It210 Week 1 Day 5

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Appendix C IT/210 Version 5

Associate Program Material

Appendix C Input Data and Output Process
In the second column, list at least three processes (capabilities) necessary to keep track of your home CD or DVD collection. In the first column, identify the input data required for each process. In the last column, identify a logical name for each output data item and the type of output data: real number, integer, or text. Input AlbumName ArtistName YearReleased AlbumName ArtistName YearReleased Inventory Processes 1.Get User Input Output Album Name (Text) Artist (Text) Year Released (Integer) Album Name stored (text) Artist Name stored (text) Date released stored (integer) Total number of CDs (Integer)

2. Store AlbumName 3. Store ArtistName 4. Store YearReleased 5. Update Total Number of CDs in Inventory

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