Civil War Lesson Plan

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UbD Stage 3

Title of Unit

North vs. South

Grade Level

Fifth Grade

Standards: SS5H1 The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War. Standards for 21st Century Learner: Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.

Understandings: Students will understand that: States rights issues, linked to regional economies, were a chief cause of the Civil War. States rights issues, linked to regional economies, were a chief cause of the Civil War. Uncle Toms Cabin and John Browns raid on Harper Brown Ferry led to the Civil War. The North was more economically advanced through their ability to develop industries, while maintaining its agriculture. Slave resistance led to the tensions between the North and South. The Civil War and Reconstruction affected the United States economy. How to evaluate facts for accuracy. Skim/scan to locate information that is appropriate to age and ability level Experiment with text and visual media to create products

Related Misconceptions:
The Civil War was fought to end slavery and it ended because of the loss of the war. Once slavery was abolished, landowners treated African Americans fairly. All information found online is accurate

Essential Questions: Overarching Questions:

What is the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction? What are the benefits of free trade? Why is it important to understand the history of the Civil War?

Topical Questions:
What was the event that began the Civil War? What was the importance of the Battle of Sumter? What was the importance of the Atlanta

UbD Stage 3
How does personal interest lead to conflict among nations? How can compromise have both positive and negative results? Campaign? What was the importance of Shermans March to the Sea? What was the importance of the Appomattox Court House? How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the African American population of the country? How did the Battle of Gettysburg affect the outcome of the war? What were the economic differences between the North and South during this time period?

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South?

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Week 1 Type week 1 activities here
1. Use a pre-test to assess students' knowledge about events leading up to the Civil War and key events of the Civil War. (Pre-test) W 2. Pose question what causes war? Students will given various pictures (with word descriptions at the bottom) depicting possible causes of the Civil War. They will group the pictures, based on their prior knowledge of the topic, and complete a graphic organizer listing their hypothesis on why the war began. With a partner, they will research their hypothesis on the internet and locate evidence to support their hypothesis. Information found will be added to graphic organizer. Teacher observes possible misconceptions that may need to be corrected. (Technology)H,E,T, O 3. Introduce students to the Standard and Essential Questions for the unit. W 4. Introduce performance tasks that will be completed before the unit comes to a close (North vs. South). W 5. Key vocabulary terms are introduced 6. A lesson on the differences (technology, differentiated learning)E, T 7. The students will work either in pairs or alone to research images, key phrases from textbook, and facts from the Civil War time period. The images and phrases can be items from the North or South, Reconstruction, or slave rebellion. They will create a short power point displaying their findings and give an oral presentation. A rubric will be provided to

UbD Stage 3
guide their project. (technology, differentiated learning) E, T 8.

Week 2 Type week 2 activities here (use page 26 of the UbD text as an example) 1. Students will be asked Was Reconstruction effective in Georgia? H 2. The teacher will introduce the Essential Questions and discuss the performance tasks. W 3. Using the Promethean board, the teacher will display a Pop pretest for students to complete to determine what they do and do not know about Reconstruction? E2 4. Impactful Moments"
(Facets: Explanation, Perspective, Empathy, Interpret) Students will use pictures, video, music and words to create an Animoto video presentation of the key events in the Civil War. The information must be based on facts presented from classroom discussions, textbook readings, or other research.

Goal: Reflect on the most impactful moments of the Civil War using pictures, key phrases, of video to create a presentation of the event. Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, and appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context. Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings. E, T, R 5. Students will write letters in which they imagine that the following people would write about Reconstruction: a. a member of the old Southern upper class b. a newly freed African American, c. a white Northern carpetbagger. Students will exchange letter with members of their group for peer assessment and revisions. E, R 6. Students will make a diagram to organize their notes on the following and discuss

UbD Stage 3 them in their group: Identify a decision made by Georgia in the period of Reconstruction. What were the reasons for the decision? What were the results? R, E

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