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Patient: MERCER, STEPHEN CHARLES Age: 56 years PHN: 9082580491 BC Patient's Phone: (250)245-3339 Ordered by: Copy To:

Consent Access: Sex: M

Lab No: 12-424191012 Patient ID: Referring Site ID:

Date of Birth: Dec 31, 1955 Collected on: Jul 09 2012 09:08 Reported on: Jul 09 2012 18:20

Reported by: LifeLabs

Telephone: Toll Free: Fax:

604-431-7206 1-800-431-7206 604-412-4445


Printed on: 2012-07-10 18:13 Page 1 of 2

Test General Comments General Information



Reference Range - Units

This Standing Order will expire on 31-AUG-2012. If this Standing Order is still required, please provide your patient with a new laboratory requisition prior to this date. Hematology WBC RBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit MCV MCH MCHC RDW Platelet Count Differential Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils


5.7 5.06 151 0.44 87 29.8 343 14.8 126

4.0-10.0 4.20-5.40 133-165 0.38-0.50 82-98 27.5-33.5 305-365 11.5-14.5 150-400

giga/L tera/L g/L fl pg g/L % giga/L

2.9 1.8 0.6 0.4 0.0

2.0-7.5 1.0-4.0 0.1-0.8 0.0-0.7 0.0-0.2

giga/L giga/L giga/L giga/L giga/L

Urinalysis Urine Chemistry Colour Appearance pH Specific Gravity

Protein Glucose Ketones Hemoglobin Nitrite Leukocytes Test Comment

YELLOW CLEAR 6.0 5.0-8.5 1.024 1.003-1.035 Leukocyte esterase and protein may be falsely decreased with a specific gravity >1.020. <0.3 <0.3 <6 <6 <1.5 <1.5 Neg TRACE NEG Neg NEG Neg Criteria for microscopic analysis not met.

g/L mmol/L mmol/L

This report contains confidential information intended for view by authorized person(s) only, and should be shredded before discarding. Note to physicians: This report has been printed by the patient - the contents should be confirmed by accessing Excelleris or source laboratory reports. Note to patients: Please contact your physician if you have any questions regarding the results on this report.

Patient: MERCER, STEPHEN CHARLES Age: 56 years PHN: 9082580491 BC Patient's Phone: (250)245-3339 Ordered by: Copy To: Consent Access: Sex: M

Lab No: 12-424191012 Patient ID: Referring Site ID:

Date of Birth: Dec 31, 1955 Collected on: Jul 09 2012 09:08 Reported on: Jul 09 2012 18:20

Reported by: LifeLabs

Telephone: Toll Free: Fax:

604-431-7206 1-800-431-7206 604-412-4445


Printed on: 2012-07-10 18:13 Page 2 of 2

Test General Chemistry Sodium Potassium Creatinine Estimated GFR


Result 142 134-145 4.0 3.5-5.0 88 70-120 78 >=60 For further information see pdf/ckd.pdf 47 10-58 50 <60

Reference Range - Units mmol/L mmol/L umol/L mL/min

Gamma GT ALT


Reproductive and Gonadal Testosterone Testosterone Free Calculated Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Serum Proteins C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity)

10.0-30.0 nmol/L 8.4 237 90-700 pmol/L Method of Vermeulen 5.6 2-16 nmol/L Method of Vermeulen Interpret BAT and cFT results with caution in presence of signficant hypoalbuminemia. 23 10-70 nmol/L

<5.0 6.8 High-sensitivity method suitable for cardiovascular risk assessment.


This report contains confidential information intended for view by authorized person(s) only, and should be shredded before discarding. Note to physicians: This report has been printed by the patient - the contents should be confirmed by accessing Excelleris or source laboratory reports. Note to patients: Please contact your physician if you have any questions regarding the results on this report.

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