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Background The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) is one of the five Institutes of Rajshahi University.

The Institute of Business Administration of Rajshahi University is the second of its type at public universities in Bangladesh. IBA of Dhaka University has set an example of academic excellence in Bangladesh. IBA of Rajshai University also set goal to achieve a prestigious position in the country and beyond. But the task is not so easy. It is the duty of us who are the front liners, to make our IBA a symbol of prestige of Rajshahi University. It started its journey as an institute in the year 2000. Academic activities of the institute began in 2002 with the inception of MBA (Evening) program. At present the Institute has four streams of MBA program and another stream of M.Phil./ Ph.D program. Most of the students of this program are mid level and top-level executives in private sector and state owned organizations. They are the proud members of the IBA of Rajshahi University. Aims and objectives Its aim is to provide and promote facilities for graduate and post graduate study and research in Business Administration. In addition to these, IBA of Rajshahi University has the program to provide off-the-job training for business people, post graduate diploma program for graduates engaged in business, Executive Development Program (EDP) for top management and senior executives. Moreover the institute has objective of providing consultancy services and assistances as required by the business community. Management of the Institute The management of the Institute is vested on a Board of Governors. Honorable Vice chancellor of the University is the Chairman of the Board and there will be 14 members as per the statute for the IBA (The Seventh Statute of the University). Honorable Director of the Institute acts as member-secretary of the Board of governors. Rules And Regulations Basis of Grading The grade in a course will be based on an overall evaluation of a students performance in assignments, class test, mid-term examination, quizzes, term papers, project work, class participation, class attendance and semester final examination. Weightage will be fixed up by the Institute Committee. Grades will be determined by the teacher responsible for the course. In each semester, CGPA will be computed to determine the academic standing of the student in the program. Repeating Course A course may be taken only once for a grade, except when a student received a failing grade, which is recorded as F. Since passing of all courses individually is a degree requirement, the student must retake a failing course when offered, and must successfully complete the course. The grade earned on the retake will be shown in the transcript along with F grade earned in the first time the course was taken. But the grade earned on the course(s) repeated will be substituted for F in computing the CGPA. A course can be retaken only once.

Facilities As a very new institute IBA is still in development stage. Nevertheless IBA has ensured some basic facilities for students so far. It has well furnished and well equipped classrooms, a computer lab and a library. IBA has Internet facility for the students, teachers and staffs. Library of the institute is one of the richest libraries in the campus. At present IBA of Rajshahi University is offering MBA and M.Phil./Ph.D programs. IBA plans to introduce BBA program and regular MBA program as soon as possible. A very promising ongoing development of the Institute is the construction of the own academic building of IBA in the campus.

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