Is The FDA Innocent

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Is the FDA the Shepherd of the Sheeple?

by Usurping Authority

NECC, New England Compounding Center, is a compound pharmacy based out of Framingham, Massachussetts. You may ask the question, what exactly is a compound pharmacy. Well, it is a pharmacy who basically creates certain medicines or pharmaceutical agents by compounding or putting ingredients together to fit the needs of a particular patient. Surprisingly as it stands, compounding pharmacies fall into a legal loophole and are under minimal oversight by the FDA and federal government. But, they are still legally able to send these products in bulk out, which are subsequently distributed to the public. NECC, if you are unaware, is not the only compounding pharmacy out there. There is a myriad of them (roughly 7,500 with only 2% being accredited) Hmmm. Yet how many patients ask their doctor or service provider if the medication they are receiving has been compounded? The fact that this happens is probably not even known to the majority of the public. The question probably never crosses their minds. The price is more likely to be in the forefront, rather the method of creation of the product being compounded or if it was shipped directly from the FDA. There are a myriad of instances in which the doctors are oblivious to the fact that the products they are receiving have been compounded. The trail is hard to trace from the creation of the product to its final destination in the hands of the patient. There are so many hands touching it that the trail is lost in short time, thereby making it, in my opinion, more difficult to implicate an entity if something goes sour. Keeping those involved in the dark, euphemistically and metaphorically, is the best way to devise ulterior motives and carry them out efficiently. Secondly, it makes it much more difficult to implicate particular entities as culpable in malpractice, thereby making it easier to pass the blame and create scapegoats. The fungal meningitis disease itself is believed to be caused by Aspergillus Fumigatus. That is the actual genus name of the fungus. It can be more informally referred to as A. Fumigatus. For years, it [A. Fumigatus] was deemed to be a weak pathogen that presented no real threat to the human immune system. Over time, it gained ground in the fight against immunosuppressed victims, thusly transforming into a lethal pathogen. The fungus is a propagule (or a component that is used to help a life form to its next stage in its life cycle via dispersal e.g. plant spores) and is inhaled. That is when it wrecks havoc on the body, especially in AIDS carriers. I am getting off track. Ok, fungal meningitis has different forms as well. It has one derivative which causes cryptococossis which is usually associated with AIDS carriers. I am definitely no virologist, so I am really getting in over my head here and don't want to confuse you as the reader either. The thing to take away from this paragraph is that the A. Fumigatus is the main fungus culpable for the meningitis disease itself. So now we know, or at least have an idea of what A. Fumigatus is. Well it attacks the brain tissue of the human host, namely the meninges of the brain. That is where you get the spectrum of symptoms ranging from blurred vision to altered behaviour. Getting back to the

subject, this fungi was present in the infected hosts, all 250-something cases. So that means, logically, that the batches of medicine were tainted. Deliberately? Hmm, I can't say. But then again, this is coming from the same governmental authority who is now releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. These are the same powers-that-be who created HR 6566 or the Mass Fatalities Preparation Act. These are the same folks spraying our skies and water supplies with arsenic, barium and probably A-Z off the periodic table. So for them to taint a couple hundred batches of intravenous medications or turn the blind eye to it? Wouldn't put it past them. The FDA, a glorious and guiltless institution with the well-being of a healthy American society in the forefront of everything they think and do... Yeah, right. FDA, the same administration who is sensationalizing and fomenting this national mandatory inoculation campaign. Flu shots? Yet, they fail to mention the ethylmercury content in the influenza vaccinations. They forget to talk about that little additive called thimerosal. Well, in the spirit of continued diabolicalness, the FDA was aware (I would assume) of the effects of corticosteroids on fungal conditions PRIOR to this little pandemic erupting. I would assume! Now, we as sheep [they would think] would not be so privy. A corticosteroid is a steroid that is used in epidurals and the like and basically is a type of synthetic hormone. The hormones it replaces are naturally created in the adrenal cortex of the kidneys. The corticosteroid can be given intravenously. The corticosteroid is an exacerbator of fungal infections! Basically in layman's terms, it make the fungal problem worse, either making it more aggressive with its spread or inadvertently empowering the fungus, again the fungus being A. Fumigatus. Why are they giving this if it worsens the fungal infection is my rhetorical question. I am going to reiterate on the FDA's role in this. It is their role to oversee the pharmaceutical community to make sure that they are poisoning us to death. It is their role to enforce regulations and requirements so that the public can with relative safety have peace of mind that they will get better from the prescribed meds rather than die. Now, in my opinion, they are doing just the opposite. I presume that they were indeed aware of the presence of compounding pharmacies here in the States. Now, I cannot say with certainty that they 'put the hit' on the unsuspecting Sheeple. I just have the sickest qualm about the H.R.6566 Bill. That is too disturbing to look past. This constant reminder about getting shots for the infamous and ludicrous 'flu season'...I received propaganda in the mailbox earlier this month in fact. It is a fact that thimerosal is present in the shot and is linked to neurological disorders, ADHD and autism among others. If the FDA, who is in bed with the CDC, is capable of doing that then why would they be absolutely innocent of this? This isn't the first time this has happened with screw-ups from the compounding pharmacy community. Maybe if this was the first time, I could see the FDA being innocent in all this, but that isn't the case. There is a mile long string of cases linked back to compounding pharmacies and botched meds. Stacks of lawsuits. I don't even feel like listing cases, just look it up. Yet the states, in the wise wisdom of legislators and authorities, allow the licenses of the pharmacies to remain valid, even after these bungled travesties. Well, back in 07' legislation was introduced to tighten federal regulation on the products coming from compounding pharmacies, basically making the approval process from the FDA as stringent as it was for the knock-off drugs. Well, IACP said that would eradicate the business and lobbied and lobbied about it, subsequently winning. So, they remain in existence. Then we wonder why, folks are dying from A. Fumigatus laced steroid shots? FDA didn't know? Don't think so. FDA gives a crap? Oh yeah, for politically correct reasons. They have to remain the good guys or who would the adoring Sheeple run to for questions on the best ways to die? Should we drink our water FDA? Oh sure, water is good for you and so is the flourine in it! Yeah, how about the arsenic and barium in it, sprayed non-stop

from the skies in chemical trails. How about the hydroflourosilicic acid in it? I bet that's good for me too. How 'bout those GMO mosquitoes you are releasing here in the U.S. claiming it is to depopulate the mosquito community? Don't ecosystems exist? I think they were well in place before the FDA came along and decided it was king. What would stop them from having Oxitech place fill-in-the-blank virus in the insect to effectively use it as a tool to create a pandemic? What more ingenious way to achieve that goal of the H.R. 6566? Mass fatalities? AIDS is a fatal illness in most cases. Can we blame the insects for the subsequent pandemic? Certainly. Can we blame the FDA? No, because the few that are aware are engulfed in the overwhelming number of the ignorant and indifferent. It is just that type of mentality which aids and abets these type of events. Mass inoculations, purposefully engineered pandemic, systematic genocides. Possibilities are endless, and I won't run on with speculations. But I feel that the FDA is well aware of what is going on with the compounding pharmacies basically using American Sheeple as guinea pigs. I don't think they are overly concerned. They are doing a PR campaign for the time being to appease the masses. I also believe that NECC this goaround was the designated patsy for the cause. I wouldn't discount the fact that this is a false flag either. It fits the definition of a false flag. They want to demonize this particular company, thereby stirring suspicion and mistrust in the minds of the misinformed thusly presently themselves[FDA] as the saviour and shepherd of the Sheeple. Their every word will be leaned upon for understanding. Less questions, less thinking and more ready obedience. These flu shots still contain thimerosal even though it is a known poison to the human system. Yet, if the FDA says its good for you, you should take it. Because after all, they tracked down the bad wolf who was the cause of the fungal meningitus outbreak! They are here to save you! Yeah, their hands are bloody and their feet are swift to shed more blood from what I see. It makes sense. Surely the net is spread in vain in the sight of any bird, or sheep for that matter.

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