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12 LIFE January 19, 2009 • www.thequill.


Sex Ed in The City

Amanada Hamm | SERC

Question: asthma, heart murmurs, rashes, get you excited. How many Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual,
Dear Ms. Q: I “choke the chicken” three and unpleasant odors. times a day you masturbate is transgender, or questioning and
I recently went out with this guy times a day. Am I normal? Times have changed! Mastur- entirely dependant on your own under 25 years old? If so, call
I met online and we got into a Answer: bation is a normal, healthy part sexual needs. However, if ex- 727-0417 and join the Rainbow
discussion about the differences Choking the chicken, spank- of human sexuality. cessive masturbation interferes Youth Alliance!
about dating in Canada versus ing the monkey, whacking off… Not only does masturbation with your job, school or rela-
Italy (where I’m from). He said what ever you call it, know that relieve sexual tension, it gives tionships then you may have a Information provided by the
that in his opinion, men and mastrubation is healthy and you the opportunity to discov- problem. Sexuality Education Resource
women cannot “just be friends.” normal! During the Victorian er how you like to be touched. For more information and re- Centre. Do you have questions
I’m pretty puzzled by this re- period masturbation was said Once you understand what gets sources check out our web site about sexuality? Send them to
mark, because I have lots of male to cause hairy palms, insanity, you all jiggered up sexually, you at,
friends. I got the impression that epilepsy, headaches, nosebleeds, can teach your partner how to
he was trying to send me as mes-
sage, something like “make up

Calling all Performers!!

your mind about me or get out of
my life.” What’s the general posi-
tion on male/female friendship in
Canada? Krista Meyers | LGBTTQ Collective
- Lost in Translation
We are looking for any open mind- Performances we are looking for
Dear Lost: ed individuals who are interested include:
I don’t think there’s a definitive in performing for the Cabaret on
Canadian view on the topic of February 7th, 2009, with the main • Musical Acts
mixed-gender friendships, and I theme of celebrating diversity in Acoustic/Unplugged
think you’ll find many different all its forms. It will be a semifor- • Dramatic Scenes
views on the subject around here. mal/formal event with a wonder- • Improv
Your date was probably trying to ful host and hostess coordinating • Readings
gauge your feeling towards him a full evenings worth of dramatic • Dramatic Readings, Poetry
by making the statement. He’s ob- scenes, dance and musical acts. It • Dance
viously at a place in his life where is a social event that will have fin-
he is looking for a romantic part- ger foods, prizes, and a wine and 270 18th Street
ner and is likely considering all beer bar. Second Floor Knowles Douglas
females as potential mates. I’d All performers will get a gift Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
certainly take this into account from the collective and free ad- (204) 727-7317
if you decide to keep seeing him, missions to the event.
especially if he spends time with
other women.
There are many good cases for
mixed friendships out there, but
I think women are more likely
to have faith in the innocence
and ideal of having platonic male
friends. Having some very good
male friends, I’d have to agree
with you that this arrangement is
certainly possible, but also know
from past experience that the tru-
est male buddies and pals are not
immune from crossing the line if
they see an opportunity.

Send your personal quandaries,

questions and queries to Ms. Q c/o
The Quill, 270-18th St. Brandon,
R7A 6A9 or email,

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