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Environmental justice in Catalonia

UB, 26th of march 2010 Miquel Ortega Cerd g @

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

1. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Methodology 3. S 3 Some esults lt 3. C 3 Conclusions l i

Authors: Maria Calaf Forn and Miquel Ortega Cerd.

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Time line: Most of the research was done in 2006 and reviewed in 2009. Main objective of the project: support the public administration to introduce Main the environmental justice concept in Catalonia.
Introduce the environmental justice concept from a theoretical historical and methodological Introduce environmental justice theoretical, perspective Give an overview of the main current initiatives form a public administration perspective Identify some environmental issues that can be interesting to be analysed from an environmental justice j ti perspective and produce a preliminary analysis ti d d li i l i Suggest some initiatives to be developed by the Catalan public administration

This report is part of an ongoing research by the authors and does not represent necessarily the opinion of CADS or Generalitat de Catalunya.


Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

1rst part: background and previous international initiatives

(47 pp)

Overview of the main concepts related with environmental justice p j

What does it means environmental justice? What is the relation between environmental equity and environmental justice? How public administration understand environmental justice? Which are the main methodologies of environmental justice research?

International initiatives related with environmental justice developed by public administrations

United States Europe Africa Af i Latin America

Is it possible to develop environmental justice initiatives by the Catalan public administration?. The Catalan context

Social equity S i l it

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Equity can be distilled into three broad categories: social, geographic and procedural (Bullard, 2005)

Assess the role of sociological factors, such as race, ethnicity, class, culture, etc. in decision making EG. EG. Does the poorest live in the near areas of the most polluting industries?

Geographic equity
How is the location and spatial configuration of communities and what is the relation with o s t e ocat o a d spat a co gu at o o co u t es a d at s t e e at o t environmental hazards and locally unwanted land uses such as landfills, incinerators, refineries, etc.

Procedural equity P d l it
To which extend the governing rules, regulations, evaluation criteria, and enforcement are applied uniformly across the board. Are there nonscientific and undemocratic decisions, exclusionary practices? Does every body has the chance to parcipate in the decission-making y p y y p p g processes?

2nd part: Analysis and recommendations Methodological chapter g p Inequities related to local environmental impacts
Most polluting industries Environmental infrastructures: waste management, energy Transport infrastructures Land use

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

(113 pp)

Inequities related to global environmental impacts

Resource use CO2 emissions

Inequities related to the access to environmental goods

Public transport

Conclusions and recommendations C l i d d ti

Analytical methodology y gy

Definition of issues to be analysed.

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Group of experts. Include administration, NGOs and researchers. p p Main ideas: Include environmental justice perspective at local and global level. Some data should be already available. y Issues should be relevant and with some public awareness of the problematic.

Main characteristics and limits of the analysis:

Based on previously available data obtained from public administration, research groups and social movements movements. The analysis is based on visual and statistical techniques obtained from GIS and discourse analysis. It includes when possible causality links and economic costs distribution includes, possible, distribution.

Geographic equity:

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Maps p Use of indicators: land density (number of polluting industries per km2), per capita intensity (energy production per capita at the different counties).

Socio-economic equity:
Economic capacity: RFBD per capita p y Size of municipality Percentage of elder people Percentage of non-UE citizens

Public perception and participation:

Is there any social movement, NGO, institutions, etc using environmental justice discourse in relation with the environmental variable? Analysis of manifestos and public press statements.


Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

County 41
Secondary residence ownership

Municipality 946
79%<5000 inhabitants Family gross disposable income>5000

Census tracts 5284

Population Population Age Non EU population

Some examples of results p

Most polluting industries

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Source European Pollutant Emission Register Year 2006

Activity Combustion industry Metal industry Ore industry Chemical industry Waste management industry Paper and cardboard industry Textile Leather industry Agribusiness and cattle raising Organic dissolvent industry Coal TOTAL

Number 12 67 68 194 95 32 9 6 622 8 3 1.116

Most polluting industries

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Number of EPER industries by surface area

Most polluting industries

2000m Midamunicipi
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QU QUINTIL1 QU QUINTIL2 QU QUINTIL3 3 QU QUINTIL4 QU QUINTIL5 5

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

2000m RFBD
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q QUINTIL1 Q QUINTIL2 Q QUINTIL3 Q QUINTIL4 Q QUINTIL5

Most polluting industries

Agribusiness and cattle raising
2000m 2000 m RFBD
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QUINTIL1 QUINTIL2 QUINTIL3 QUINTIL4 QUINTIL5

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Chemical industries
2000m 2000 m RFBD
90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QUINTIL1 QUINTIL2 QUINTIL3 QUINTIL4 QUINTIL5

Most polluting industries

Chemical sector: Tarragona petrochemical concentration

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

19th of October 2002: Manifest de La Mas. Key issue: health and chemical industry y y concentration. Some organizations that developed environmental justice claims: GEPECEcologistes de Catalunya and Escur de Tarragona. The administration answer: LObservatori de la Salut del Camp de Tarragona. Conflictive health studies.

Agribusiness and cattle raising: pig manure produce high level of nitrates in water
Some organizations that developed environmental justice claims: Grup de Defensa del Ter (monitoring, management proposals, denounces, etc.). Well know problem since 90s. In the period 1999-2002: 370 denounces, only 14 were successful. In 1998 first legal initiatives (Decret 283/1998, de 21 doctubre, amb la designaci dalgunes zones vulnerables en relaci amb la contaminaci de nitrats procedents de fonts agrries). 203 municipalities where involved.

Most polluting industries

Since 2000:

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

2003. Pla de suport a la gesti de les dejeccions ramaderes de lany 2003 p g j y 2004. The Environmental Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya recognize that 50 municipalities in Girona do have nitrate levels over the highest recommended value by the WHO (50 ml/l). Bisbal dEmpord and Forallac (Baix Empord), where the th most affected. M t ff t d More th 10 000 consumers where affected. Al some problems than 10.000 h ff t d Also bl in Tarragona area (Caseras 80 ml/l in June. The municipality do have to carry water by track). 2004. 2004 More municipalities where involved in the vulnerable zone (312) vulnerable zone 2005. The Environmental Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya recognize that 130 water distribution municipal services were affected regularly by high nitrates levels (more than 50 ml/l). 38.352 consumers are affected. Most affected areas: ( ) Empord, el Maresme, lAlt Empord i el Valls Oriental. 69 water distribution municipal services more where sporadically affected (39.528 consumers). 2005. End of pipe solution: more water-treatment plants and long term proposals: Consorci de G C Gesti de la Fertilitzaci Agrria- G S GESFER 2009: Once more new municipalities have been involed in the vulnerable zone

Most polluting industries

Equitat ambiental a Catalunya

Waste management
Municipal waste

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Treatmentfacilities Treatment facilities

Landfills Composting facility Anaerobic digestion Incinerator Transference plant Recycling sorting plant Landfills Composting facility Collectionand Collection and transferenceplant Incinerator Physicalchemical treatment Recycling Agricultural treatment plant Pigmanureponds Compost facility Treatment Landfills Recicling plants Transference plant

44 24 4 10 13 17 87 21 49 16 4 14 1 19 13 25 62 11 25

Industrial waste

Cattlewaste Cattle waste


2006, DMAH

Waste management

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Number of waste management facilities by surface area

Waste management

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Number of waste management facilities by surface area and capita d it

Waste management

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Kgs of waste managed per d capita for municipal waste

Waste management
Industrial waste facilities
2000m RFBD
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QUINTIL1 QUINTIL2 QUINTIL3 QUINTIL4 QUINTIL5 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QUINTIL1 QUINTIL2 QUINTIL3

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

2000m Midamunicipi



2000m Msde65anys
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% QUINTIL1 QUINTIL2 QUINTIL3 QUINTIL4 QUINTIL5

Waste management
Wastemanagementfacilities 2003
E 4 EJA 2 % 50 E 7

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

EJA % 5 71 E 7

EJA 4 % 57 E 8

EJA 5 % 62

Source: Anuaris territorials de Catalunya 2003 2006 2003-2006

Source: IPCENA Vinaixa landfill (2004), Tivissa landfill (2004), Conca de Barber treatment plant (2004), Collcards landfill (Vacarisses) (2004), (2004) constrution waste disposals of Andorra in Alt Urgell, Grefacsa incinerator (Trmens) (2005), ECOPARC 2 (Montcada i Reixac) (2005), Pujalt landfill (2005), Escarp incinerator (2006), temporal nuclear waste facility at Vandells (2006), compost facility at Mald (2006), etc. Source: IPCENA Source: Salvem lAnoia

Waste management

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Decret 1/2009 de 21 de juliol pel qual s'aprova el Text refs de la Llei reguladora dels Decret 1/2009, juliol, residus. Main principles: valorisation, sufficiency and proximity Industrial waste management plan: Programa de Gesti de Residus Industrials de Catalunya g p g y (PROGRIC) 2007-2012
20.000 tonnes per year of industrial waste are exported out of Catalonia to be incinerated while there is some overcapacity in some private plants. While the planning does recommend new landfills there is also a recognition that there is not enough control of what is incorporated in todays landfills The criteria for new landfills allocations are: good e c e a o e a d s a oca o s a e access and considering the population density, it does not include existing facilities density or other parametersuse of the carrying capacity concept for waste management? g The auto contention concept should be used as it is used in municipal waste infrastructure planning In order to improve the burning sharing poorest and municipalities with older population should be avoided. p p p The planning regions should be little an similar to PROGREMIC areas, so a better integration could be done.

Energy production

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Energy production
Ordinary regime production capacity (MW)

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Category Coal Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Fuel/Gas Fuel/Gas Fuel/Gas Combined cycled power plant Combined cycled power plant Combined cycled power plant Combined cycled power plant Combined cycled power plan Combined cycled power plant Hydroelectricity Hydroelectricity Hydroelectricity Hydroelectricity

Name Cercs Asc 1 Asc 2 Vandells 2 Foix San Adrin 1 San Adrin 3 Bess 3 Bess 4 Tarragona Endesa Tarragona Power Plana del Vent 1 Plana del Vent 2 Tavascan Canelles Ribarroja Estangento Sallente

Municipality Cercs Asc Asc Vandells Cubelles SantAdridelBess SantAdridelBess SantAdridelBess SantAdridelBess Tarragona Tarragona VandellsilHospitalet delInfant VandellsilHospitalet delInfant Lladorre OsdeBalaguer Riberad Ebre Ribera dEbre LatorredeCapdella

Production capacity (MW) 162 1028 1027 1087 520 350 309 412 407 400 424 412 421 152 108 263 446

Sources: Red elctrica de Espaa. 2008 corrected by use data.

Energy production
Especial regime production capacity (MW)

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Landfills Biomass Cogeneration Ecoparcs EDAR Wind production Photovoltaic Hydraulic Pig Pi manure Non renewable industrial waste Renewable industrial waste Urban solid waste

5 1 111 2 11 14 1081 284 5 1 2 4

Production capacity (MW)

19,5 0,5 977,9 5,4 67,3 342,5 33,5 271,9 76,6 66 5,2 15,0 44,4

Source: ICAEN. Year 2007

Energy production

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Energy production capacity per capita

(KW per capita)
Source: especial regime lICAEN 2007, ordinary regime Red elctrica de Espaa,
population IDESCAT

Energy consumption E ti
Source: Pla de lenergia a Catalunya 2006-2015. 2003 data

Energy production

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Number of big production facilities per surface unit and capita

Energy production
2003 Energyproduction
E 9 EJA 3 % 33 E 11

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

EJA 5 % 45 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 7

EJA 3 % 42

Source: Anuaris territorials de Catalunya 2003 2007 2003-2007

Source: Plataforma per a la defensa de Terra Alta

Source: Sticker of Plataforma per a la defensa de Terra Alta

Energy production
2003 Energyproduction
E 9 EJA 3 % 33 E 11

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

EJA 5 % 45 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 7

EJA 3 % 42

Source: Anuaris territorials de Catalunya 2003 2007 2003-2007 A les Terres de l'Ebre comencem a estar cansats, cansats de vore com una vegada i una altra les nostres terres sn l'objectiu nica i exclusivament per a tirar tota la "merda" que los altres no volen, no estem ni contra el progrs ni contra la modernitzaci, ans lo contrari, per tot sobre un desenvolupament sostenible amb el territori. Poder decidir lo que volem per a les nostres terres en el futur, aix s tot lo que demanem. Per poder decidir i per a demostrar que mai ens cansarem de lluitar, us convoquem a tots a l'Assemblea de Plataformes de les Terres de l'Ebre.

1rst of December 2007

Energy production
2003 Energyproduction
E 9 EJA 3 % 33 E 11

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

EJA 5 % 45 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 7

EJA 3 % 42

Source: Anuaris territorials de Catalunya 2003 2007 2003-2007

Energy production
2003 Energyproduction
E 9 EJA 3 % 33 E 11

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

EJA 5 % 45 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 8

EJA 5 % 62 E 7

EJA 3 % 42

Source: Anuaris territorials de Catalunya 2003 2007 2003-2007

Illustraci2ManifestaciaTortosael15de desembrede2007

Illustraci1ConvocatriadacteaMequinenza lany2006

l f l l Font:PlataformadelaTerraAlta Font:

Energy production
2002. Pla de lEnergia a Catalunya en lhoritz de lany 2010

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

2005. Pla de lEnergia de Catalunya 2006-2015 (some changes in 2009) Main changes in ordinary regime (2015): Closing of Cercs (coal), Foix and Sat Adri 1 and Sant Adri 2 (fuel-gas) (gasoil-gas) 12 new combined cycle power plants (from 2450 MW in 2007 to 4932 in 2015) Where? Few indications: mainly near Barcelona and Girona areas. Substitution, redistribution or same pattern concentrations? Main changes in especial regime (2015): Main The most important growth will be in wind production, from 324 MW to 1313,2 MW or 3500,4 MW depending on the scenario. Where the wind mills should b placed? Wh h i d ill h ld be l d?

Energy production

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Decret 147/2009, de 22 de setembre, pel qual es regulen els procediments administratius aplicables p a la implantaci de p p per p parcs elics i installacions fotovoltaiques a Catalunya
Definition of Zones de Desenvolupament Prioritari (ZDP). Areas for big wind farms: more than 10 MW and 5 wind mills. f th d i d ill Main problem: how are they defined? Who participates in the decision-making p ocess process? Environmental just ce p ocedu a p ob e o e ta justice procedural problem.

Energy production

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Preliminar proposal



Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya

Environmental justice concept is increasingly important all around the world It embrace not only race and polluting industries problems but may be used for very different issues Every time more public administrations are using this concept to address some environmental inequities and to support the socio-environmental integration in decision-making In Catalonia there are no technical barriers to develop some environmental justice policies There are some evidences of some environmental inequalities that can be improved by the development of proper environmental justice policies. This report is just a first step. Much more needs to be done if we want to see environmental justice perspective applied in Catalonian public policies.

Final remark
The report can be found in:

Equitat ambiental q a Catalunya http://www15 gencat net/cads/AppPHP/images/stories/publicacions/documentsrec erca/ddr_15_versi_web.pdf

Thanks for your attention

Miquel Ortega Cerd mortega@ent cat

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