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Some say that Hebrew words ending with an ah sound are feminine (i.e. Sarah, Rebecca) and that the eh is masculine. This argument is used against being pronounced with an "ah" ending. It is said that eh ending is correct because of its masculine termination. Indeed, many Hebrew words with the ah termination are considered feminine. However this argument fails when one examines Hebrew proper names. Notice only one of the names below is feminine [in italic grey], while the majority are masculine. It is common for Greeks to transliterate Hebrew names ending with different vowels because of their own ideas as to what is masculine and/or feminine (and also according to their pagan ail names), but is a proper Name that was revealed to Hebrews and recorded phonetically in Hebrew, whereby evidence from the Hebrew should be used as the primary source to recover the pronunciation and Greek (along with other languages that use an A or AH ending) only secondarily. For the purpose of accuracy, being The Sacred Name ends in the Hebrew letter Heh, the names ending with the Hebrew letter Heh are underlined. Here are a few examples of Hebrew names that end with an ah/akh/aw sounds with transliterations of these same names rendered in Greek: [All names are spelled according to the pronunciation guides in the Strong Dict. or LXX Ttransliterated Bible] Hebrew Names: (Masorete Text) Ho-shay-ah ~ Num. 13:16 / Hosea 1:1 Ko-rakh ~ Numbers 16:1 No-akh ~ Genesis 6:22 No-gah ~ 1 Chronicles 3:7 Greek transliterations: (Textus Receptus NT) Ho-say-eh ~ Romans 9:25 Kor-eh ~ Jude verse 11 No-eh ~ Matthew 24:37 Nang-gah-ee ~ Luke 3:25 (LXX [Septuagint]) Edene ~ Septuagint Achire ~ Septuagint Aie ~ Septuagint Elisaie ~ Septuagint Asoube ~ Septuagint Iodaee ~ Breton Septuagint Iosabee ~ Septuagint Masse ~ Septuagint Moze ~ Septuagint Phakee ~ Septuagint Raphe ~ Septuagint Some ~ Septuagint Sabee ~ Septuagint Thekoe ~ Septuagint Zare ~ Septuagint

Ad-naw ~ Ezra 10:30 Akh-ee-rah ~ Numbers 1:15 Ah-yaw ~ Genesis 36:24 El-ee-shaw ~ 1 Kings 19:16 Khash-oo-baw ~ 1 Chronicles 3:20 Yeh-ho-yaw-daw ~ 2 Samuel 8:18 Yeh-ho-sheh-bah ~ 2 Kings 11:2 Mas-saw ~ Genesis 25:14 Miz-zaw ~ Genesis 36:13 Peh-kakh ~ 2 Kings 15:25 Reh-fakh ~ 1 Chronicles 7:25 Sham-maw ~ Genesis 36:13 Sheh-bah ~ 2 Samuel 20:1 Tek-o-ah ~ 1 Chronicles 2:24 Zeh-rakh ~ 2 Chronicles 14:9

[There are many more masculine names that end with the letter Heh that are pronounced as ah, such as Yahu-Dah (Judah); Yahu-Nah (Jonah) ]

Other Historic Sources on the Sacred Name Yaua - Assyrians Ioua - Sabbath keepers on Island of Iona, 7th Century. Yuah / Ywa / Yuwa - Karens of Burma, [Encyc. Britannica] Iowa / Yowa - American Indians, especially Cherokee Yava - Arizona Indians Yo He Wah - Adairs History of the American Indians (1775), p. 18 Yohouah - Raymundus Martini (1278) Iova - Romans Iohoua - Porchetus (1303) Iehovah - Peter Galatin (1518) Ya Huwa - Arabs
(see also: )

Greek Sources (note the similarities with one another and the Roman ail name Jove) IABE - Theodoret & Epiphanius Iae - Origen IAOVE- Clement of Alexandria Jave - Ante Nicene fathers Jove Homer (this is the exact spelling for the Roman ail [Jupiter] name. Jupiter is the king of the Roman ails, equivalent to the Greek Zeus. The Romans called the largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Jupiter is also known as Jove.)
(See: )

According to all the evidence the Greek consistently mis-transliterated the ah sound at the end of all Hebrew names (with the eh sound). Especially being there are many other languages that consistently transliterated the ah sound, which is further evidence that stands to reason showing that the Greeks were perverted in their doings, thereby the end of the Tetragrammaton should be pronounced as ah. Also the Greeks, consistently, used vowels to represent the spelling of the Sacred Name yet it is argued that the Hebrew spelling is made up of consonants, showing further that on can not use the Greeks transliterations as a final authority as to any particular sound within the Tetragrammaton [they can be used only as secondary evidence to support other more substantial evidence]. No offence but using the Greek Epsilon for an excuse to pronounce the last syllable as eh is as absurd as using the Greek Iota to say that the first sound is to be as the vowel ee sound instead of the consonantal y sound. The evidence left behind in Greek is not conclusive by any means, and one should by all means first look to the Hebrew for examples. And if one is going to consider the Greek transliterations they should take into consideration the over all totality of habitual tendencies before jumping to a conclusion. Again one can not honestly look just at what the Greek texts have and draw a so-called decent conclusion when so much evidence says other wise. P.S. The transliteration of Yahweh seems to be either a very late English rendition of with the vowel points of HaShem, or perhaps a transliteration of the Roman deity JOVE (variant spellings: IOVE; JOWE; and YAWE) a.k.a.- Jupiter [could you see that one coming?]. Still trust the Greeks so-called transliterations for The Sacred Name?
[See also: ]

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