Samsung Plaza Interview

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Electro Mart Stores Pvt. Ltd. P-5, Ground Floor Ocean Plaza Sector-18, Noida (U.P)
1. What type of outlet you own? (Franchised/Licensed/Co-owned/Any other) We are running our business as franchised model under SAMSUNG. 2. How much capital you are required to put in initially by the company? To this question the store manager showed certain level of discomfort and we also felt the music and changed the track to our next question. 3. What is the inventory carrying policy expected by the company at any certain point of time? Are you satisfied? We are expected to carry all the updated products in our respective product lines which the company offers at any point of time and the latest product ranges in our portfolio helps in our overall profitability. However, the company does not follow any favorable return policy for obsolete products and we need to sell them anyhow by implementing our own store promotion and discount schemes.

4. Any policies of SAMSUNG which you feel are rigid and must be changed? What kind of flexibilities they
provide in your business? Please share. To this question the store manager smiled and uttered that who will not want more flexibility, however he further said that though the service and support from the Samsung they were getting was satisfactory, as far as the business model remains profitable for them and the company, they just wanted certain more relaxation in credit policies as usually being offered. 5. Do you face any problems in getting timely delivery of your required inventory? No, the service regarding the delivery to our orders and requirements is very efficient on the part of the company. We usually get our order delivered at our place within 2-3 days and also during peak season, we do not face any problem in getting more of the certain kind of product and/or model as per the customer demand, if required.

6. Does SAMSUNG help in solving your problems/grievances on time? Your grievances are taken to top
management of the company or not, if so required? Grievances as I have said earlier, are very few rather emerge very rarely, however if it arise sometimes, are taken due care by the company and if its seriousness is high it is diligently solved by taking them to the management and even if it is not taken due care at that level, the company is open to all sorts of mediation and arbitration procedures.

7. What is/are the criteria of SAMSUNG for your performance?

As we are under the franchised model we are constantly required to maintain the standard inventory level in each product line of SAMSUNG and keep our portfolio updated. We are expected to help our staff trained regularly on technical specifications as well as on requisite selling skills as per the companys guidelines. We need to update our promotional aids as per the changing promotion strategy of the company at regular intervals. And above all we need to generate recommendable sales in order to have our and companys respective pies of respectable profit.

8. How do you deal with the damage in transit problem? Does company provide any help? Damage during the delivery of consignment from the company to our warehouse which is located in sector-58, Noida, is usually borne by the company itself as long as the title to the goods remains with them; we take the title to the said goods only upon the final delivery at our warehouse. On the contrarian, the company doesnt bear risk or compensate us when damages occur due to any physical mishandlings or improper storage; in that case risks are borne by us. However, there is a clause under which if we find any damage as per the mentioned clause, we are required to send the photographs of the damaged product and follow the procedures laid. This however is cumbersome process and becomes more tedious as the value of goods increases.

9. Does SAMSUNG provide any special logistics support/service to you? Please share.
Whatever logistics and support services are concerned, SAMSUNG provides them in the form of transportation service which is very reliable and this helps in getting timely delivery. They usually deliver our ordered consignments through medium sized company owned and/or third party trucks specially designed for the appropriate nature of consignments. However, we own our own warehousing services at Sector-58 and from there we use our own logistics facilities. 10. What kind of sales promotion, back-end operations and in-house/store promotion assistance are provided to you? As I have already shared that each and every sales promotion aids are provided by the company, we need to update it by synchronizing our efforts with them. We however run certain in-store promotion schemes also, but that to under certain guidelines and clauses prescribed by the company which extends only to certain class of products and/or models. 11. Any competition you face from other channels out of any policies of the company? The company has launched pan India SRP scheme which stands for Standard Retail Price under which customer gets an idea of Best Buy Price below which the products couldnt be sold. This transparency helps us in minimizing any clashes between multiple channels used by the company for the distribution of its products. Further, we usually convince customers by telling them about the extra benefits they will get if they buy from us like better service and customized warranty, and above all full shopping experience. However, we also try to convince customers to free ride by purchasing with us after taking and getting satisfied with specification related information online. 12. Please tick the following factors which you feel that it could be the reason behind certain conflicts: (Check Boxes) Failure to ensure best and reasonable returns. Non-availability of the products.

Poor credit policy.

Lack of transparency. Non-uniformity and clarity of sales policy. Overlapping of territories among you. Poor warranty settlement process.

Imposition of undue conditions.

Absence of training programmes and unclear roles of relational members. Unrealistic Sales Targets. Poorly defined replenishment policy.

Dumping of slow moving products.

Non-availability of fast moving products. Discriminate Sales Trade Policies. Defective Delivery system.

Lack of a prompt system for recovery from defective delivery.

Ineffective information system.

Ill-behavior of marketing and sales personnel of the firm.

Any other factor(s) please specify

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