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1 Unit 8 WORK, ENERGY & POWER - Supplementary Problems 1.

The sketch at the right shows two satellites in orbit about Satellite X the earth. Satellite X has a circular orbit and satellite Y has an elliptical orbit. Earth a. During which portion(s) of its orbit is the gravitational Satellite Y force doing positive, negative, or zero work on satellite X? b. During which portion(s) of its orbit is the gravitational force doing positive, negative, or zero work on satellite Y? c. Explain your answers to (a) and (b) in terms of the relative directions of the gravitational force and the displacement vectors. d. What is happening to the kinetic energy of the satellites when the work done is positive? ...negative? In each case is kinetic energy increasing, decreasing, or constant? 2. A mass, m, oscillates up and down on the end of a spring as shown in the figure at the right. There are two forces on m, the force due r r F g , and the force due to the spring, Fs . to gravity, r F g doing positive work on m?...negative a. During what part(s) of the oscillation is work? r b. During what part(s) of the oscillation is Fs doing positive work on m? ...negative work? c. During what part(s) of the oscillation is the NET force doing positive work on m? ...negative work? work?
N m = 20 kg = 0.6


f 30o

mg 3. Given the situation sketched at the right. Case 1 - If the block is moving up the incline rat constant r r r speed, find the work done on the block by F, f , N, and m g , as it moves 10 meters up the incline. [1515 J, -515 J, 0, -1000 J] Case 2 - Given that F = 180 N and the block starts from rest at the bottom of the incline, use the work-energy theorem to find its speed when it has moved 10.0 meters up the incline. [2.4 m/s] Case 3 - Given that F = 0 and the velocity of the block at the bottom of the incline is 5.0 m/s up the incline, use the work-energy theorem to find the distance the block slides up the incline before coming to rest. [1.2 m]

r i j 4. Given F = (7 6 ) newtons,

a. Find the work done by F on an object as it causes the object to move from the r i j origin to a position given by r = (3 + 4 ) meters. [-45 J] r b. If F is the only force acting on the object, does the kinetic energy of the object r increase, decrease, or remain the same as it moves from the origin to r ? If so, by how much? [decreases by 45 J] c. Find the average power if it took 0.6 seconds for the object to move from the origin r to r . [-75 W]

2 Unit 8 WORK, ENERGY & POWER - Supplementary Problems 5. The magnitude of the net force acting on a 2 kg object moving along the x axis is given by F = 3 x 2 4 x + 5 , where x is in meters and F in newtons. a. Find the work done by the force as the object moves from x = 1 m to x = 3 m. [20 J] b. If the speed of the object is 5 m/s at x = 1 m, what is its speed at x = 3 m?[3 5 m/s] 6. A projectile of mass m is thrown with an initial speed v o at an angle above the horizontal. a. What is the initial kinetic energy of the projectile? [ 2 mv o ]
1 [ 2 m(v o cos ) ] 2 1 2

b. What is the kinetic energy of the projectile at the highest point of its trajectory? c. What was the work done on the projectile by the gravitational force between its starting point and the highest point of its trajectory? [ ( 1 mvo )(cos 1)] 2 7. The graph at the right represents the net force acting on a 3 kg object plotted as a function of its position. At t = 0 the object is at the origin and is moving with a velocity of 2 m/s in the +x direction. Find a. the net work done on the object after it has moved 1 meter. [2 J] b. the change in the object's kinetic energy as it moves from x = 0 to x = 3 meters. [5 J] c. the net work done on the object as it moves from x = 3 m to x = 4 m. [-1 J] d. the speed of the object after it has moved 4 meters from its initial position. [4 m/s] 8. A weak-minded toady airhead that should never be allowed to handle a gun, fires a 10 gram bullet into a tree to test out his new rifle. The bullet enters the tree horizontally at a speed of 500 m/s, travels across its 25 centimeter diameter, and emerges with a speed of 200 m/s. Find a. the change in kinetic energy of the bullet. [-1050 J] b. the average force exerted on the tree by the bullet. [4200 N] 9. A 12 kilogram box of rubber duckies slides across a smooth floor at a speed of 10 m/s, onto a 3 meter rough section, then back onto another smooth section. On the rough section, the box experiences a constant frictional force of 72 N. Find a. the work done by friction on the box. [-216 J] b. the speed of the box as it leaves the rough section of the floor. [8 m/s]
2 2 2

c. the minimum length of the rough surface needed to bring the box to rest.

[8.3 m]

10. A 1000 kilogram elevator starting from rest is accelerated upward at 1 m/s 2 by means of a vertical cable. Find a. the average power supplied by the cable necessary to maintain this acceleration for 5 seconds? [27.5 kW] b. the instantaneous power being supplied at t = 1 second?... at t = 5 seconds? [11 kW, 55 kW]

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