybody in the organization knows what is going to be done when and why. When we discussed a strategic marketing plan of a business the common elements segmentation, targeting, positioning and 4Ps are used. But the Professor Uditha Liyanage has studied in depth and developed a ten path frame work to elaborate broadly the strategic marketing plan. According to his frame work it is very easy to achieve and analyzed the business goal and the process. In this assignment I have elaborated the strategic marketing plan of maliban biscuit business commencement to the present development in accordance with Professor Uditha Liyanages theory.

History & Market definition of Maliban From a humble tea shop to one of Sri Lankas most recognized brands, Maliban has come a long way in just over fifty years. As difficult as it may be to believe, the epitome of Sri Lankan biscuits started off as a simple tea kiosk on First Cross Street in Colombo Fort. In 1935, opened the Maliban Hotel at No. 62 Maliban Street. He did not know at the time that it was Sri Lankan history in the making. When the Maliban factory started at Rathmalana in 1963 the only competitor was Ceylon Biscuit Company and there were some Hulan Viskothu production in rural areas. The biscuit suppliers limited in to suclevel and it was privilege Maliban Biscuit demand to increase in rural and urban areas in all over the country. Also according to increasing of demand from outside countries Maliban biscuit exportation commence in the first time in Sri Lanka in 1963 Since then, its biscuits were exported mainly to ethnic markets around the world. International marketing has gained momentum after the company restructured its export department in 2003 @ 20% growth in exports followed.

Today, Maliban biscuits are directly exported to Canada, the US, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Australia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Maldives, Seychelles, India, Bangladesh and Ghana. It is now a truly global company with distribution channels in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia. ( However In a few years, the business was expanding rapidly and the company was switched on to mechanized manufacturing, and first mass production facility was opened and factory was moved to a more spacious location at Ratmalana where it reside to date.The story of Maliban is not merely the tale of extraordinary entrepreneurship it is also atestament that a person from the humblest roots can achieve greatness through vision,discipline and commitment. It is from such humble beginnings that the Maliban legend was born. Today, Maliban is a giant in the biscuit manufacturing industry in Sri Lanka. Vision

To be the most successful and respected food Company in Sri Lanka

Mission To win the hearts and minds of consumers by delivering food propositions with exceptional quality, safety & value whilst being environmentally & socially responsible, creating employee satisfaction and returning optimum value to stakeholders. Objective Setting Setting the objectives and goals for selected market is the next step to be concern and the Malibans main aim is to take care of consumers tast and health. Therefore Inspection and testing are conducted on a regular basis. and take great care every step of the way - from choosing our raw material to production and packaging - to maintain quality standards. Also Maliban strictly adhered to regulations made by the Minister of Healthcare Nutrition under the Food Act No 26 of 1980 and consumer affairs authority act and other relevant statuary and regulatory requirements.

Business Definition A business (also known as enterprise or firm) is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners. Businesses may also be not-for-profit or state-owned. A business owned by multiple individuals may be referred to as a company, although that term also has a more precise meaning. Maliban is a huge company which produces various types of products to local and foreign. However the malibans extensive product range includes unsweetened Health Crackers; semisweet biscuits such as Gold Marie, Nice and Gingernuts; sweet cream biscuits such as Lemon Puff; chocolate/custard/orange cream biscuits; wafers; a savoury range Krisco, Cheesebits and Chickbits; and Potato Crackers. Maliban only uses vegetable oil in its production process. As a result, its products are Halal certified. Maliban Biscuits is a product as a secondary commodity in the market-place and basically now close upon 50% in terms of volume. Maliban Biscuits are holding as very strong position in the biscuits category in Sri Lanka. Market Definition A market is one of many varieties of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services (including labor) in exchange for money from buyers. More than 38 companies compete for a market of 60,000 metric tons in Sri Lanka. However, Maliban together with its main competitor accounts for nearly 70% of the biscuit market one that has been growing at a steady pace over the years. Maliban is one of Sri Lankas premier biscuit manufacturers, with a rich history of 50 years. What began as a simple tea-making operation has grown into a massive enterprise today, with a turnover of Rs. 5 billion. And a stateof-the-art production facility on a nine-hectare site at Ratmalana makes Maliban one of the largest biscuit-making units in South Asia.

The company provides direct employment to 1,500 people and takes pride for having withstood the inexorable force of globalization a matter of national pride. Maliban is a truly Sri Lankan company with an inspiring vision that positions itself as a strong player in the global market.

Segmentation - Division Market Space Market Segmentation means determining distinct groups of buyers (segments) with different needs. The market has been segmented according to the consumer characteristics largely by Maliban and under that the company has mainly concerned about the Demographic and Geographic characteristics of consumers. Demographic above 3 year old to older ones Household income (more than Rs

7,500/- per month) Geographic Island-wide coverage through already established strong distribution and foreign export network Psychographic - Social Class : The upper middle, middle and lower classes of the market Behavioral - Regular, special occasion, Attitudes toward the brand. Effectiveness of Market Segmentation Measurable : The total size of the segment fallen above the age category is around 70% of the total population of Sri Lanka which comes to about more than 02 million number of people. Substantial: Approximately 340,000 babies are born each year in Sri Lanka and the total value of the Maliban market is more than Rs 496 Million. This it gives the evidence of its profitability and substantilitve. Accessible: The Company is very well known for its strong distribution network and

therefore the product reach is ever improving Differentiable: The applicable segmentation is clearly distinguishable against the marketing mix elements of the competitors

Actionable: The activities like sampling, product introductions and developments have been successfully carried out by the company Maliban biscuits reach every corner of the island, through an extensive distribution network. Its extensive product range comprising Crackers, Savoury, Sweet and Assortments caters to a wide variety of consumer segments; from the health conscious to regular biscuit lovers, and from kids to senior citizens.

Competitor Analysis There are 38 biscuit manufacturers including Maliban in Sri Lanka. The Malibans strategy is to increase the customers choice and be honest with consumers and offer them high quality products at reasonable prices to grow in the long term. The company captured well over 70% of the biscuit market and maintained this market share through the 1970s and 80s as the household name for biscuits. Due to its sheer size Maliban monopolized all segments. In Sri Lanka, Cream Cracker, Lemon Puff, Ginger Nuts, Nice, Krisco and Cheese Bits all became synonymous with the brand name Maliban. The company established a reputation for quality and for strong production capability. Even Ceylon Biscuits gave over a third of its nutritional biscuit production contract to Maliban, at the request of the Ministry of Education. The company loomed over its competitors as a giant.

Market Opportunity Analysis Maliban became the first Sri Lankan company to export locally manufactured biscuits to the world as far back as in 1963. Since then, its biscuits were exported mainly to ethnic markets round the world. International marketing has gained momentum after the company restructured its export department in 2003 a 20% growth in exports followed. Today, Maliban biscuits are directly exported to Canada, the US, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Australia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Maldives, Seychelles, India, Bangladesh and Ghana. It is now a truly global company with distribution channels in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.

Maliban is focusing their market, people from the small age to older in entire Sri Lanka and exports to more than 20 countries across five continents. Maliban exports crackers, sweet biscuits, cream biscuits, savory biscuits, wafer biscuits and cookies under the Maliban brand name and also produces many types of biscuits for international customers as private labels. The research & product development division has capabilities to customize recipes to match any customer requirement. With a capacity to produce nearly 3000 tons of biscuits monthly the company has the ability to cater to requirements of discerning international customers.

SWOT Analysis
A quick way to uncover strengths / weaknesses and quick way to determine opportunities and threats is to think about external environment

Strengths a. Able to divide tasks among family members so each can specialize and be more effective in a particular area. b. Consistent, low calf mortality rates. c. Good attitude toward new technology. d. Good employee retention. e. Good record-keeping system. f. High-tech feeding system. g. Low debt. h. New facilities. i. Next generations want to continue the operation. j. Good will for the brand
k. Available skillful managerial staff and workers

l. Local and Foreign Awards receipts in various aspects m. Guinness record of making world biggest Lemon puff biscuit

a. Demand from out side countries

b. Good infrastructure c. Lots of support groups within the industry. d. Opportunity to bring to light country name in other countries Weaknesses a. Difficulty managing labor. b. High debt load.

a. Employees nearing for retirement.

b. Shortage of available labor.

c. Vulnerability of biscuit price. d. Competition with other biscuit companies

Target-Market Selection
Market Targeting means evaluating and selecting which target segments to enter. a. It is understand that the market segmented under demographic, specially the entire

population and rapidly growing in the Sri Lankan market b. Also the company has set its marketing mix element strategies to suit the middle and lower middle classes, which represents about 90% of the total population c. This implies that the company has taken correct decisions, when selecting the market segments
d.20% growth in exports achieved and Captured the market of Europe, North America, the

Middle East and Asia.

Target Group Kids, Teenagers, Youth, Elders

Habits / Attitudes Concerned of consumers tasty Prefers easy access to purchase product Trust reputed brands Prefers attractive user friendly Packaging Discuss brands used with others

Positioning Of Brand Positioning is the act of designing the Companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. In the case of Maliban, they are positioning as a trusted brand / product by using the longstanding goodwill of the company. In future they are trying to become as a number one in the consumers mind by further building the trust and maintain the high quality of the product. Malibans new corporate and brand-positioning campaign, Inspired By Goodness, which was aimed at gives value back to the community ,rather than ride on claims of corporate achievements. This media campaign is aimed at educating the younger generation on cultural practices that are timeless in value and provide a strong foundation for family life, in todays fast paced high-tech society. Through this campaign, Maliban has gained a greater brand equity and is renowned for being a truly Sri Lankan company that upholds the nations heritage, culture and identity. Apart from the corporate campaign, individual brands have also been promoted in recent years. Maliban Gold Marie is the flagship brand, with a 50-year history. It was reformulated with added nutrition and promoted with a new brand idea, Another generation of childrengrowing up with Maliban Gold Marie. Maliban Lemon Puff was relaunched in November 2003 with a new biscuit formulation and campaign based on the advertising idea, Dreamy Creamy Lemony Biscuit. Maliban Chocolate Cream Biscuits, the market leader in its category, was supported with a new campaign based on the theme, Kids will do anything for Maliban Chocolate Biscuits.

Maliban Cream Crackers, with a new line extension, enhanced packaging and a new brand identity of being an Anytime Square Meal, grew by an unprecedented 38% in its first year, post its re launch. It was also nominated as a Turnaround Brand of the Year by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing Brand Excellence Committee. Maliban Nice was repositioned as a biscuit for young adults, via Making your life nicer with Maliban Nice. Maliban Gingernuts is targeted at a younger audience, with an advertising campaign based on100% Natural Ginger Kick.

Maliban Wafers were introduced in September 2004 with a newcampaign for kids based on Creamy Crunchy Wafer. The brand rose to number one position within six months of its launch. And Maliban Potato Crackers were introduced to the marketin 2005, primarily targeting older kids and teenagers with a new campaign based on A Taste for New Generation. Maliban recently concluded a 5S productivity programme, conducted among several schools across the island. By sponsoring this programme, Maliban strove not only to produce best quality biscuits, but also help produce disciplined and obedient students who will one day be the most valuable and productive citizens of Sri Lanka

Marketing Mix is a major concept in modern marketing and involves practically everything that a marketing company can use to influence consumer p e r c e p t i o n favorably towards its product or services so that consumer and organizational objectives are attained, i.e. Marketing mix is a model of crafting and implementing marketing strategy.

Product Price Place Promotion

The first market mix element is Product. A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Product decision normally base on brand name, Functionality, Styling, Quality, Safety, Packaging, Repairs and Support, Warranty, accessories and Services. These product attributes can be manipulated depending on what the target market wants. Also, customers always look for Quality and tasty. Maliban has a variety of biscuit products can be categorized in the following major product categories maliban is a brand name ssynonymous with biscuits in sri lanka. Maliban is positioned as a good quality biscuit, with a traditional sri lankan image and identity.

Gold Marie Chocolate Cream Custard Cream Orange Cream Lemon Puff Cream Cracker Bran Cracker Fun Cracker Classic Cracker Vegy Cracker Biscuit Assortment Gift Selection Tea Time Assortment Assorted Cookies

Sorties Biscuit Snackers- Cheese & Chillie Snackers Masala Krisco Chick Bits Cheese Bits Krisco Bites Rocky Coconut Cookies
Tiny Cookies

Nice Glucomalt Gems Ginger Milk Shortcake

Pricing decisions are almost always made in consultation with marketing management. Price is the only marketing mix variable that can be altered quickly. Price variables such as dealer price, retail price, discounts, allowances, credit terms etc. influence the development of marketing strategy, as price is a major factor that influences the assessment of value obtained by customers.

Price mix of Maliban biscuit

Adopted a Market Penetration strategy i.e. low price along with the capturing of a large market Providing a good quality product - the value pricing method. The value-for-money positioning helps generate large sales volumes for the products Price should be available in Re 30 to Rs 35 priced packets Profit margin for distributors is 5% and for retailers is 10-12% Adopt a variation in its sales due to increase in price marginally

Maliban adopt certain value pricing; fairly low price for high quality product to increase overall sales volumes.

Decisions with respect to distribution channel focus on making the product a v a i l a b l e i n adequate quantities at places where customers are normally expected to shop for them to satisfy their needs. Depending on the nature of the product, marketing management decides to put into place an exclusive, selective or intensive network of distribution, while selecting the appropriate dealers. Maliban Head Office and the factory situated at Ratmalana. All distributions locally and the exports are handle their.

The various promotion channels should be used by Maliban to effectively communicate the product. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decide whether the cost of promotion is worth spending. There are three main objectives of advertising for Maliban are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. Maliban does its promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters for their regular products. They use print ads and the television programmers are also an important marketing medium for promotion. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of Maliban were: Making your life nicer with Maliban Nice Kids will do anything for Maliban Chocolate Biscuits 100% Natural Ginger Kick

Discussion on Current Market Mix

In my opinion, I think the current marketing mix which Maliban has i s s a t i s f a c t o r y t o customer needs. As it can be Cleary seen that Maliban as a company has expanded its products not only biscuit even up to milk packets. Providing a wide range of products with standard quality, Maliban has far influenced most of its customers perception favorably towards its p r o d u c t s . F r o m t i m e t h e c o m p a n y w a s c r e a t e d t i l l n o w , t h e q u a l i t y o f t h e products that Maliban offers is improving each year.

Co nc l u si on
The Malibans marketing Strategy concern they follow Marketing plans and strategies as per the theory, according to that marketing mix - 4 P's. But Maliban practicing strategies are purely dependent on common sense and business experience. Instead of the traditional 4 P's what the Marketing Guru's have described, they adopt a 5 P's mix which is not in the 'book' but which they have developed as in present. They are 01) Practical sense, 02) Practical leadership; 03) Psychology of the consumer and the retailer and 04) Planning techniques 05)Placing techniques for above the line and below the line advertising. Instead of the book - work, Maliban used their wealth of experience to develop consumer friendly strategies to give birth to a new orientation called "Brand selling orientation". In this orientation the core strategy is to move the brand closer to the end user rather than the moving a product. Maliban is doing continues developments and research to position their market target in marketing field with other competitors. For this reason, it places great emphasis on product development. Constant experimentation, production trials, trial sales and so on are carried out to improve its products and develop new products to cater to the changing and varying needs of all sectors of the
market. Recent developments in this sphere are as follows.

Potato Crackers Sri Lankas only potato biscuit in the market, primarily targeted at kids and teenagers. Strawberry Gem Another first, with strawberry-tasting centre, appeals to childrens taste buds. Water Crackers A wellness cracker that is popular among health and figure-conscious consumers. Honey & Cinnamon An authentic cinnamon biscuit, specially made for export. Multi-grain Crackers A nutritious cracker made of wheat, rice, oats and barley.

The company has gained local and international acclaim by winning world recognized quality awards, adhering to its founder's concept of "quality is our religion, " Also Maliban was a pioneer in introducing quality assurance concept in Sri Lanka. Followings are the things people do not know about Maliban.
a. Maliban was the first company to export, biscuits from Sri Lanka. b. Honoured as the second Most Respected Sri Lankan Entity in the Food & Beverages

Sector,by LMD in 2005.

c. Maliban bakes two billion biscuits each year and at least 80% of Sri Lankans have

tasted its products.

d. Some three million Gold Marie biscuits are consumed every day. e. Maliban was the first company to introduce biscuits with vitamins. f. It is the first food-manufacturing company to receive a National Quality Award.

References & Bibliography

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