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Statistics 3470 (Autumn 2012) Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Instructor Lectures Oce Hours Grader Website Prereq Professor Shili Lin, CH 440A, 2-7404, MWF 3:00 - 3:55 p.m., Evans Lab 1008. No classes on Sept 3, Nov 12, 21, & 23. MW 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and by prior appointment TBA Math 1152, 1161.xx, 1172, 1181H, 153, or 254, or equiv, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3450, 3470, 427, or 428. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (8th edition) by Jay Devore. You are responsible for all material covered in class, in assigned readings, and in homework assignments. You are expected to attend all classes. There are 12 homework assignments. You are supposed to solve the problems on your own. Do not simply copy any part of someone elses homework or solutions from any other sources. Violations will be treated as academic misconduct. Two lowest scores will be dropped from nal grade calculation. No late homework will be accepted. Monday, September 24 (in class; covers chapters 2 & 3). One 8.5 X 11 sheet of notes may be used for the exam. No make-up exam will be given. Friday, October 26 (in class; covers chapters 4, 5, & 6). One 8.5 X 11 sheet of notes may be used for the exam. No make-up exam will be given. Thursday, December 6, 4:00-5:45pm (comprehensive). Three 8.5 X 11 sheets of notes may be used for the exam. No make-up exam will be given. The nal numerical grade will be determined as follows: Homework 15% Midterm Exam 1 25% Midterm Exam 2 25% Final Exam 35% If you need any accommodations based on the impact of a documented disability, contact the instructor privately to discuss your specic needs. You should also contact the Oce of Disability Services to coordinate special accommodations. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated and will be dealt with procedurally in accordance with university policy.


Course Requirements Homework

Midterm 1

Midterm 2

Final Exam


Special Accommodations

Academic Misconduct

Tentative Schedule

Topic Probability Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions Joint Probability Distributions and Random Samples Point Estimation Statistical Intervals Based on a Single Sample Test of Hypotheses Based on a Single Sample Goodness-of-Fit Tests Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Nonlinear and Multiple Regression

Sections 2.1-2.5 3.1-3.4, 3.6 4.1-4.4 5.1-5.4 6.1, 6.2 7.1-7.3 8.2-8.4 14.1 12.1-12.4 13.1, 13.2, 13.4

No. of Lectures 5 6 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2

Tentative Homework Assignments and Due Dates Actual due dates will be announced in class
HW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Due Date Wednesday, August 29 Wednesday, September 5 Wednesday, September 12 Wednesday, September 19 Friday, September 28 Friday, October 5 Friday, October 12 Friday, October 19 Wednesday, October 31 Wednesday, November 7 Friday, November 16 Wednesday, November 28 Chapters Covered 2 2 3 3 4 4,5 5 6 7 8 8, 14, 12 12

assignments will be posted on Carmen. Each homework assignment will consist of two parts: assigned exercises that need to be turned in for grading and suggested exercises to be used for additional practice.


Other Information GE Goals & Expected Learning Outcomes. Statistics 3470 is a General Education course belonging to the a Data Analysis category. The goals and expected learning outcomes of this category are: Goals: Students develop skills in drawing conclusions and critically evaluating results based on data. Expected Learning Outcomes: Students understand basic concepts of statistics and probability, comprehend methods needed to analyze and critically evaluate statistical arguments, and recognize the importance of statistical ideas. Study Rooms and Help Hours. Our TAs hold oce hours on the rst oor of Cockins Hall starting the second week of classes. You are welcome to talk with any TA in the tutor room any time the tutor room is open. Specic hours for the tutor room will be posted outside the door. Homework. Homework will be collected in class on the due date, and solutions will be posted afterward. Electronic copies will not be accepted. Homework left in the drop box will not be collected and graded. All homework must be stapled. If you have a question about the grading of your homework, rst ask the grader about it. If you are not able to resolve the grading issue with the grader, you may le an appeal with me as described below. Full credit policy. Full credit for each homework or exam problem can only be earned through showing your justication for or work on each problem. Answers without work will not receive full credit. Grade Appeals. If you believe that you received an inappropriate grade for a specic piece of graded work (homework or exam), you may le an appeal with me. An appeal consists of a neatly written or typed note on 8.5 x 11 paper attached to your homework that explains what I should consider. All appeals must be led with me in a timely manner. Homework grade appeals will be accepted within 10 days, and exam grade appeals will be accepted within 7 days of the date the graded work was returned to students. If you are not present to receive your graded work, it is your responsibility to pick it up within the time period allowed for grading appeals. Remember, for homework you should le an appeal only if you cannot resolve the issue with the grader rst. Calculators. calculator (with statistical functions) may be used for homework and exams. No calculator functions of cell phones or other communication devices will be allowed during exams. Communication devices. Cell phones, PDAs, and other communication devices must be either turned o or put on vibrate during class, as these devices ringing during class disrupt the learning process. Additionally, no cell phones, PDAs, or other communication device will be allowed on any exams in the course. E-mail Correspondence. In order to protect your privacy, all course e-mail correspondence must be done through a valid OSU name.nn account. If you have not activated your OSU email account, you can activate your account at Course Admission and Section Changes. ADD and SECTION CHANGES are handled by our department sta after BRUTUS closes. Students should go to 405C Cockins Hall and speak with Ms. Patty Shoults. The instructor and TAs do not sign paperwork associated with course registration. Course policy on unpaid fees and students not registered. If your fees are unpaid or if you are

not ocially registered for the course, you should not be attending class. Students with unpaid fees at the time of the rst exam need to talk to me as soon as possible in order to continue their attendance. Students who are not registered in the course need to work out their registration issues in order to continue their attendance. Drop dates. The last day to drop the course without a W appearing on your record is Friday, September 15. Receiving an I for the course. You cannot receive an incomplete for the course unless 70% of the work in the course has been completed. Extenuating circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

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