Lab 1 (Error Analysis)

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Error Analysis Lab

Data Collection
Qualitative Data:
Metal A is a lustrous silver cylindrical metal. Metal B is a dull bronze cylindrical metal.

Quantitative Data:
Table 1: Mass of Metal A and B using Electronic Balance
Trial/unit (0.001g) Metal A 1 2 3 4 Average Mass of Metal A Metal B 1 2 3 4 Average Mass of Metal B Mass/g (0.001g) 18.601 18.599 18.599 18.597 18.599 28.861 28.862 28.861 28.858 28.861

Table 2: Volume of Metal A and B Measured Using a Graduated Cylinder

Trial/unit Metal A 1 2 3 4 Initial Volume/ml (1.0ml) 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 Final Volume/ml (1.0ml) 36.5 36.8 36.3 36.5 36.5 33.5 33.6 34.0 33.2 33.6

Average Final Volume of Metal A Metal B 1 2 3 4 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0

Average Final Volume of Metal B

Table 3: Volume of Metal A and B Measured Using a Caliper

Trial/unit Metal A 1 2 3 4 Average Metal B 1 2 3 4 Average Height/cm (0.001cm) 5.114 5.113 5.112 5.114 5.113 2.562 2.560 2.560 2.563 2.561 Diameter/cm (0.001cm) 1.278 1.280 1.274 1.268 1.275 1.270 1.268 1.270 1.270 1.270

Data Analysis
Method 1: Graduated Cylinder
Metal A: Volume = Vfinal Vinitial Volume = Average of Vfinal Average of Vinitial Volume = 36.5 30.0 Volume = 6.5 ml (2 s.f.) Uncertainty = 1.0 + 1.0 Uncertainty = 2.0 ml Average Volume of Metal A = 6.5 2.0 ml (2 s.f.) Density = Mass / Volume Density = 18.599 / 6.5 Density = 2.861384615 g/ml (2 s.f.) % uncertainty of mass = (uncertainty / mass) x 100% % uncertainty of mass = (0.001 / 18.599) x 100% % uncertainty of mass = 0.0053766332% % uncertainty of volume = (2.0 / 6.5) x 100% % uncertainty of volume = 30.76923077% Actual Uncertainty = sum of % uncertainties x value Actual Uncertainty = 30.77496843% x 2.9 Actual Uncertainty = 0.880590212 g/ml Density of Metal A = 2.9 0.9 g/ml (2 s.f.)

Metal B: Volume = 33.6 30.0 Volume = 3.6 ml (2 s.f.) Uncertainty = 1.0 + 1.0 Uncertainty = 2.0 ml Average Volume of Metal B = 3.6 2.0 ml (2 s.f.) Density = 28.861 / 3.6 Density = 8.016944444 g/ml % uncertainty of mass = (0.001 / 28.861) x 100% % uncertainty of mass = 0.0034648834% % uncertainty of volume = (2.0 / 3.6) x 100% % uncertainty of volume =55.5555556% Actual Uncertainty = 55.55902044% x 8.0 Actual Uncertainty = 4.454135802 g/ml Density of Metal B = 8.0 4 g/ml (2 s.f.)

Method 2: Caliper
Metal A: Volume = rh Volume = x (average diameter / 2) x average height Volume = x (1.275 / 2) x 5.113 Volume = 6.528088653 (4 s.f.) % uncertainty of radius = (uncertainty / diameter) x 100% = (0.001 / 1.275) x 100% = 0.784313725% % uncertainty of height = (uncertainty / height) x 100% % uncertainty of height = (0.001 / 5.113) x 100% % uncertainty of height = 0.0195579894% Actual Uncertainty = sum of % uncertainties x value Actual Uncertainty = 0.1764207345% x 6.528088653 Actual Uncertainty = 0.011516902 Average Volume of Metal A = 6.528 0.01 cm (4 s.f.)

Density = 18.599 / 6.538 Density = 2.844753747 g/cm % uncertainty of mass = 0.005% % uncertainty of volume = (0.01 / 6.528) x 100% % uncertainty of volume = 0.1531862745% Actual Uncertainty = 0.1581862745% x 2.845 Actual Uncertainty = 0.0044956539 g/cm Density of Metal A = 2.845 0.004 g/cm (4 s.f.) Metal B: Volume = x (1.270 / 2) x 2.561 Volume = 3.244194635 (4 s.f.) % uncertainty of radius = (0.001 / 1.270) x 100% = 0.0787401575% % uncertainty of height = (0.001 / 2.561) x 100% % uncertainty of height = 0.0390472472% Actual Uncertainty = 0.1965275622% x 3.244194635 Actual Uncertainty = 0.0063769158 Average Volume of Metal A = 3.244 0.006 cm (4 s.f.) Density = 28.861 / 3.244 Density = 8.896732429 g/cm % uncertainty of mass = 0.003% % uncertainty of volume = (0.006 / 3.244) x 100% % uncertainty of volume = 0.1849568434% Actual Uncertainty = 0.1879568343% x 8.897 Actual Uncertainty = 0.0167225195 g/cm Density of Metal B = 8.897 0.02 g/cm

Density (g/cm) Metal A Method 1 Method 2 Metal B

2.9 0.9 2.845 0.004

8.0 4 8.897 0.02

(1ml = 1cm)

Data Evaluation
The objective of this lab was to determine the density of two different metal cylinders by as many different methods possible. Through method 1, using a graduated cylinder, the density of metal A was found to be 2.9 0.9 g/cm and the density of metal B, 8.0 4 cm. Through method 2, using a caliper, the density of metal A was found to be 2.845 0.004 g/cm and the density of metal B, 8.897 0.02 g/cm. The accepted density of metal A, which is aluminum, is 2.70 g/cm and the accepted density of metal B, which is copper, is 8.96 g/cm. The % error = (l (Known value experimental value) l / known value) x 100% % error for Method 1, Metal A: l (2.70 2.9) l / 2.70 x 100% = 7.407% The % uncertainty was 30.77496843% % error for Method 1, Metal B: l (8.96 8.0) l / 8.96 x 100% = 10.714% The % uncertainty was 55.55902044%

% error for Method 2, Metal A: l (2.70 2.845) l / 2.70 x 100% = 5.37% The % uncertainty was 0.1581862745%

% error for Method 2, Metal B: l (8.96 8.897) l / 8.96 x 100% = 0.703% The % uncertainty was 0.1849568434%

Sources of Error The table is not parallel to the floor. The balance sometimes becomes uncoordinated.

Effect on Result The reading of the meniscus is not completely accurate When uncoordinated, the balance doesnt start from 0g but from -0.001g or -0.002g.

Suggestion for Improvement Several more trials on different surfaces would eliminate systematic uncertainty. I should not hurry to place the metal on the balance right after a previous one but should wait for the numbers to go down to 0g and check that it is not set on -0.1g

When reading the meniscus, the table the graduated cylinder was set upon was wobbling.

The wobbling could have changed the volume even by 0.1ml.

I can move the graduated cylinder to a steadier table. Also, by doing several more trials, I can increase the accuracy and precision of my results.

The caliper readings are easily misread.

The uncertainty will thus be increased and thus the results will become less precise.

Doing several trials on one caliper reading, before moving on to the next, would be a good idea.

Hoadley, Rick. "Density of Metals." Magnet Man. 1998-2011. Web. 23 Aug. 2011. <>.

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