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RCS Vision
Partnering with parents to develop a childs head, heart, and hands for Jesus Christ through Gods word and academic excellence

RCS Board Walk

Volume 1, Issue 2 October 2012

95 Years: Change and Changeless

As the RCS Board embarks upon another school year, we find ourselves surrounded by change. It seems to be everywherethe new students, the new teachers, the new office staff, the new paint, the new curriculum, the new budget, the new issues. One would have to say we are fully immersed in change. As the Board examines the last several years and then looks out on our planning horizon, we see before us significant opportunities for more change; how we manage our finances, how we conduct our fund development, how we stay academically excellent, how we nurture Christian character development in our students. All the potential for change can at times seem to be an uncertain and unrelenting force, to which we just want to holler STOP! However, just a quick look backwards during our 95th year celebration inspires the current Board to continue to move RCS further forward via change. Through the reflections of George & Lorraine Kuipers, Ruth Machiele, and Kevin Prinzing at our 95th celebration program in May, one couldnt help but realize that RCS has changed, and changed for the better, over the last 95 years. It has not always been easy and at times has been incredibly difficult, but always there has been change. But in all this change, the 95th celebration reflections also reminded us that there has been one constant over time..Gods faithfulness to RCS! And this faithfulness finds its expression in the words of the William M. Runyan hymn: Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

Inside this issue:

Accreditation: The 2 Home Stretch 95th Celebration Campaign Update RCS Foundation Golf Tournament Update RCS Foundation Investment Committee Update Calendar:
Key Upcoming Dates

It has been said that the only constant in the universe is change. But given Gods faithfulness to RCS for 95 years we know better..God is changeless!!!!
~Paul VanHeyningen, RCS Board President

By the Numbers: Wrapping Up & Kicking Off

Over the last three years the Board has been pursuing a twopronged improvement effort given the repercussions of the great recession..improve our enrollment and improve our finances. Thankfully, our progress has been steady..for Enrollment; 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 93 students 103 students 113 students ...and for Finances; 2010-11 Ended the year $77k into our credit line with a budget deficit 2011-12 Ended the year $29k into our credit line ( $48k year over year improvement) with a budget surplus 2012-13 Budget plan is on track for another balanced budget with above budget enrollment Please continue to pray for improvement in our enrollment and finances as we move thru the 2012-13 school year.

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RCS Board Walk

Accreditation: The Home Stretch

The RCS Accreditation Team is moving into the final phase of its project! Linda Cieminis, Deb Abbey, Sandy Klossner and Kevin Prinzing began this process in August 2011 with a mission to prepare for and obtain a renewal of the Christian Schools International (CSI) accreditation that was originally granted in 2005. Accreditation by Christian Schools International is a very prestigious honor which distinguishes RCS as an educational entity. Accreditation grants parents a confidence that their school operates at a high set of standards and also ensures a Christ-centered culture which is committed to excellence. It is part of what makes RCS unique among Christian schools in the Greater Rochester area. This lengthy task list included completing a comprehensive self-assessment checklist, identifying gaps and opportunities, prioritizing the opportunities and lastly developing a 5 year School Improvement Plan to complete the gap closure. The team used a process that involved assistance from the faculty, administrative support staff and financial support staff, as well as reviewing and updating documents which included the Faculty Manual, ParentStudent Manual, Curriculum Guide and the RCS website. Final preparations are currently underway which include preparing various documents for distribution, transmitting the documents and making final arrangements for the official CSI site visit of five specially selected teachers and administrators who will be on our campus during November 13-15. Along with our review and approval from CSI, we will also be awarded accreditation from Middle States Colleges and Schools, which is an honor of which the entire RCS community can be proud.

95th Celebration Campaign Update

95th Celebration Goal: $95,000
At our 95th celebration event on May 5, the 95th Celebration Campaign was announced. The board established the campaign goal of $95k and two phases to the campaign. During phase 1, in the spring of 2012, the campaign focused on the school board members, the school staff and the immediate friends and family of the school. The out-pouring of support for phase 1 of the campaign was tremendous and we are pleased to announce that $40k was committed and received. The board also announced at the 95th celebration event that the proceeds from the campaign would be focused on three initiatives; 1. Assist with 2011-12 balanced budget performance ($32k Complete) Assist with credit line pay down ( $46k - Underway) Assist with cash balance development ($18k Still to come) In addition, in order to provide another and simplified means for making a contribution, we are pleased to announce the use of a web-based contribution option. This can be found on our home page at rochesterchristian Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the campaign and be looking for further 95th Celebration Campaign communication during October. PS - Before even announcing Phase 2 of the campaign, we are pleased to announce $3k has been received...Thanks be to God!

2. 3.

Phase 1: $40,000 Raised

So now, in the Fall of 2012, it is time to enter Phase 2 of the 95th Celebration Campaign. The focus of this second phase of the campaign will be the greater RCS community throughout the United States. There will be a separate communication going out to all those on our communication list to solicit support for the campaign.

Volume 1, Issue 2

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RCS Foundation News & Events

RCS Foundation Golf Tournament Update
This past June we were back on the golf links hosting our 2012 Golf Tournament in support of Christian education at RCS. Our 2012 event was one of our best as we were joined by a record 24 teams! We were again blessed by great weather, good food, and the camaraderie of family, friends, colleagues & RCS alumni. We had a great day for a great cause! Raising funds for the ongoing mission of the Foundation is key, but the real benefit is the opportunity for friends, family and supporters of Christian education to come together, play some golf, and fellowship throughout the course of the day At the conclusion of this years play we had a new overall tournament championship team to crown during the awards dinner. Congratulations go out to Harold Barnard, Doug DeJong, Jim Fitzgerald and team captain Ron VanHarken (RCS alum 72) who teamed up to shoot a score of 65 which claimed the tile by one stroke! While we congratulate our tournament champions, a more important thank you goes out to all participants and sponsors. It is through your generosity and support that we are able to offer this fabulous annual event. We had many participants thank us for assembling a fine golf tournament, one in which they enjoyed very much and took pleasure playing with a competitive spirit. While we were having so much fun we were able to raise over $6,500 for the RCS Foundation initiatives, bringing our total to over $78,000 from this ongoing event. THANK YOU! We have plans to return to Webster Golf Club on Friday, June 21 for our 2013 event. Time to mark your calendar.

RCS Foundation Investment Committee Update

To assist the Foundation in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities, its Board of Directors has appointed a standing Investment Committee charged with investment oversight. The committee acts solely in the best interest of the Foundation and in concert with the mission of the Foundation. The Investment Committees responsibilities include: (1) setting and revising investment policies; (2) developing investment objectives, asset allocation strategies and performance guidelines; (3) recommending Investment Consultants, Advisors, Money Managers and Custodians to the Board; (4) reviewing and evaluating investment results; (5) providing periodic performance reports to the Board; (6) responsible for oversight of all investment accounts utilizing publicly traded assets. Members of the Committee are Jan Huussen, Foundation Treasurer, Jeff Machiele, (RCS Alum 79), VP at Federated Clover Investment Advisors, and Jim Schumacher (73), Director of Development. As a first step, the Investment Committee assembled an Investment Policy Statement which met Board approval in the spring of 2012. The purpose of the investment Policy Statement is to assist the Board of Directors, Investment Committee and Investment Managers in effectively supervising, monitoring and evaluating the management of the Foundations assets. The Foundation has a long term time horizon of greater than 10 years, with a moderate risk level. Our strategic asset allocation for investments is a general 60% equity, 40% fixedincome distribution profile. Cash positions under management are expected to be residual. Our annualized modeled return is benchmarked at 6.00%. This summer, the Committee conducted a thorough examination of the Foundations portfolio and found the investment structure in good order. Working with our Money Managers, we have modified manager focus to reduce an overlap of efforts, perspective and investment holdings. This modification has allowed us to maximize market benefit while minimizing overexposure. Questions regarding the Foundation and its Investment Committee can be directed to Jim Schumacher, Director of Development, at;
PORTFOLIO August 27, 2012 $ 151,271 123,139 54,902 22,665 20,000 40.7% 33.1% 14.8% 6.1% 5.4%

as of Mutual Funds Securities Cash Bonds Real Estate Trusts

Head, Heart, and Hands for Jesus Christ

RCS Board
--Board President-Paul Van Heyningen --Board Vice President-Durhon Oldham --Board Treasurer-Kerstin Nourse --Board Secretary-Brenda Myrthil --Building & Grounds-Chris Abbott --Adv. & Development-Steve Smith Ana Canino-Fluit Matt Cowell --Education-Sandra Peterham

Going Electronic: Our continuing initiative during this

year is to push more of our correspondence out via electronic means. This effort will save time, money, and resources going forward, but we need your help in order to make our initiative successful. How can you help???


Send your information to:

Its Your Turn: This section of RCS Board Walk is devoted

to actions which you can take on behalf of RCS on an ongoing basis. For this issue we would ask you to engage on behalf of RCS in the following ways;

Pray for the Staff as they engage our students Pray for our Students, both those returning and those newly enrolled, that they would focus on their class routines with energy and enthusiasm Praise God for 113 students in K-8 and 15 in the Pre-K program Serve on a committee / contact Deb Abbey if interested

Were on the Web.

RCS Board Calendar of Events

October 12: RCS Fun Run Fall Fund-raiser October 16: Board Meeting November 6: RCS Foundation Board Meeting November 13: Board Meeting November 13-15: On-site Accreditation Visit by CSI December 18: Board Meeting December 20: RCS Christmas Concert


260 Embury Road Rochester New York 14625
Phone: 585.671.4910

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