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8 ARTS January 19, 2009 • www.thequill.


It’s Cold Out There, But at Least We Have Ceramics

Student works on display at Glen P. Sutherland Gallery highlight new artists on campus
Kristen Perrott | Arts Writer

This is my second brutally cold currently held at the AGSM

winter out here in Brandon, studios will finally be move on
Manitoba and although I have campus, joining their upper
very strong, almost hourly urg- level counterparts.
es, to get on a plane to Mexico, Ceramics as an art medium
I’m sticking it out here at BU. is a slow and laborious pro-
Why not fly to Mexico, you cess and involves a lifetime of
ask? Well the answer is quite research along with trial and
simply, that BU has this new error. It is at times a frustrat-
ceramics program which, in ing undertaking, but Lin Xu,
spite of the ridiculous climate the department’s well-loved
in which it’s situated, has cap- ceramics professor, ceaselessly
tured my attention. inspires her students to cap-
While January in Brandon ture their visions in clay, while
does usher in bone-chilling at the same time, encouraging
cold, it brings with it the an- them to push past self-imposed
nual ceramics exhibition at the limitations.
Glen P. Sutherland Gallery on In my mind, working with
campus. clay is like alchemy. You hope
This years show features a and pray for gold, but you
wide range of work from stu- never really know what you’ll
dents of all levels. There is come up with after you mix all
a scattering of Monika Sor- these mysterious ingredients
mova’s fabulous ceramic egg together. Having to deal with
shells. Kate MacDonald has a the unknown is really rather
unique collection of celadon therapeutic for us perfection-
green vase forms. Ben Horne’s ist types.
“Inky Dinky Doo,” stands The show is worth seeing for
proudly amongst a selection of the ceramic work, but what’s
creative bowl and mug forms. more, the exhibition this year
Sarah Elliot is showing a pair includes an absolutely beau-
of great playing-card men in tiful collection of aboriginal
little cages, and Angie Currie artwork by students in the
is putting together a radio-ac- indigenous techniques class.
tive installation. There is even Come out and see it all.
a sampling of fine conceptual The Glen P. Sutherland Gal-
work by The Quill’s Ottawa lery is located just a short dash
correspondent, Neal Hackler. across the parking lot, south of
The ceramics program at the gym.
BU is exciting and growing The Ceramics and Aborigi-
fast. Renovations to the space nal Art Show runs from Janu-
under the library will be com- ary 15 to 31. Gallery Hours:
plete this coming fall which Wednesday to Saturday 2 to 6,
means that intro level courses Thursday 2 to 8 pm.

Top right: “Torso,” Kate McDonald. Clay, oxide & glaze, 2008.
Top left: “Untitled,” Mary Wood-Mcneill. Clay, acrylic antique
medium, 2008. Middle left: “Bloodlines,” Monika Sormova.
Porcelain and thread, 2008. Bottom left: “Three Watery Days,”
Kristen Perrott. Clay and glazes, 2008.
Photos: David Kusnick, The Quill, 2009.

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