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Drinking Deep from the

An ApoStoLiC meAnS
Over a LOnG TIMe, aS The ChaIrMan Of The KCBC BIBLe COMMISSIOn, I have Seen peOpLe GrOW STeadILY In TheIr LOve fOr The WOrd Of GOd. I have nO heSITaTIOn In SaYInG ThaT The LOGOS QuIz haS pLaYed a MajOr rOLe In ThIS GrOWTh. The prInCIpaL duTY Of a BIShOp IS TO preaCh The GOSpeL. LOGOS IS One Of The BeST MeanS fOr fuLfILLInG ThIS apOSTOLIC OBLIGaTIOn. I GreaTLY rejOICe In SeeInG ThIS WOrK Of The SpIrIT In Our ChurCh WITh reGard TO The WOrd Of GOd.

A kerALA moDeL for neW evAngeLiZAtion reAChing out to miLLionS over the LASt 12 yeArS, the LogoS QuiZ iS the WorLDS LArgeSt QuiZ progrAmme.
My children and I study the Word of God before they leave for school and I for work. The children carry with them written verses of the Scripture to learn during the day. In the evening, after family prayer, we revise all the Scripture that we had learnt that day. This might sound like a piece of fiction, but it isnt. It is the real-life account of a young Catholic family with schoolgoing children preparing for the Logos Bible Quiz the annual quiz programme conducted by the Kerala Catholic Bishops Councils (KCBC) Bible Commission in the coastal state of Kerala, in southern India. In todays urban world, where the dearth or even complete lack of time in life is the oft-repeated grouse, it is surely difficult to imagine a family taking time out to read and do serious study of the Bible amidst their hectic life schedules. Yet this is not an isolated case. Young couples, families, youth groups, teenagers, members of prayer groups, parish family units, catechism classes, religious orders, and many more have all been bitten by this quiz bug. In fact, even children

rt. rev. mAr george punnAkkottiL


as small as seven years have been participating in this mega event.

Looking bACk
The Logos Bible Quiz, which seems to have charmed everyone into studying the Word of God, had very humble beginnings. It was a few youngsters from Thrissur who actually started this phenomenon, which was earlier known as Biblos. due to a financial crunch, they had to stop it mid-way. Thats when the KCBC Bible Commission decided to step in and take it up, explains rev. fr. joshy Mayyattil, Secretary of the KCBC Bible Commission and the co-ordinator of the Logos Bible Quiz. Consequently, in 2000 the year of the jubilee, KCBC launched the Logos Bible Quiz for the faithful. Kerala Catholic Bible Society, the registered society under the guidance of KCBC Bible Commission, financed the event. Over the past 12 years, the number of people

A neW moDeL of proCLAiming the WorD of goD

Logos Quiz is a new model of proclaiming the Word of God, which helps thousands of participants every year to deepen and sustain their faith in God. Its methodology and approach gives contestants of all ages an inspiration and interest to study the Bible. It helps them to rediscover a taste for feeding themselves on the Scripture faithfully handed down by the Church. The presence of participants from other Christian communities proves that this quiz has become an ecumenical phenomenon and can be successfully adapted as an effective tool for new evangelization.

I aM 11-YearS-OLd. I enjOY readInG verY MuCh. SCIenCe, LITeraTure, reLIGIOn, TraveL narraTIveS, deTeCTIve STOrIeS, fICTIOn, CarTOOnS aLL TheSe are fIne WITh Me. hOWever, The BIBLe IS The BOOK I LIKe The MOST. LOGOS QuIz haS heLped Me TO read The BIBLe CarefuLLY. I aM eaGer TO KnOW MOre aBOuT jeSuS. iSAAC kumArAmpArAmbiL fIrST ranK hOLder, a aGe CaTeGOrY, LOGOS 2011

into six groups according to their age. The portions for study from nearly 35 chapters of the Old and the new Testaments are announced a year in advance. The logistics behind organising a quiz on such a large scale are mind-boggling, yet each year the event has been conducted sans any hiccups because of the enthusiasm and interest it generates amongst the lay faithful. The preliminary written round of the Logos Quiz is conducted in parishes; where participants answer 100 multiplechoice questions. The organisers were forced to add three additional annotatory questions to discern the toppers since many scored 100% in the multiple-choice session. Three parish-level toppers from each age category then participate in a written State-level quiz conducted at the pastoral Orientation Centre (pOC), the headquarters of KCBC. The top ten from each age category at this level qualify for the final round, which includes audio, video, written,

rev. Dr. Stephen ALAthArA


depuTY SeCreTarY GeneraL,

I TeaCh CheMISTrY TO SpeeCh & hearInG IMpaIred ChILdren and henCe I aM aCuTeLY aWare Of The vaLue Of SpeaKInG and hearInG. GOd WhO SpeaKS TO uS ThrOuGh hIS WOrd deServeS aTTenTIOn. We are aLL CaLLed TO LISTen TO hIS vOICe. IM pLeaSed aT SuCCeedInG In The LOGOS BIBLe QuIz. BuT IM even MOre deLIGhTed ThaT I COuLd LISTen InTenSeLY TO hIM SpeaKInG WhILe preparInG fOr ThIS QuIz. rev. Sr. betty LAr LOGOS ChaMpIOn 2011

participating in this quiz has steadily increased from several thousand to more than half a million. and for the first time in its history, this year 561,000 participants have registered for the competition. Thus, what sparked off as a creative initiative by a few young people has grown today to be the largest quiz programme in the world!

hoW DoeS it Work?

undoubtedly, the Logos Quiz has been successful at creating a buzz over the years. This quiz has stirred people of all ages into a renewed interest to read and study the holy Bible carefully. people from different walks of life including doctors, lawyers, teachers, bankers and students participate in this quiz. Many religious and priests too participate. for the quiz, the participants are divided

for the firSt time in itS hiStory, thiS yeAr 561,000 pArtiCipAntS hAve regiStereD for the Competition. thuS, WhAt SpArkeD off AS A CreAtive initiAtive by A feW young peopLe hAS groWn toDAy to be the LArgeSt QuiZ progrAmme in the WorLD!
oral and Bible verse recitation tests. This final round is televised across different parts of India and abroad. The champion of the Logos Quiz (Logos prathibha) wins an all-expense paid pilgrimage to the holy Land. The possibility of introducing scholarships for higher level Bible study for the winners of Logos is also on the anvil. fr. joshy has been heading the Logos Quiz for the past two-and-ahalf-years. he is however quick to add, I must thank my predecessor STrIve fOr hIS KInGdOM, and TheSe ThInGS WILL Be GIven TO YOu aS WeLL. ThIS WOrd Of GOd IS True In MY LIfe and IS MY daY TO daY experIenCe. aS I SpenT TIMe On LearnInG The BIBLe, I LaCKed nOThInG. MY SChOOL STudIeS and MY exTraCurrICuLar aCTIvITIeS fLOurIShed aS WeLL. DintA bAby fIrST ranK hOLder, B aGe CaTeGOrY, LOGOS 2011

aS a dOCTOr I enCOunTer ManY SufferInG peOpLe and I have Seen hOW TheIr faITh SuppOrTS TheM. The BIBLe TeLLS uS Of a GOd WhO heaLS. readInG The BIBLe frOM a MedICaL pOInT Of vIeW IS TruLY InSpIrInG. Ive parTICIpaTed eIGhT TIMeS In The LOGOS QuIz and eaCh TIMe I prepare, I feeL MOre fuLfILLed.

the Springtime of bibLe StuDy

By joining the Logos Bible Quiz competition, everyone gets an opportunity to read and study the Scripture and to imbibe its message, thereby experiencing Christ and sharing his Gospel with others. The holy Spirit that inspired the authors of the Sacred Scriptures comes alive in the hearts of many and graces them with the ability to grasp the Word of God. This is a great time of divine blessing and spiritual rejuvenation, the springtime of Bible study and meditation for the faithful in the Kerala Church.

Dr. eLSy Joy fIrST ranK hOLder, e aGe CaTeGOrY, LOGOS 2011

the LogoS generAtion

a simple Bible quiz held in a small city has had a huge impact across the globe. due to its popularity, we have received invitations from the Middle east, the uS, european countries and even from an armenian church to conduct this quiz in their parishes, shares Bishop George punnakkottil, the Chairman of KCBC Bible Commission. I believe this is a Logos generation. Many are coming forward to study the Word. They learn Scripture verses by heart and for them, its fun to study it in groups or even in their families, he continues. The increasing number of participants for this mega Bible quiz does indeed indicate a mounting interest in studying the Word of God. Take the example of Leena Mathew, a bank officer from Kochi. She was asked by her parish priest to join the Logos Bible Quiz, which she turned down citing time issues. however, Leena decided to register her 10year-old daughter for the same. While helping her daughter prepare for the competition, she too got interested and decided to give it a try. Though Leena came fourth in an earlier attempt at the quiz, a few years later, she was the Logos champion for two consecutive years!

rev. Dr. CyruS veLAmpArAmbiL


rev. fr. Cyrus velamparambil, who helmed this project for nine years. It was his dedication and hard work that brought Logos to this level. The last two years saw the competition upgrading itself to the electronic era. The registrations were made online and episodes of the finals were televised. There are even plans to make Logos Quiz an online examination.

The competition has some very zealous participants too. for the past several years, an 85-year-old man travels from ramanathapuram, Tamil nadu, along with his wife to participate in this event, despite their age, ill health and the tedious journey. Thats the power of the Word of God! Sr. jenet SaBS, a participant of Logos Quiz recalls, While recovering from a long illness, I got a lot of time to read the Bible. The other sisters in my convent persuaded me to participate in this quiz. Initially I was hesitant as I thought I was too old for this sort of an event but now studying the Scripture has actually brought healing to my life. Its not just the elderly and the adults who are interested in Logos. Young students are regular participants at this event. Studying

reaching wider every year

Its Logos time in Kerala and participating in the quiz is the in thing to do. as you sit in a train, you may see the person seated next to you reading the Bible. On entering a home, you will find children competing among themselves to recite memorised verses from the Scripture. as you turn the pages of a Catholic magazine, you may even come across tips for learning the Logos Quiz syllabus. This novel method of new evangelization has really influenced the life of the Church here in Kerala. SeCreTarY, KCBC BIBLe COMMISSIOn

A neW generAtion in kerALA

MY verY fIrST aTTeMpT aT LOGOS haS BeCOMe unfOrGeTTaBLe WITh ThIS fIrST ranK. On hearInG an annOunCeMenT In The parISh I reGISTered MYSeLf juST Three MOnThS ahead Of The evenT. I feLT an Inner drIve and reaLLY enjOYed LearnInG The BIBLe. Ive never experIenCed SOMeThInG LIKe ThIS, nOT even WhILe STudYInG MedICIne. I SInCereLY BeLIeve ThaT The hOLY SpIrITS aSSISTanCe IS eSSenTIaL fOr LearnInG The BIBLe. Dr. reeny Joy fIrST ranK hOLder, d aGe CaTeGOrY, LOGOS 2011

SmALL beginningS, greAter enDS

The Logos Bible Quiz is a paradox in these modern times. at a time when numbers of lay faithful are dwindling in churches worldwide, it is heartening to see the large-scale response to this unique endeavour. Mr. antony palimattom, the joint Secretary of Kerala Catholic Bible Society, strongly believes that Logos can bring in a serious study culture among the youth and families. he says, Through Logos Quiz, the Bible has become a companion for many. They read the Word while travelling and during working hours, and are serious about it. I believe Kerala has something to offer to the universal Church. In his apostolic Letter porta fidei for the indiction of the Year of faith, the holy father rightly urged the faithful of the world What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in mind and heart by the Word of the Lord, and capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God and for true life, life without end. Let us pray that the Logos Bible Quiz will prompt the lay faithful of the Church to imbibe the Word of God and thus be credible witnesses of their faith in their life situations. for more information: email: Mob: 00919496282032

parTICIpaTIOn aT LOGOS 2012

rev. Dr. JoShy mAyyAttiL


exAminAtion CentreS




the Word of God is not an extra burden for me, says rose Muttath, a student of Class vIII and four-time participant of Logos Bible Quiz. In fact after studying the Bible, I find that I can study other school subjects more easily, she asserts. Many students admit that it is not the competition or winning prizes that draws them to this quiz. It is the power of the Word of God that gets them hooked and they find that Scripture gives them the consolation and strength they need. fr. joshy confirms that from the total registrations, the maximum number of participants is between the age group of 12-16. he fondly remembers Issac Kumaramparambil, a 10-yearold, who was one among the finalists. his prompt answers and enthusiasm influenced all who gathered there. I am considered a Bible scholar by many, but in front of these geniuses, I feel humbled, he recollects.

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