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Table of Gontents

An Introduction to Marine/RV Deep-Cycle . Batteries. Deep-CycleBatteries.. 2 2

.. Sealed Lead-Acid Flooded Lead-Acid 2 vs. Deep-Clcle Batteries. 2 . Sealed Lead-Acid Proper Deep-Cycle Application WhatlsaCycle?... TJpesofCycles Cycle [ife. 3 3 ......4 4

Determining Battery Depth Discharge/State . of of Charge . . .5 Ratingsand Specifications ...... 6 Battery Charging TheInterstate Batteries Li C y c l i n gn e u p WhatMakes Deep-Cycle a BatteryDistinctive?. Information . General Charger Trickle Charging FAQs Interstate's Marine/Rv Starting Batteries TpicalApplications . 7 .......8 .......8 l0 l0 II 17 l7

An Intrcduction to Marine/RV Deep-Gycle Batteries

There many are misunderstandings regarding Marine/RV deep-cycle batteries. booklet This is designed clariffterminology misconcepto and tionsandto assist thecustomer, you, in l. making informed an decision regarding pr0per usage, 2. extending overall battery service and life, 3.maintaining performance battery at optimum levels.

AGM Gelbatteries completely and are sealed soabsolutely corrosion N0 occurs. Whileboth AGM GelWpes lead-acid and are batteries, neither expel gasses, as will external such hydrogen oxygen and duringrecharge. They gasses combine internally. NotethatAGM technology advanced has in years is nowavailable Marine/RV recent and in deep-cycle automotive and starting batteries. Important: Please remember, AGM Gel both and batteries should recharged a charger be with thatis specifically designed SI^,A for batteries. When AGM Gelbatteries used replace or are to liquidelectrolyte batteries, always check with thevehicle battery or manufacturer inforfor mation about charging requirements.

Deep-Cycle Batteries
Theterm"deep cycle" refers, general, a in to battery hasthecapability deeply that of discharging hundreds times. of Deep-cycle batteries eitherliquidelectrolyte sealed are or leadacid.Howdotheydifferfromother batteries? automotive An starting battery is manufactured specifically provide to a quick burst energy of thousands times in of its lifetime, whileonlybeing ableto deeply discharge than50cycles less duringits life.

Proper Deep.Cycle Application

A Marine/RV deep-cycle battery beusefor can various applications including boats, motorhomes, sailboats, trailers, campers, Anytime travel tent etc. anapplication indicatesneed batteries a for that canprovide repeated discharye, need you deep Marine/RV deepcycle batteries.

. Seafed Lead.Acid Versus Flooded Lead.Acid

Marine/RV deep-cycle batteries available are in twodifferent lead-acid types. flooded liquidA or electrolyte battery ventcaps allow has to maintenance, a sealed and lead-acid battery is completely sealed maintenance-free. or Each is available common group in battery sizes and hassimilar (CCA, andAh).The ratings RC, SL{ battery used is where battery battery the or bank noteasily is accessible. Maintenance on theflooded battery includes checking electrolyte andadding distilled water.

What Is a Cycle?
A cycle refers one battery to discharge and recharge (See ofanydepth Figure The l). amount battery (in of discharge percent) compared its full capacity to determines need the for a shallow, moderate deep or cycle. Thisis appropriately battery called depth discharge of (DOD) is measured percentages. and in

Interstate offers wideselection Sealed a of (StA)batteries Marine/Rv Lead-Acid for use, including GelCell Absorbed both and Glass (AGM) Mat types.Because donot they require maintenance, consumers prefer many them. And, applications hard-to-reach for with batteries, batteries ideal. SLA are

DepGllcle Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries fSl,A,


Forexample,400/o indicates a battery DOD that hasbeen discharged 40%o its totalcapacity by of andhasa 600/o of charge state remaining. There threeprimary are of Wpes battery discharge cycles: shallow, moderate deep. and These terms helpus understand typeof the cycling batteries that experience. clariff,let's To takea lookat all threetypes. Shallow cycles occur percentage thetotal whenonlya small of battery capacity discharged. is Following that

Dfpes ol Cycfes


, tt,,,ffi
a! [Rical perf.ormance 89'F (cycleshatvedper 18'F rise). Discharged 1.75volts/cell.End of life at 50o/o to capacity. F I G U R E3


Therefore, optimize performancea Marine/RV to of deep-cycle battery is recommended the it that consistent discharge notfallbelow level 50%. Remembel many otherfactors affect battery cycle life.If thebattery operating a highheat is in (consistently 90'F), typical environment above the number cycles of could drastically be reduced.


same of thought, line moderate deepcycles or aredischarged a higher percentagethe by of (See battery's capacity Figure total 2).






Iff''A rc

Cycle LiJe
How many cycles should a Marine/ RV deep-cycle battery produce in its life? Battery life is difficult calculate cycle to andis dependent multiple on variables, including battery proper maintenance, recharge, battery depth discharge, of battery temperature, cycling use, vibration, overall andconsideration. and care One themoreimportant of factors thebattery's is (DOD) depth discharge of per level cycle. the As amount DOD increased cycle, of per is thereis a resulting decrease theamount totalcycle in of performance life andavailable (See retention Figure If, forexample,battery discharged 3). is a consistently100% (consideringother to DOD all variables consistent), battery's cycle are the total life canbereduced much thanone-half to less of a battery dischargedonly50%0. to 4

,,l?.f l|ffi,,ffi:f, ffi ,tz.z?,#Fffi,,-sof, Fffi tlrT, HF[',,.f,T,,, Tffi 1.1.T UFre FIF,,,,,gv.,,
of Discharge/State oi Charge

Detrmini nJ'lIrL o Depth e

Battery DOD(in percent) theopposite is of battery state charge. example, the of For if battery a 70% has state charge, depth of the of discharge 30% is since totalmustbe 100% the (See Figure Themost 4). efficient means of determining battery's of charge/depth the state of discharge removable-fi on ller-cap ries batte is byusing hydrometer. mainience-free a On batteries, accurate an digitalvoltmeterthe is best method.

Surface Gharge Surface in refers to charge, general terms, an inflated charge level immediately the after battery been has affects charged. Surface charge a voltmeter of the battery's test state-of-charge levelmorethana hydrometer Asan test. example, hours even testing the aftera charge, batteryvoltage reading 12.66-12.75 volts and maynotbea trueindicator thebattery that is fullycharged. remove To surface battery for charge, apply loadto thebattery a period a for of time.Forexample, 10-15 apply amps two to threeminutes, to thenallow battery sit the for oneminute before retesting.

Reserve Gapacity (RCl RCis the amount timea battery deliver amps of 25 can (26.7"C) at 80"F fallingbelow without 1.75 voltspercell(10.5 voltson a l2-voltbattery).



Ratings and Specilications

Marine/RV have rating deep-cycle batteries specifications include cranking amps that cold (CCA), (MCA), marine reserye cranking amps (RC)andampere capacity hours(Ah).RC Ah andapproximate ratings maynotbelisted on the battery However, areavaildecal. they yourlocal Batteries ablethrough Interstate Distributor. are Unless specified, Ah ratings the based a 20-hour on discharge. is Gold Granking Amps ICCAI CCA (amps) battery 0'F theamount current of at a (-17.8'C) deliver 30seconds can for while maintaining least1.2voltspercell(7.2volts at for a l2-voltbattery). Marine Granking Amps (MCAI MCA theamount discharge is of current a for battery tested 32'F(0"C)candeliver 30 at seconds maintain least1.2 and at voltspercell (7.2voltson a l2-voltbattery).
ilote: InterstateBatteriesusesthe RC rating established BatteryCouncil by International(BCl). Somemanufacturers use a 15or 23-ampdischarge rate rather The lowerdischarge than 25-ampdischarge. level allowsa higher numberof minutesto be displayed(on the battery label) which doesnot reflect the true RCminutesat a 25-ampdischarge.


Ampere houns (Ahl tested 80'EIt is at (in theamount current amps) a battery of that candeliver, multiplied theamount hours, by of per without falling 1.75 below volts cell(10.5 voltsona l2-volt).Most Marine/RV deep-cycle batteries rated a 2O-hour are on rate. discharye Fxample:l00Ah A battery deliver amps can five for = (amps hours Ah). 20hours x

Battery Charging
Utilizing correct the charger following and proper charging methods oneof theprimary is keys enhancing to battery life service and performance. Always choose charger a specifically designed match charging to the (voltage cunent)of the requirements and pack. thecharger is battery battery or If unit an on-board charger (i.e.,alternator, unit generator, converter), validate compatibility its andproper operation before immediately or afterinstallation a new of battery. Never allowa battery to become overcharged or overheated.thebattery If "hot becomes to thetouch" ontheoutside casing, immediately disconnect the charger allow battery and the to cooldown before continuing.

The Interstate Batteries Gycling Lineup

Superior QuaIiJy Ptoduct Advantages:
Automated post molding process produces consistent reliability. PATENTEDselenium alloy helps reduce corrosion penetration.

Improved 3/,t-inch (non-tapered) lugs enhance conductivity.

"Best in Class" vents specifically designed to minimize maintenance. Extrusion-fusion intercell weld helps improve alignment.

Computeroptimized Advanced Matrix Radial Gridsru meet today's heavy cycling demands.

Negative plate paste expander is extremely resistant to heat, resulting in a 16% increase in life cycles! PATENTED round plate corners help reduce internal shorts. Microporous polyethylene envelope separators help maximize electrical performance.

NazSOr additive helps the battery accept a charge more effectively arid hold it longer.

What Makes Q Deep-C11cle

Battery Distinctive?

qualities batteries Several separate deep-cycle plates, denser fromstarting types: thicker plate material a specially and active chemical grid formulated alloy. These otheradded and Marine/Rv features allowthe Interstate the deep-cycle batteries withstand severe, to repeated stress deep cycling creates.

General Gharger lnformation

Various of may on Wpes chargers beused Mari ne/RV deep-cycle es.Most batteri chargers, bothonboard external, parallel-type and are chargers have capacity reducing that the of (in or tapering current amps) the while regulating voltage. Although almost typeof charger any will recharge Marine/RV a deep-cycle battery to performance longsome degree, short-term and proportional termseruice aredirectly life to proper recommended you: It that r Choose correct the charger matches that the type batteryyou of intend recharge, to i.e.,liquid electrolyte, Marine/RV, cycle, deep automotive, maintenance-free orAGM. o Match proper the battery voltage (6-,l2-, 24-or 36-volt). r Choose correct the charger in amps. size A good of thumb: charger provide rule A should a maximum 20amps each Ahof of for 100 thebattery. o Select charger a capacity a with sufficient to fullyrecharge batteries the withineight to 12hours. . Foroptimum results, choose maintenancea freetypecharger is timedor automatically that shuts whenthebattery off reaches full state a of charge. o Always andfollow charger read the instruction
manual's safetyand procedural

sophisticated electronic integrated circuitry to properly regulate current and/or voltage. A charger lacks that accurate voltage/current regulation should beused prolonged not for battery charging, damage or could occur. Some chargers manual have timers allow to a battery charge besetfor a fewminutes to up to several hours. Alwaysmonitor a battery during charge,whetherit is on an automaticor manualsetting.

Frequently Asked Questions

L How important is an Ah rating? TheAhrating important is whendetermining thetypeandamount battery batteries of or required meet yourspecific to component loads. battery's rating in direct The RC is correlation Ah.Anapproximate rating with Ah canbeattained multiplying battery's by the RC rating 0.6. by Example: RCx 0.6= 108 180 Ah. 2. Should I completely discharge a deep-cycle battery the first few times I use it? No!A Marine/RV deepcycle battery does require complete not a discharge anytimein its service In fact,for at life. best results, is recommended it to shallow or moderately discharge firstfiveto 20cycles. the 3. Do Marine/RV deep-cycle batteries develop a memory? No! Iead-acid batteries notdevelopmemory. do a What does mean you? this to Iead-acid batteries have abilityto cycle various the to amounts of DOD anytime during theirseryice without life a memory developing thebattery. inside 4. Which is the most detrimental to a battery, heat or cold? Both extremes problems. create battery Extreme heatwill allow battery increase the to its performance However, short-term level. heat internally accelerates corrosion other and deterioration factors reduce battery's that a life.Extreme battery cold temperatures result in an immediate reduction battery of efficiency level, performance. whichreduces short-term Forexample, fullycharged a battery 80"F at 11

recommendations. Different manufacturers offer features various that mayinfluence parameters. charging
Gharging Tip: Do not delaychargingyour batteriesafter use.Recharge soonas possible a$ after one day'suse.Allowingthe battery to sit discharged for severaldaysmay hamperits rechargeacceptance and ultimately its performance.



Thetermtricklecharger oftenused is to describe low-current, a inexpensive charger. Some trickle-type chargers lackthe may


(26'C)should operate 10070 with efficiency, at 32'F(0"C) with 65% efficienc$ at 0'F and (-17.8"C) 40%o with efficiency.

6. When do I need additional batteries? When yourpower requirements exceed Ahyourbattery the system provide, can youwill need connect to additional batteries to yoursystem increase individual or the battery size(capacity). youareconsistently If replacing battery batteries the or before thewarranty expired, capacity has the in yoursystem notbeadequate supply may to yourneeds.
Tip: Oncea year,re-evaluateyour total battery needsand vehicle load requirements.If you have addedany accessories over the past year or the hours of usagehave increased,increaseyour total battery capacity.

80 Ah wlll supply the minimum requirementsat 80"F. To asaure acceptablebattery cycle life and performance, divide 80 Ah by 0.50 = 160Ah. Use a battery system rated fot 160 Ah @ 20 hour dlscharge rate.



7. As a battety ages, does efficiency decrease? Normally, a properly charged, ne/RV Mari deep-cycle ry's batte efficiency improves slightly afterthefirst l0 to 20cycles. a battery As ages, maintenance its requirements change. theendof useful Near service however, battery startto life, the will loseefficiency, performance decreasing and increasing maintenance. 8. ls it best to slow charge a Marine/RV deep-cycle battery? Yes! previously As mentioned,Marine/RV a deepcycle battery should charged a slow be at cunent rate. Tlpically,l0- to 20-amp a charger normally is large enough recharge battery 100 within to a of Ah eightto 12hours. charge of oneto twoamps A level is often acceptable, howeve4 battery the should be periodically to theextended monitored due charge time.It is best choosecharger hasan to a that automatic shut-offcapability. type charger This of normally monitors battery's the charge eleclevel tronically, shuts then offcompletely,maintains or thebattery's of charge. state 9. Are the Interrstate flooded Marine/RV deep-cycle batteries mai nteh?trG-frce? Interstate Marine/RV deep-cycle, liquid-electrolyte batteries "low are maintenance." means maintenance This that canbeperformed, under but normal conditions is seldom needed. Interstate offers also sealed lead-acid batteries whicharemaintenance-free.

DC amp hours = [(ACwans) 1121x1.1 (hoursof use). x F I G U R E8

5, How do I select the proper type and amount of batteries to fit my needs? . Determine totalpower your requirements. . Determine approximate of use. time . Multiply hours amps. by . Divide (50V0 totalampere hours 0.50 by DOD) maximize to battery cycle life.
Tip: Whenchoosing bafteryor batteriesfor a Uolling motons, knowthat a l2-volt qnstemrequires a minimumof l.l to 1.2ampsper poundof thrust.A 24-voltsystemrequires0.85to 0.95ampsper pound of thrust. Anda 36-voltsystemrequircs0.5to 0.55 ampsper poundof thrust.



10, How do I know if my charger is correct for the battery's chalging or needs? Check and/or thebattery test This four batteries every to six weeks. action youronboard external or whether will determine is in with charger operating harmony your if For battery system. example, yourbatteries amount water(addiof areusingan excessive weeks), every to three two tionalwaterneeded overmay and/or the charger beoverheating your are If charging batteries. yourbatteries the notmeeting performance the expected, If may the charger beundercharging batteries. test are thebatteries low-maintenance, with a hydrometer.lowstateof charge hamper A will life and theperformance service of thebattery. 11. Do I need to equalize my gravity of the batteries? When specific individual in a battery bankof batteries cells or or become unequal more by than15points when using up thebattery notcome to full charge will charge methods, equalization normal charging an is is needed. equalization An charge a battery higher voltage normal. than charge a slightly at volts system, maybe 15.5 this 0n a l2-voltbattery to 16.2 volts. need an Sohowdoyouknowif yourbatteries It on charge? depends thebattery equalization use, typeandmanufacturer. normal With (or batteries notrequire do starting chassis) life. their throughout service In anyequalization an household deep-cycle applications, some or Sealed may equalization charge benecessary. an lead-acid do batteries notrequire equalization charge.
voltage required Gaution: Due to the higher-charge to when equalizing,it is nece$sary consult and follow vehicle and battery manufacturer's guidelines.Somevehicle manufacturersrequire from the vehicle's completebattery disconnection electricaUelectronic systemprior to an equalization charge.Alwaysmonitor the batteries during an equalizationcharge.If the batteries become "hot-to-the-touch"or spewacid, disconnect immediately!

12. When do I need to add water to my batteries? If thevehicle's charging is system working with the well batteries adequate is allowed and time to properly recharge, may additional water notbe important remember It that to gas all flooded, lead-acid during batteries H2O charging, youshould never premixed s0 add preferelectrolge yourbattery! water, Add to ablydistilled, level whentheelectrolyte falls below 12" above plates.Donotoverfill. the Donotfill thecellhigher thanl/8" below thebattery's internal Overfilling vent-well. thebattery resultin increased can waterloss andpostcorrosion. Remember, batteries as neartheirendof life,theyoftenrequire moremaintenance. 13. Will it damage my batteries to sit for weeks or months? A battery faster sittingunused deteriorate can thana battery is used(recharged) daily. that Asa battery thechemicals inside the sits, react, This battery discharging battery. the process called is battery self-discharging. Depending thebatterytype temperaturc, on and For a therateof selfdischarge varies. example, kept typical liquidelecholyte Marine/RV battery at a constant (26.7C) may self-discharye 80'F " approximately2lVo capacity three four in to of its months. thebattery anytype vehicle If elechas of hicaldischarge, maintaining like sensor voltage, The thebatterywill discharge quickly. battery morc propedy. will notbedamagedit is rechaqed if
Tip: If the battery is used seasonally sporadior cally, place a fully-automaticchargeron the battery for a few hours eachweek.Pleaserememberto monitor batteries during recharge.

2 4 V O L T S , 5 0 0 C C A ,2 0 R C 1 FIGURE 9



Interstate's MarinelBV Starting Batteries

primarily the These in batteries used are purposes marine industry starting for They built"lnterstate-tough" only. are to rugged and withstand most the conditions quality have features: these o Four-post design o Carrying handles o Calcium/calcium chemistry . Vibration-resistant technology o Highdensity material active chemical o NazSOa additive o Negative paste plate expander

12 VOLTS s00 ccA 1 2 0R C

1000CCA, 240 RC 12VOLTS, 10 FIGURE






EEEE!ffiffi,..,.':;If,il @EEltr#* @EEles**ilf|

i;iliil :'-+:lf :flull

1000CCA, 240RC 24VOLTS, 11 FIGURE

Etrgfrro drr[ee Our a00ffi1GL |lorrrffi(14 Iltlll'rllt.


*Power accessories include fish finders, auto pilot, invertors, safety systems, blowers and lighting. FIGURE 13


12VOLTS,450 Ah 12 FIGURE

lnterstate Batteries a complete ofsealed offers line AGM, your Marine/RV deep-cycle lnterstate bafteries. Contact local product for distributor more information various lines. about


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