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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad Campus ASSIGNMENT# 4

Course Title Instructor Submission Date Weightage Computer Programming (for Engineers) Maryam Kausar 25th Oct 2012 4% Absolute

Note: You are required to use the C++ programming taught in the class only (until control structures). Use of C-style coding, library functions and advanced C++ features (that have not been taught yet) will result in deduction of marks. Late submission is not allowed. You are required to submit your source (C++) files at \\dataserver\assignments$ along with documentation showing flowcharts of your code. Submit all 4 files in a folder, which should have your name and registration number. 1. Write a C++ program that prints all numbers from 1 to 100 using a loop and prints a blank line after every 5 numbers. 2. Write a C++ program that reads input 79, 25 79 4 -6 79, 4, 0 and counts how many times 79 occurs. Print the count. 3. Write a program to generate a list of first 100 odd numbers using if loops.

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