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General Library Item Name Release Date Expire date Access Content Private Friday Report 2012-10-12 October 13, 2012

Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts Draft minutes from the October 9, 2012 regular board meeting are included with this week's Friday Report. Please send any necessary edits to Kathy Mahan by the close of business Wednesday, October 17. Draft minutes of the October 2 special meeting were provided with the October 5 Friday Report. No revisions were recommended. Special board meetings previously scheduled for October 30 and November 6 have been deleted from the calendar. Special board meetings have been added on December 6 and 13 for meetings with legislators concerning board legislative priorities. Times and locations for these meetings will be confirmed when enough legislators have confirmed their availability. Finally, this year's State of School Review (SOSR) schedule is attached for directors' reference. Kathy will collect sign-up preferences, initially following school liaison assignments, as soon as possible. Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20121009 Regular.pdf (41 KB) Attachment: SOSRs 2012-13 20121011.pdf (12 KB) Board Agenda Items Race to the Top Grant Application & Memorandum of Understanding: Attached to the prior edition of Friday Report were drafts of the completed Race to the Top "Bedrock for Success" consortium application, and the Memorandum of Understanding between the participating members of the consortium. At the October 23 meeting the board will be asked to authorize the grant and the board president and superintendent to sign the final memorandum. At director request, this edition of the Friday Report contains the executive summary for members' review. A copy of Mayor Stephanson's letter of support is also attached. Last Tuesday the drafts were presented to the EEA leadership. Next Tuesday, the Mill Creek City Council considers the grant application draft and letter of support. Copies of the application were also sent to OSPI and the state's Department of Early Learning for review and comment prior to completion, board approval of the memorandum, and submission. Attachment: USED Bedrock for Success Executive Summary 2102.pdf (264 KB) Attachment: Stephanson Letter (USED Bedrock for Success support) 20121012.pdf (497 KB) Board-Superintendent Communications Only a few pieces of communication are included with this edition of the Friday Report. The first is an anonymous letter regarding bullying on one of the district's buses. Mike Gunn is investigating the accusations. The installation of cameras on the district's buses will assist with this analysis. Of course, there can not be a response to the writer since the author is anonymous. The second email series involves the request of a parent to change bus schedules to accommodate an asthma condition for a student. A bus route has been altered temporarily to provide service while an analysis of the student's condition is conducted pursuant to our 504 policy, with counsel's support. The third is a response to Rodman Reynolds describing the extensive history of board involvement in studying and determining initial policy regarding the new instructional frameworks and teacher evaluation system, and Charlotte Danielson's leadership in this work. The fourth and final email identifies a parent's concerns regarding students' reliability in ensuring their web-based Culminating Exhibition materials remain confidential. This is a significant issue in our world and certainly will be in the world our students are entering. Protocols and systems for ensuring students know how to, and act to ensure, their private information remains private, is now a significant part of the Culminating Exhibition learning process. In addition, the district can provide other options for students when parent will not allow web use by their children (similar to other opt-out choices associated with required state and district curricula). Attachment: Anonymous Letter (Bullying on Bus) 20121012.pdf (66 KB) Attachment: Pollack-Debolt-Gunn Emails (Transportation) 20121005.pdf (88 KB)

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Attachment: Reynolds-Cohn Emails (Charlotte Danielson) 20121008.pdf (16 KB) Attachment: Tate Email (Private information) 20121004.pdf (65 KB) Common Core State Standards & College Connections Eleven months ago we participated in a joint meeting with community college presidents that focused on ways to ease students' K12 to higher education transitions. Subsequently, regional efforts to connect math faculty from high schools and community colleges to discuss placement via transcript analysis have been underway, as have continuing conversations about ways to reduce community college remediation rates for recent high school graduates. In addition, work on the Core to College (C2C) grant continues. That effort, sponsored by the Gates, Lumina, and Hewlett Foundations and directed by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, aims to immerse higher education personnel in the implementation of Common Core State Standards and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium efforts. The OSPI progress report on the three major goals of the project and a PowerPoint slide deck that describes the overall aims of C2C is timely (see the first two attachments below). At the recent WSSDA Legislative Assembly, during which elected representatives of each elected school board voted on the state-wide association's legislative positions, the Common Core --especially as it related to the Smarter Balanced Assessment project-- was a key topic of discussion. While the board of directors has been provided with information about the district's planning and professional development related to the Common Core implementation in Washington State (e.g., early learning, instructional materials adoption, Learning Management System design), an opportunity to revisit that topic is timely. A just-released Washington State Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development publication and two recent Education Week publications on the Common Core have been attached for directors' background. In addition, a study and several articles from the past few years provide additional background on the Common Core, including pro and con views about the national initiative. Attachment: OSPI Core to College Project Update 2012Fall.pdf (132 KB) Attachment: OSPI Core to College Overview Excerpt.pdf (205 KB) Attachment: WSASCD Curriculum in Context 2012Fall.pdf (2,707 KB) Attachment: EdWeek Spotlight (Common core) 2012.pdf (3,587 KB) Attachment: EdWeek Spotlight (Common core) 2011.pdf (1,759 KB) Attachment: Common Core Classroom Implications 201105.pdf (3,592 KB) Attachment: Ed Week (Common core math standards don't add up) 20110927.pdf (59 KB) Attachment: EdWeek (Common core bar) 20101206.pdf (67 KB) Attachment: EdWeek (Common standards fit for college) 20110825.pdf (69 KB) Attachment: EdWeek (Draft frameworks released) 20110804.pdf (16 KB) Attachment: NY Times (NY common core) 20110424.pdf (30 KB) Attachment: WashPost (Singapore math) 20110606.pdf (55 KB) School Improvement Needs Assessments & Improvement Planning Hawthorne Elementary has been designated by OSPI as a Focus school. As part of the state support and grant, a needs assessment and school review was conducted by the BERC Group with school staff. Emerson Elementary has been designated by OSPI as an Emerging school, and a comprehensive school review was completed by the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE). As part of its implementation of the provisions of the ESEA Flexibility Request, OSPI has just published a draft Internal Needs Assessment Handbook for Focus schools to use in their needs assessment. The Internal Needs Assessment Handbook (see attached) is a tool school teams can use to measure current effectiveness and guide the schools action planning efforts. This handbook supports an intensive examination of the schools practices compared to seven research-based principles of student and school success. The outcome is the identification of key strategies that will have a substantial impact on creating the conditions for student success. In addition, CEE has just published a similar tool for Comprehensive School Review use and follow-up planning. The OSPI needs assessment is a different (even if similar) process than the CSR. Hawthorne has now undergone both processes. Ten other schools in the district have or are undertaking the CSR process, which was designed by CEE with Everett Public Schools. The district will use the OPSI-funded process for the designated schools. This information is provided to directors for background knowledge, in anticipation of the upcoming SOSR series. Attachment: OSPI Internal Needs Assessment Handbook 20121009.pdf (658 KB) Attachment: CEE CSR Planning and Implementation Guide 2012.pdf (560 KB)
(It is of some note that OSPI is collaborating with the Center on Innovation and Improvement (CII) to align Washington State's Student and School Success Indicators to the set of research-based indicators on CII's Indistar online action planning tool. Indistar is a web-based system used by 30+ states across the nation. It can be implemented by district and/or school improvement teams to inform, coach, sustain, track, and report improvement activities. It is possible the IndistarIndistar tool holds some promise as a potential online replacement for the district's locally developed school improvement plan tool.)

Enrollment Update Finance staff concluded their headcount and FTE reporting for September, and the FTE and headcount enrollment reports are attached for director background. Staff report overall, headcount on September 10 was 122 under the October projection, but anticipate the addition of 96 more students by October. By October, staff anticipates the elementary schools will be 76 over projection, middle schools 23 under projection and high schools 79 under projection. In addition to the FTE and headcount reports, a change report for October is provided for background. The October counts are typically what appear in a variety of state reports, and funding calculations. This report follows up the strategic progress monitoring presentation provided during last Tuesday's regular board meeting.

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Attachments: Oct FTE 2012-13.pdf (12 KB) | Oct HC 2012-13.pdf (12 KB) | Oct HC Changes 2012-13.pdf (17 KB) ELL Enrollment Numbers At the start of the school year, federal regulations allow for a window in which to assess newly enrolling students to determine qualification for ELL services. Because of the time required for this assessment window, staff have not yet compiled the monthly ELL Language Matrix, which details the number of students speaking each language by school. However, as of October 1, 2012, the number of ELL students enrolled has increased over last year, with 1,863 students, reaching 10% of our student population for the first time. After rapid growth from 1998 through 2008, ELL numbers plateaued between 2008 and 2011, with about 9% of Everett's students qualifying as ELL during those years. This October shows a jump of 200 students over last years October count of 1,656 ELL students. Year % ELL 2007 8.5 2008 9.3 2009 8.99 2010 9.44 2011 8.96 2012 10.00

English Language Learner (ELL) AMAO Results (Strategic Target 1.1.a) In February 2011, 1,735 English Language Learner students in Everett Public Schools took the Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA). The WELPA is the new state assessment of English language proficiency, replacing the Washington Language Proficiency Test (WLPT). Student progress on the WELPA is measured in three areas, called Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs). (AMAO is not the same as the AMO measure under the ESEA Flexibility Waiver accountability structure.) Everett Public Schools as a district exceeded all three AMAO targets. AMAO 1 matches individual students with their test results from the previous year to determine if they are making progress in improving their English language proficiency. In Everett Public Schools, 1,232 students scores were matched, and 71.7% of those students demonstrated progress. The state target for AMAO 1 is 67.2% of students making progress. AMAO 2 is the percent of students attaining English proficiency and transitioning out of the program. The state goal for AMAO 2 was 7.1%. In Everett, 11.1% attained English proficiency and transitioned out of the ELL services. In 2010-11, 22% of Everett students met AMAO 2. However, with the introduction of the new WELPA, the percentage of students meeting AMAO 2 dropped dramatically across the state, resulting in the new state goal of 7.1% compared to the state goal of 13.1% in 2010-11. AMAO 3 addresses whether students met standard on the MSP or the HSPE. In Everett, all schools that have more than the minimum number of ELL students required to count (N=>20) met AMAO 3. Individually, some schools did not meet targets one and two. AMAO 1 was not met at eight schools: Eisenhower, Everett High, Evergreen, Garfield, Heatherwood, Lowell, Mill Creek, and View Ridge. AMAO 2 was not met at seven schools: Everett High, Garfield, Hawthorne, Lowell, Madison, View Ridge, and Woodside. A summary provided by CEE is attached. This Friday Report item follows up the presentation received by the directors at the September special meeting on district performance. Attachment: AMAO-2012 Update-Everett PS.pdf (446 KB) Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) (Strategic Target 1.1.b) This year the GEAR UP program includes a number of activities planned to assist students in learning about high school and to ensure a successful experience when they arrive in the fall of 2013. One of the most innovative is the afterschool program, GEAR UP World Language Survey Project. This project is designed to assist students in choosing the world language they would like to study in order to meet the foreign language requirement for college entrance by providing them with the opportunity to complete a survey course. GEAR UP students will have opportunities to engage in lessons with teachers by using a set of iPads that were purchased through the grant and have been loaded with a variety of Rosetta Stone introductory language courses. Over the course of the year, students will engage in a variety of interactive activities designed to introduce students to conversational Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Farsi or Punjab, Arabic, and American Sign Language. Washington Student Achievement Council (WASC) (Strategic Target 1.2.b) The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) was established in July 1, 2012 as a cabinet level state agency to replace the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HEC Board). WSAC provides strategic planning, oversight and advocacy to increase student success and higher overall educational attainment in Washington State. One function of this new state board is to set minimum college admission standards for Washington State public colleges and universities. College admission standards, also known as College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADR), were recently revised for the entering college freshmen of 2012. The CADR includes four English credits, three math credits, a senior year or advanced math-based quantitative course, two science credits, two world language credits in the same language, three social science credits, and one fine arts or elective credit. The board study session on October 16 will include more information about CADR and how well the Everett Public Schools' class of 2012 was prepared for entrance into college. New Math Course for 2013-14: Applications in Mathematical Reasoning (Strategic Target: 1.2.b) Four years of meaningful, rigorous mathematics in high school is an important component of post-secondary readiness. This has been reinforced at both the Post-Secondary Symposium and the STEM Symposium over the past two summers. In September 2013, Everett Public Schools will be implementing a new high school math course, Applications in Mathematical Reasoning. Preparing seniors for a successful transition to college or career choices after high school is one of the main goals of this fourth year senior-level math course, taken after completion of algebra 2. Our most successful

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students take math courses all four years of high school; however, not all students are interested in pursuing the traditional calculus track. Applications in Mathematical Reasoning is modeled after Math 107, a statewide community college course, and is eligible for College in the High School credit. This course meets the Washington Student Achievement Council (formerly the Higher Education Coordinating, or HEC Board) college admission standard of a senior-level math-based quantitative course. Course topics include: statistics and data analysis, probability, personal finance, mathematical modeling, and discrete mathematics. The textbook for this course is being selected as part of the second phase of our district math adoption, with input from Everett Community College. With the addition of this course, student math electives (after completion of algebra 2) are pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, and Applications of Mathematical Reasoning. Observing Evidence of Learning (OEL) Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) (Strategic Target 1.2.b) Last Friday, the first Learning Improvement Friday, science teachers collaborated to develop means of continuing crossdistrict student focused OEL PLC sessions. This effort was a result of teachers working together as cross-district PLC networks developed during the OEL grant. This week, with coordinating help from the STEM office, schools worked together to develop calendars coordinating their efforts to meet on selected Fridays during the year. These collegial teams are planning to meet together by either traveling to a school site or by virtual means such as Skype. Advanced Placement Chemistry teachers were already planning a cross-district meeting and used the opportunity provided by the Friday collaborative time to travel to one site on October 5. They reported that the time was extremely valuable and they look forward to meeting on a bi-weekly basis. Teachers are also requesting the district find a way to provide the professional scientist support and classroom observation support that OEL provided, irrespective of the availability of grant funding. Summer 2012 HSPE Records Reconciliation (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) On October 10, records reconciliation was completed for the summer High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) administered in August. During the record reconciliation period, district assessment staff worked closely with building staff to review and correct the accuracy of student records, thus ensuring that final data published on the OSPI School Report Card accurately reflects the performance of students in each school and across the district. In addition, this data is incorporated into the annual assessment data which is used to determine if each school and the district met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO). As a result of the records reconciliation, the district submitted changes to the records of 16 students to OSPI. For the 2012 summer school year, approximately 200 students were tested in high school in reading or writing. On November 1, OSPI is scheduled to release the final AMO scores for each school and district. Final results will be posted on the OSPI website. HSPE August 2012 Summary Results HSPE Reading School Cascade Everett HM Jackson Sequoia District Number of Students Tested 41 35 24 12 112 Number of Students Met 13 6 13 4 36 Percent Met 31.7% 17.1% 54.2% 33.3% 32.1% Number of Students Tested 24 24 17 6 71 HSPE Writing Number of Students Met 11 13 11 3 38 Percent Met 45.8% 54.2% 64.7% 50.0% 53.5%

Good Habits, Great Readers Lesson Study (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) District instructional staff are embarking on the application of lesson study with the Good Habits, Great Readers curriculum implementation. Lesson study is a process that involves grade level teams of teachers planning a lesson together, observing the lesson, and debriefing the observation. Lesson study is a collaborative, professional practice that empowers teachers to grow and learn together as they observe the instructional setting and note the impact on student learning. This week, the elementary reading cadre (consisting of reading specialists from each of the K-5 schools) participated in professional development related to lesson study and how to facilitate and integrate rigor into Good Habits, Great Readers curriculum lessons. The cadre professional development included collaboration and planning time for lesson study as the reading specialists prepared for their facilitation role in this process of examining teaching and learning with grade-level colleagues. Danny, King of the Basement Presentation on Family Homelessness (Strategic Target: 5.3.a) On October 2 Everett Public Schools co-sponsored a free community forum on family homelessness. Other co-sponsors for the forum were Seattle Childrens Theater and Seattle Universitys Project on Family Homelessness. Funding was provided by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. School Board Vice-President Ed Petersen welcomed the audience to the forum and spoke of the importance of the arts in our schools. Seattle Childrens Theater Artistic Director Linda Hartzell, a former Evergreen Junior High student, then introduced four actors from the Seattle Childrens Theater production of Danny, King of the Basement. The play, about a homeless childs imaginary secret agent self, chronicles Dannys efforts to overcome the cold realities of a life with plenty of uncertainties, hunger and lack of things most children take for

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granted. The actors performed two scenes from the play. Jeffrey Watson, Division Manager, Housing & Community Services, Snohomish County Human Services Department, and Board Vice-President Petersen (who is also the Executive Director of Housing Hope) joined Mary Ellen Hardy, who coordinates assistance for homeless students in Everett Public Schools, and Mary Jane Brell Vujovic of the Workforce Development Council. They shared their perspectives on family homelessness in our community. Seattle Childrens Theater also provided free tickets to the full production of Danny, King of the Basement, for the first 50 families to arrive at the event. Seattle Childrens Theater Education Director Karen Sharp will also lead a workshop for Everett Public Schools students in return for the use of our facility for the forum. Attachment: Community Forum on Family Homelessness 20121012.pdf (366 KB) Career and Technical Education (CTE) & Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) (Strategic Target: 5.4.a) Course Curriculum Guides and Frameworks have been approved for the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program at Everett High School by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Next steps will include working with the instructors so they may become CTE conditionally certified. Having the course approved and the instructors CTE conditionally certified will allow the course to be counted toward a CTE credit. This is the same process we have used for our science teachers to become CTE STEM certified. STEM Report: Robotics Team October Update (Strategic Target: 5.4.a) For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics has come to Cascade High School. Cascade has received a Washington FIRST Lego League grant for $1,600 to start a team at Cascade to join the successful Jackson FIRST Robotics team. Cascade has also submitted several more grants, including a Boeing grant for $11,000 to cover the cost of the robotics kit. In addition, FIRST Lego League Robotics teams at North, Gateway, and Heatherwood Middle Schools received Washington FIRST Lego League grants: North ($800), Gateway ($400), and Heatherwood ($400). Coaches at North, Gateway, Heatherwood, and Cascade are all math or science teachers participating in some aspect of our STEM/CTE teacher certification program. The development of these teams is an important step toward becoming a STEM School. Public Records Request Updates Dia Austin: Ms. Austin submitted and then tentatively withdrew a request for emails she and her husband from various teachers and counselors who work with her son. At this time, Ms. Austin believes she has the information she needs from alternate resources. Staff await further clarification before proceeding with preparation of the email file. Rodman Reynolds: Mr. Reynolds submitted requests for the September 28 and October 5, 2012 editions of the Friday Report including the staff contacts and community contacts information within the executive content area. He has not requested copies of any of the attachments at this time. Both requests have been fulfilled. Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles D.A Davidson Co. recently commissioned a state-wide Elway Poll surveying important school topics. The attached file includes those September 2012 poll results (starting on page 12), along with a recent WSU poll and Gallup Poll findings. WSSDA recently received a paper describing the agency's approach to developing superintendent evaluation structures and processes in concert with the teacher and principal evaluation pilots underway in Washington. A copy if provided for director background. One of the initiatives of the EdLeader21 organization is development of a district-wide assessment to measure 21st century skills implementation. A copy of the overview is provided for directors background. Attachment: DADCO Statewide Elway Poll Survey Graphs 2012.pdf (1,113 KB) Attachment: WSSDA Steering Committee White Paper 20120920.pdf (150 KB) Attachment: EdLeader21 District Criteria Project Overview 092412.pdf (226 KB) News Releases Points of Pride Budget Articles Field Trip Requests Attachment: Cascade HS FT Updates 20121012.pdf (1,193 KB) Directors' Dates to Remember Tuesday, October 16 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 23 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, November 13 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room November 14-17 - WSSDA Conference - Spokane Tuesday, November 27 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, December 4 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 6 (tentative) - Special Board Meeting - 6:00 p.m. - Evergreen Middle School Library Tuesday, December 11 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Thursday, December 13 (tentative) - Special Board Meeting - Time TBA

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Community Forum on Family Homelessness 20121012.pdf (366 KB) Cascade HS FT Updates 20121012.pdf (1,193 KB) Board Meeting Minutes 20121009 Regular.pdf (41 KB)

Anonymous Letter (Bullying on Bus) 20121012.pdf (66 KB)

Executive Content
Community Contacts

Pollack-Debolt-Gunn Emails (Transportation) 20121005.pdf (88 KB) Reynolds-Cohn Emails (Charlotte Danielson) 20121008.pdf (16 KB)

Over the past several weeks, I have been among a dozen public and private entities' Tate Email (Private information) 20121004.pdf (65 KB) leaders engaged in preliminary discussions to explore interest in forming a leadership coalition CEE CSR Planning and Implementation Guide 2012.pdf (560 KB) to improve the health of Snohomish County OSPI Internal Needs Assessment Handbook 20121009.pdf (658 KB) residents. This week, several of the organizations' executives met to discuss the DADCO Statewide Elway Poll Survey Graphs 2012.pdf (1,113 KB) most mutually EdLeader21 District Criteria Project Overview 092412.pdf (226 KB) Oct FTE 2012-13.pdf (12 KB) attractive Oct HC 2012-13.pdf (12 KB) Oct HC Changes 2012-13.pdf (17 KB) SOSRs 2012-13 20121011.pdf (12 KB) USED Bedrock for Success Executive Summary 2102.pdf (264 KB)

focus that would align with our strategic priorities. Among the WSSDA Steering Committee White Paper 20120920.pdf (150 KB) participants were representatives of health care organizations, economic development OSPI Core to College Project Update 2012Fall.pdf (132 KB) organizations, senior services, youth and adult health and recreation services, and county health care services. This OSPI Core to College Overview Excerpt.pdf (205 KB) effort aligns directly with our student health strategic WSASCD Curriculum in Context 2012Fall.pdf (2,707 KB) priority and our strategic relationship priority. Reach Out and Read Washington State's executive Common Core Classroom Implications 201105.pdf (3,592 KB) director conferred with me by phone Ed Week (Common core math standards don't add up) 20110927.pdf (59 KB) this week to discuss opportunities for partnerships with clinics in our EdWeek (Common core bar) 20101206.pdf (67 KB) region, especially those who serve the district's students. We will be coordinating our early EdWeek (Common standards fit for college) 20110825.pdf (69 KB) learning efforts to enhance our early learning EdWeek (Draft frameworks released) 20110804.pdf (16 KB) strategy. (Reach Out and Read is a national nonprofit organization that promotes early literacy by giving new EdWeek Spotlight (Common core) 2011.pdf (1,759 KB) books to children and advice to parents about the EdWeek Spotlight (Common core) 2012.pdf (3,587 KB) importance of reading aloud in pediatric exam rooms Stephanson Letter (USED Bedrock for Success support) 20121012.pdf (497 KB) NY Times (NY common core) 20110424.pdf (30 KB) AMAO-2012 Update-Everett PS.pdf (446 KB) WashPost (Singapore math) 20110606.pdf (55 KB) across the nation. The Reach Out and Read program provides the tools to help promote childrens developmental skills and later school

success.) As a trustee of the Snohomish County YMCA, I attended the regular meeting of that board at the Monroe YMCA. I was particularly impressed with the Monroe School District's presentation of Jump Start, an early learning program partnership, to the Y board. As chair of the YMCA Strategic Oversight Committee, this week I facilitated a strategic implementation meeting aimed at aligning Y board organizational structure and focus to the strategic plan. Y executive staff have done a superb job of developing a structure to align the work of their support organization and branches to the county-wide priorities. The work of this particular committee is now aimed at board alignment with the long-term efforts over what may be three or more strategic planning cycles. Mike Gunn, Jeff Moore, Hal Buemel, and Pam Posey joined me and our architect for a visit to the Seattle offices of a world-wide non-profit, PATH, whose work space across multiple floors is designed to promote high levels of collaboration and inter-departmental work. PATH has hosted two visits by district staff, and our teams gathered some very useful ideas for enhancing the collaborative nature of the CRC interior layout and fixtures. Our architect discovered this space and thought its design might offer some possibilities for us. While downtown, we also visited a building visited previously by the school board, and which stimulated much of the interior atrium design for the CRC. This effort is related to a key superintendent performance goal for this year. (PATH is an international nonprofit organization that transforms global health through innovation. PATH takes an entrepreneurial approach to developing and delivering high-impact, low-cost solutions, from lifesaving vaccines and devices to collaborative programs with communities in more than 70 countries.) Sue and I attended the Cocoon House Annual Dinner and Auction. The event was wonderfully successful, and contributes to support for many of our students who find themselves in crisis. We enjoyed the opportunity to talk with several community members, including the agency's executive director and board members, and to discuss current district activities as well as the support Cocoon House provides for our students.

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WASAs fall workshop was held at Sea-Tac this week. This particular WASA event is organized collaboratively with Washington State ASCD, and OSPI. I attended a portion of the conference, and appreciated the opportunity to gather answers to several Common Core, assessment, funding, and legislative proposal questions through conversation with WASA and OSPI executive leadership. School board directors were among those who attended and received recognition at this conference. Staff Contacts Superintendents Cabinet discussed scorecard planning, the Race to the Top grant application, graduate trailing indicators, the STEM Symposium follow-up, upcoming board meetings, school events, the Kids Futures event, development of the agenda for the upcoming Presidents Council meeting, and reviewing the board presentation regarding the budget and program status and the fiscal outlook. This weeks Superintendent's Cabinet meeting was held at Cascade High School so cabinet members could attend a performance of an Okinawa Taiko drumming group in the gym. Students were thoroughly engaged in the very dynamic and positive Far East cultural performance. A similar culturally-focused assembly was held at Evergreen Middle School. In addition to spending time at Cascade High, schools visits this week included Silver Lake, Emerson, Lowell, and Hawthorne Elementaries. The visits to Lowell and Hawthorne were on Friday, which was a teacher inservice day. Recall that Hawthorne Elementary has been designated a Focus school. As part of the state support and grant, a needs assessment and school review was conducted by the BERC Group and I attended the report-out session with school staff. Emerson Elementary has been designated by OSPI as an Emerging school, and a needs assessment and school review was completed by the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE). Their analysis was delivered earlier this week, and I also attended that school staff meeting. The second all-day Principal Evaluation AWSP Leadership Framework and Rubrics Workshop was held this week at Everett's Holiday Inn. Districts from our region attended as well, providing principals and other district staff opportunities to collaborate on the principal evaluation framework implementation. Fridays weather returned us to our more-common liquid sunshine, but before it really began coming down I was able to visit with staff and community members at the football game between Cascade and Jackson High Schools at Memorial Stadium.

Last Modified by Gary Cohn on October 17, 2012

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