Advertising Research: Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar 1

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Advertising Research

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Advertising objectives
Create awareness





% aware

Purchase intention Up to six months

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

% used After Six months


Most advertising research techniques focus on measuring effectiveness of advertising in:

Awareness: Whether ad creates awareness? Communicability: Whether ad communicates benefits of products? Persuasiveness: Whether ad creates predisposition to purchase product?

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Advertising Testing

(Before ad is released in media)

Before Birth

(After ad is released in media)

After Birth

Copy Testing
(Print, Radio, TV media)

Customer Tracking

Focus group Depth interview Dummy magazine test

Single Exposure Test Multiple Exposure Test

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar 4

Before birth - Copy Testing (Print Media)

(Focus group/Depth interview)

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Copy Testing (Print Media)

One Ad is shown at a time Attempts to find out:

What was communicated in ad? Was the main idea of ad believable? Is any part in ad not understood? Is any part in ad liked very much? Is any part in ad did not like?

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Before birth - Copy Testing Print Media

(Dummy magazine test)

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Copy testing Dummy magazine test

Two types of dummy magazines are printed that look like realistic magazines i.e. containing articles, ads, pictures, editorials etc One magazine contains test ad & other does not Some families receive magazine with no test ad (control group)& some with test ad (experimental group)

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar

Copy testing Dummy magazine test

Few days after placing magazines at respondents home, they are asked questions related to:
Which ads do they recall? Which visuals do they recall? Which product messages are recalled?

This data is compared between experimental group and control group

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar 9

Copy Testing TV, Radio Commercials

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Off air test

Done in theatre, hall, shopping mall, mobile vans or even in respondents home Same questions are asked as in print media

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


After Birth

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Onair test Done after ad is placed on TV, Radio Two tests:

Single exposure test Multiple exposure test

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Single Exposure Test Best known test is DAR (day-after recall)

Viewers of program in which ad was shown are identified Next day after ad was released, they are asked whether they had seen ad If they did, they are asked questions on:

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Single Exposure Test

Spontaneous recall of brand:
% respondents recalled brand without aid (Top of mind recall)

Aided recall of brand:

% respondents recalled brand with aid

copy recall:
% of respondents who correctly recalled copy

visual recall:
% of respondents who correctly recalled visual

% of respondents who correctly understood product claims

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Single Exposure Test Total commercial recall:

% of respondents who understood advertisement Less than 25% (Less than one-fourth) 26% to 50% (More than one-fourth but less than half) 51% to 75% (More than half but less than threefourth) 76% to 100% (More than three-fourth)

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Multiple Exposure Test Ad is shown over time Periodic tests are conducted same as single exposure test

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Questions for Advertising Research

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Pl. tell us in your own words what has happened in commercial?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not understood at all Largely not understood Fairly understood Largely understood Fully understood Very difficult Difficult Easy Very easy

How easy was it for you to understand commercial?

1. 2. 3. 4.

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


Some ads might be catching your attention while some might not be. To what extent will this add will catch your attention?
1. 2. 3. 4. Will certainly catch my attention Will catch my attention Will not catch my attention Will certainly not catch my attention

To what extent do you feel that this advertisement is related to you?

1. 2. 3. 4. Fully related Major part is related Major part is not related Not related at all

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


What things in ad will stay in your mind? To what extent will you enjoy seeing this ad each time you see it?
1. 2. 3. 4. I will not enjoy much I will not mind watching it I will quite enjoy it I will enjoy a lot

Which of the following statement describes your conviction to buy the brand?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I will certainly buy it I will probably buy it I may or may not buy it I will probably not buy it I will certainly not buy it

Prepared by Prof C Y Nimkar


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