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Volume ninety-nine, Issue Ten DIVERSIONS 11

Sleep of the Just: Chapter Ten

Scott Bartz | Staff

I try to make a habit out of not us- now a generic kind of bulk, and as we talk about what’s going on.
ing guns, they’re messy, obvious, a tight, sour face; a face used to Chandler confirms Meredith’s
and unpredictable. Throw a fire- scowling and a face used to being story from last night; he’d been
arm into any situation and sud- hit. I recognize him as a regular trailing Helena for months, look-
denly you will find it difficult to from Corrigan’s bar. His name is ing for something that Meredith
predict the outcome. I don’t like Phil Chandler, and he’s spent the could use against her; instead
that loss of control in my life, that last few months under the employ they found me. Chandler had rec-
instability. But right now? Look- of Meredith Badru. As he gets ognized me as a regular at the bar
ing at my savaged assailant laying up, he looks me in the eyes, and and reported our meeting to Mer-
at my feet as my own blood drips he knows I remember him. With edith, suspicious that Helena was, Creative Commons, 2009.
onto him, all I want in my hands recognition comes familiarity, hiring a P.I. of her own. Not want-
is every fucking kind of gun I can and with that comes peace. The ing to take any chances, Meredith ya, Chris! Merry just wants you so I can pick up my goddamn car.
think of. I want him dead and I fight leaves his eyes and I offer sent Chandler to my office to do outta the picture, you’re a snoop, The L is way too depressing for me
want him hurt and I want him out him a drink as I go to try and sal- a bit of investigating of his own, y’know that? I was gonna just right now. Fact: Chandler is going
of my face. vage my nose. looking for any counter-intel- take you somewhere… y’know, to take his money from Meredith
But as he begins to get up, rec- Within minutes a sense of nor- ligence I might have uncovered safe. Out of the way ‘til this whole and walk away from this whole
ognition strikes. I hadn’t had a malcy has been established. Chan- for Helena. She has no idea I’d thing blows over.” I walk over to situation; the contract is up. Fact:
chance to really look at him while dler is sitting on my couch with just drunkenly met her last night; Chandler and finish his drink for If anybody asks him, Chandler
he was kicking me in the head, a glass of whisky as I attempt to Meredith thinks I was working him, and then I tell him the facts. has no idea that I’m about to pay
but now my mind is beginning bandage my nose with the shoddy for Helena. Fact: There is a viciously mur- Meredith Badru a visit at home.
to focus and I start to notice his first aid kit I keep under the sink Chandler and I sit for a moment dered girl who is crying out for These are the facts.
features. He is a large man, per- in the back room. The damage with our drinks, and he explains vengeance. Fact: Chandler is go-
haps once large with muscle but done to my office goes unnoticed himself. “I wasn’t tryin’ to kill ing to drive me back to her place Continued next issue

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