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October 16, 2012 Christianity 16th century Protestants (split from mArtin Luther:) Anabaptists 1. Lutherans nationalization 2.

2. Anglicans Spread by Royal Decree Unitarians 3. Calvinists John Calvin (d. 1564) Institutes of the Christian Religion (Unitarians came from Calvinists) 17th century - Congregationalists - baptism - quakers George Fox (2169) 18th Century: - Methodists John Wesley (1720) - State church

Lutheran Movement (countries popular in: Germany, Scandinavia/ in U.S. Ohio, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Canada) obviously named from Martin Luther. Celebrates Eucharist in Vernacular (means the spoken language). Do they believe in allegory and metaphor? WHAT MAKES DIFF FROM CATHOLICS? (READING BIBLE LITERALLY, INERRANCY BELIEF THAT NO MISTAKE IN BIBLE / STRESS SCRIPTURE + HOLY SPIRIT, 3. VERNACULAR EUCHARIST SIMILARITIES: PRIESTHOOD, SAME STRUCTURE BUT CHANGED IN ONE VITAL WAY = ALLOWED TO MARRY! RECENT CHANGE: ORDINATE WOMEN. STATE CHURCH TAX MONEY FUNNELED INTO CHURCH, IS THIS SECULARISM? SECULAR STATE MEANS A NON RELIGIOUS STATE, NEUTRAL? INITIMATE CONNECTION BETWEEN FRENCH STATE + CATHOLICISM; SECULARISM JUST MEANS LACK OF RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT= REL. DOES NOT INFLUENCE GOVERNMENT. SO PROTESTING GERMAN PRINCES WHAT WAS THEIR POLITICAL MOTIVATION? Princes wanted to practice their power in principalities; not share with Vatican Royall decree power top down Henry 8th wanted a male heir, which is why he kept marrying, but were nnot sure about that, but doesnt do enough to explain why he wanted to spread Anglicanism (nationalization). Wy would wealth be a factor? Henry would gain land the church owned. Henry divorced wife after divorcing Catholicism/Vatican because she was his

dead brothers widow, catholic church not buying it.. daughter of king of spain was wife, also political consequences. In 1533 henry proceeds without church, marries anne boline (second of 6 marriages). In 1534 passed act of Supremacyonly supreme head in the earth of church of England, in other words, if henry was supremem head, he replaced pope with himself. Key Persons: Thomas Cramer (d. 1556?) archibishop of Canterbury, famous for purging all church of England of images, candles and priestly investments (basically protestantizing) - book of common prayer, persecuted at stake for being heretic by henrys daughter (devout catholic reverses) Thomas even recanted, but didnt change anything, still burned. After mary, puritans come to power and tries to bring henrys influence. Queen Elizabeth divided power into protestant/catholic camps. Example: parliament always protestant, hous of commons for catholic nobility. Hope share of power offset civil war. 1559 revised tohomas book, to include both theologies of wucharist (protestant interpretation and alongside catholic belief ) most luttheran reforms were now accepted by Anglican church. They allowed bishops to marry, like Lutherans and allowed worship in vernacular. In u.s. we call episparian the church of England. The laws 1828 and 1832 laws liberalized no longer had to be a member of Anglican church to be a municipal worker. John calvin most influential protestant figures. He was a lawyer and a classical scholar (know greek/roman classics + theology). He is special among most protestant leaders, because hes the only leader that got to RULE a STATE. Establishes his own mini state, in Geneva. So in geneva he found his state. Similar to Iranian regime, personal morality make sins as crimes. Calvin comes to this position b/c help to implement order in geneva and his whole point to make geneva better Christians. So what are some of the things that were the business of the state(what theyd check on go to church, shut down bars, blasphemous thoughts, drinking, card playing, entertainment took mind away from God, even weirder = calvin state considered source of modernity secularism how so? Well, calvin (not noble, he is a civilian) so calvin sets forth the blueprint in the modern protestant west for the secular, civil modern state. Provides first justification to have ordinary members of public as rulers, 1.) based on the rulers upholding the tenents of Christian life, in other words, creating conditions necessary fro Christian practice and morality. Civility leaders are alright as long as they implement Christian just order. Thats why his state was a kill-joy state. Duality of calvin state role ^^ institude where we find justifications for civil governemtn. Makes other points: 1.) argues God is omnipotent and all powerful predestination concept, question: do we have free will?

John calvin would say we have NO free will, that people are helpless to affect faith in afterlife, nothing you can do to receive grace. This becomes a huge debate in Islam, cuz it legitimizes government and their actions (war crimes, corruption) Calvinists are Presbyterians associate with pre-destination. They havent challenged this core tenant. 2.) humans are dependent on divine grace and unable to achieve salvation and inheritantly sinful 3.) like anselm (medieval person says big distinction bt reason n revelation first guy to give us idea that Christ died as substitution for human sin, atonement theory, so Calvin AGREES and emphasizes the atonement theory) 4.) like luther, calvin is scripturally bound (literalist, inerrancy of scripture). Calvinism spread to geneva, france, to Netherlands to hungrary, England and Scotland. Structurally speaking, presby do NOT have bishops, instead have a PRESBYTERY which is an assembly of regional church representative who perform traditional tasks that we normally associate with bishops, basically kept practice + figures without sacramental roles of Catholicism. Presbys is 50% or more in korea, and other % is Buddhism, Catholicism. Anabaptists Baptists get their name from baptizing ritual (Hebrew in origin). They are an anti-establishement (against the state, politically) like other protestants replaced priests with lay clergy. Confrontation with Catholicism and protestant 1533-1535. Menno Simms menanyte movement founded by this Menno. What makes m. movement distinctive? Amish, quakers, many denominations from this movement. Different attitudes towards technology. Attitude of turning away from world called otherworldly try to preserve Christian values/moralities. Why do they wear the old clothes = a rejection of consumerism, anything part of modernity. --- why called ANAbaptists? No baptism for kids, should be done in adulthood cuz has meaning. Unitarians why called? Rejection of trinity, which they believe compromises gods oneness . its a humanistic movememtn spreads in 18 and 19th intelllectua and academic circles. Max WWebbelectua and academic circles. Max WWebber says all of this is source of modern economy (capitalism) book: protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism. Thesis/argument Calvinist incentives were transforming world through self denying action. How does it spur capitalism? Enlightenment really made people thought of their life TODAY, and not just focusing the afterlife. When you talk about making god;s kingdom on earth, talking about creating social justice. Bodily + spiritual wellness had a disconnect. ---- so webber argued to not wait for afterlife for a good life, but to start NOW. Idea of material prosperity enters into the world (backdoor, faith enters front door meaning if good Christian, prosperity comes to you through capitalism). protestant work ethic

believing if you work hard, god will reward you in this world. There are problems to this statement

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