When You Are Going Through Something Hard and Wonder Where: Christian Fe Ilowship Church

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Fe Christian Ilowship Church

When you going through are something hard where andwonder

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the teacher isalways quiet

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2012 October14tt', Worship 5ervice Welcome Prayer and

(nexl-Greg Thiessen)

regational 5inging Cong Announcements & Offering Kid's Korner

Morilyn Reimer
{next Ekhod Rinsdorf)

Number Special
Ferlin Abrohomson

Reading S*ipture
Psolm 32 Rondy Nepinok
(nextRondy Pleti)

''TheJoy of Forgiveness"


#348 - ''HeTouched ,Me'

Communion 5urrday 5chool News Notes &

. . Next Sundoy EkhortRinsdorf w i l lb e l h e s p e o k e r W e o r e p l o n n i n go f o l l p o l l u c k for Sundoy, November 41h.


P r ta v' e r'R e r r r r e s t s " /

Lets conlinueto proy for Lyndon& Shovot. Theyhove requesledproyer n regords to theirhouslng needs.

Looking Ahead
Ociober 28rhRegionol FomilyGel Together at Hudson Boy. "Sloying Foilhfulin Minislry" Theme: Speoker:Henry Ozirney

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Todoy- AlvinKroeker Oct. I 6ih- HoroldThiessen Kemotch Oci. 201hHeo'lher

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Iodoy ^reetoi ihe churchol 2:30p.m. Weotherpermitling willgo for o hike we io Pike's Peok.

Alvin Dione & 2OI2EMCPRAYER REQUESTS , Associole MissionsBrozil Dwoyne& Shonnon (Ieoch Beyond) Klossen -Ouesfisthe officiolownerof the lond they boughi. Now lhey ore moving forwordwith lond developmenlond construction. Queslis hopinglo hold 'iheir comp seoson the new property firsl on in Jonuory2013, if lhey con get cen'trol bothrooms ond o kitchenbui t by then. - Proise proy for God for the shoriJerm leoms olreodyplonnedtor 2012. lheirpreporotions theirtime of service for ond for lheirreturnhome. Noles

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