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How do feel about crime in your country right now? Do you think the situation is getting better or worse? Can you tell me a story about a famous crime in your country? What types of crime are on the rise? On the decline? Have you ever committed a crime? If so, what did you do? Why do you think people commit crimes? What is often the cause? Below are some common crimes and what the people, who commit the crimes, are called. How would you say the third section below in a passive voice. (noun) Arson: the act of starting a fire to destroy something (not an accident) I think the house was burned down on purpose I think that someone ___________________ arson ____________________ is the verb that will often be put before a crime. The criminal did arson (wrong) The criminal committed arson (correct)

People burning down buildings is a huge problem in Detroit ___________________________________________________________________________ What do you call someone that commits arson? An ________________________________ (noun) Assault: the act of attacking someone else in order to hurt them The man punched the other man in the face The _____________________________________________________________________ The man forced the woman to have sex with him The ____________________________________ _____________________ assault Adj What is the verb for assault? _______________________________ The man forced the woman to have sex with him The ____________________________________________________________________________

(noun) fraud: the act of lying to get money from someone The company told me they would send the stereo if I gave them my credit card number. I gave them my credit card number and they charged me, but they never sent me the stereo, so the company _____________________________________________________________________________. Have you or someone you know ever been the victim of a fraud? What is a common fraud in your country? What is the adjective for fraud? ___________________________________________________ (adj) that company lies to people for money That ___________________________________________________________________acts That __________________________________________________fraudulent (noun) rape: the act of forcing someone to have sex The man sexually assaulted the woman The ____________________________________________________________________________ Many women are forced to have sex during a war ____________________happens often ________________________________________________ What is the verb for rape? ______________________________________ I heard that many prisoners are forced to have sex by other prisoners I ____________________________________________________________________________(passive) I ____________________________________________________________________________(active ) What do you call the person who is affected by a crime? A ________________________ Someone assaulted Hiroki, so Hiroki is a victim ___________ assault Prep Has someone ever committed a crime and you were affected (victim) Have you _______________been the _____________ ________ a crime? Vocabulary Review: Match the word with definition














Many old people are _____________ of _____________ as people lie to the them to get their money.

2. Some say that ____________ is the worst crime that a person can _____________ against women. 3. The company ____________ _______________ when they took the customers money but did not send them a product. 4. The ________________ burned down all the pizza shops in the city. 5. I was a victim __________ _______________ when I was walking home. The guy punched me three times for no reason. 6. The criminal used a gun to _____________ the victim. The victim died instantly. 7. I dont know why anyone would commit __________________. All the smoke from the building could make a lot of people sick. 8. The sleazy man sexually _____________ the woman on the train.

One day, my car was parked on the street. Somebody used a tool to open my car door and steal my stereo. So someone broke into my car. (verb) break into: to enter something that is locked (usually to steal something) Someone smashed a window in my house, came in, and took my dvds Someone ______________________________________________________________ My house ______________________________________________________________ Im planning to open the doors of cars and steal the stuff inside Im ______________________________________________________________________ (noun) break and enter: the act of breaking into something

Someone _________________________break and enter For short, people call break and enters B and __s There has been a lot of people breaking into house lately There ____________________________________________________________________ (verb) steal: to take something away from someone else (they own it) The man took my wallet from my bag The _________________________________________________________________ My wallet ____________________________________________________________ So now, it is a _______________________wallet Notice: He stole me (wrong) He stole my wallet from me Form: Someone steals something (from someone) Have you ever stolen anything from anyone? (verb) rob: to steal from someone Form: Someone robs Someone of something The thief grabbed my purse and ran away (rob) The _________________________________________________________________ (steal) The _______________________________________________________________ (rob) I __________________________________________________________________ (steal) My purse __________________________________________________________ (noun) theft: the crime of stealing The man ________________________________theft People stealing is a problem in my city ____________________________________________________________________ What do you call a person who commits theft? A


Restate the following sentences with word given: (you might need to change the verb tense) (break in) The crazy lady cut a hole in my door, walked in to my house, and took my underwear The ___________________________________________________________________________ (theft) When I was younger, I often stole stuff from stores When _________________________________________________________________________ (murder) Everybody was surprised that the wife killed the husband for money (verb) Everybody ________________________________________________________________ (noun) Everybody _______________________________________________________________ (assault-verb) The criminal attacked the police officer The police officer ________________________________________________________________ (fraudulent) He owned a business that lied to people for money He ___________________________________________________________________________ (rob)The teenager took the blind mans cane The teenager __________________________________________________________________ (steal) You shouldnt take things that arent yours You _________________________________________________________________________ (arson) The house was burnt down by the owner The owner ________________________________________________________________ (victim) Someone stole his money He ______________________________________________________________________

Bonus question: What verb often goes before the name of the crime; for example, the man ____________________________theft/murder/a robbery/rape/arson/fraud

When you were in high school or junior high, did many of your classmates shoplift? If they did, what did they usually steal? What punishment should a teenager receive, if they are caught shoplifting? Why do you think that? Match the names of the people who commit the crimes with the crimes below:








No name



Drinking and driving

Grammar Note You will notice that often verb + er = the name of the person who does something For example, a person who bakes for a job is called a baker Here are some more examples: (notice the first part is a verb, we dont use it unless there is a verb before)

Sing = singer

interview = interviewer

act = actor

call = caller

However, sometimes it doesnt work To cook = cook A person who cooks for a living is a cook, not a cooker

Notes: Have you or anyone you know ever been affected by the above crimes? If so, what happened? Weve looked at several different crimes, can you list anymore? Before we look at the next questions, we have to look at a few more terms: (verb) sentence: when a judge/government gives someone their punishment The judge said the criminal had to go to jail for ten years The judge sentenced ______________ ________ __________ years _________jail Noun prep adj prep

The criminal ________________________________________________________________ The judge said the criminal had to pay 10, 000 The judge _________________________________________________________________ The criminal ________________________________________________________________ (noun) sentence: legal punishment The judge said the criminal had to go to jail for ten years _____________gave _________________________________________________________ The criminal ________________________________________________________________ I didnt get any punishment when I was caught committing fraud I __________________________________________________________________________ (verb) fine: to force someone to pay money for an illegal act I had to pay $50 because I parked in a no parking spot I was ______________________________________________________________________

(noun) I ____________________________________________________________________ Money you have to pay for committing an illegal act is too much __________________are too _______________________ Noun Have you ever received a fine? Why? Do you fines for traffic violations are too high in your city or country? How big is the fine if you get caught speeding/park illegally/drive without a seatbelt/talk on the cellphone while driving? (Answer) You have to pay a _____________ fine if ___________________________________________ (noun) community service: work you have to do in your city because you committed a crime/broke a law He had to do 20 hours of yard work because he got shoplifting He _____________20 hours ________ community service because ____________________________ I hope I dont go to jail; I hope he sentences me to do work around the city I ___________________________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary Review: match the words with the definition adj


Break and enter

Community service








1. the act of punishing someone when they commit a crime 2. a person who lies to someone to get money 3. do a crime 4. the act of going into someones house/car to steal something 5. a financial punishment for a crime 6. the act of charging someone money because they committed a crime

7. the act of lying to get money 8. a punishment of doing work because someone committed a crime 9. the act of burning down a building/starting a fire on purpose 10.a person who is affected by a crime You are the judge. Decide what you should sentence the criminal to for their crime.

Possible sentences: Death X years in prison/jail A (amount) dollar fine Community Service They should be sentenced to (punishment) An appropriate sentence for a (name) would be (punishment) These words are rearranged. What do you think they are?

1. to kill someone accidentally


2. a person who steals from shops


3. a criminal who forces someone to have sex


4. to set fire on someone's property, for example, a house


5. to take someone hostage in order to exchange him or her later for ransom




What is the difference between a lawyer and a prosecutor? Prosecutor: the person in court that tries to put people in jail in court Lawyer: a person that defends an accused criminal in court Note: When an individual tells the judge if they are innocent or guilty, they plead (innocent) (guilty). Plead: to give a statement about whether you are guilty or innocent or court The accused man said he was innocent The ________________________________________________________________ What is the noun for plead? _______________________________________________ Would you want to be judged by a judge or a jury? Do you think T.V cameras should be allowed in the courtroom? If someone is arrested and you hear about it on the news, what feeling do you usually have: are they guilty or innocent? Note: When discussing the decision of a judge or a jury. It is usually said that the suspect was found guilty/innocent of (crime) The jury thought that the man committed fraud, so they sentenced him to jail. (find) The jury ____________________________________________________________________ The man ___________________________________________________________________

Form: __________ found ____________ ______________ ____________ _____________________ Noun noun I find (something) (adjective) or Noun 2 adjectives prep

I find (something) to be (noun or adjective). I find (something) (adjective) to verb

Note: this expresses opinions about current or past situations. We dont say, I find he will win the game, because this is a future prediction. Rewrite the following terms using I find. It is cold = ___________________________________________ He is rude = _________________________________________ In the summer, swimming is my favorite activity =____________________________________ The restaurant is too busy = ____________________________________ The restaurant was too busy = ___________________________________ I think he is a fast runner = ______________________________________ I think it is hard to understand the questions = ______________________________________________________________________________ Found Juror Defrauded Innocent Kidnapped Of Guilty Judge Of Plead Service To Jury arson trial

1. The murder _____________ lasted two weeks and at the end of it, the accused man was _____________ guilty of the crime. 2. The young girl was _______________ and wasnt returned until her family paid money. 3. He pleaded _________________ _____ the crime, but the jury didnt believe him and sentenced him to ten years in jail. 4. A group of citizens that are chosen to decide if the accused is innocent or ____________ is called a ________________. A member of this group is called a _______________. 5. The person who is in charge of the courtroom is called a ____________________ and at the start of the trial, he will ask the lawyer, What does your client ______________? The lawyer will say innocent or guilty. 6. When I was younger I was a victim _______ a crime. A conman ______________me of 2000 dollars by lying to me about an investment. 7. Because he was caught trying to burn down a building, the man was found guilty ______ committing _____________ and was sentenced to do 200 hours of community ______________. Do you ever remember a famous trial with a famous person in your country? If so, tell me about it?

Would you ever want to be a juror? Why or why not? (adj) corrupt (kir-RUPT): describes a person or organization that uses their power for their benefit/gain. For example, a corrupt politician would take money from the companies and then help the company later. In poorer countries (Cambodia, Syria, etc), if police officers catch you committing a crime, you can often give the police officers money and can get away. Therefore, police _____________often ______________ in these countries. That politician is not honest and always takes money from big corporations. That _______________________________________________________________________ He is a very dishonest judge. He takes money from criminals and finds them innocent. He ______________________________________________________________________

(noun) corruption (kir-RUP-shin) : the happening of corrupt acts Many countries have a problem with politicians taking money and doing other people favors. Many ______________________________________________________________________ There is a _______________ ________ corruption __________________________________ Do you trust judges in your country, or do you think some are corrupt? Have you ever been to a country that you think had a lot of corruption? Why? (verb) witness: see an event (often a crime/major thing) I was lucky enough to see the team win the championship I ________________________________________________________________________ I have never seen a car accident happen I ________________________________________________________________________ The crime was seen by a lot of people The _______________________________________________________________________ (noun) witness: a person who sees a crime happen Form: (someone) (be) a witness to (crime) Tom saw the man get shot Tom ________________________________________________________shooting Have you ever been a witness of a crime? If so, what happened? If you are a witness to a crime in your country, could you be in danger?

Note: Witness can be a verb or a noun. X was a witness to the murder X witnessed the murder.

Huge Vocab Review:


















Broke in



1. ____________ is a major problem in my country as old people are often victims of people lying to them for money. 2. I was happy to only be sentenced to _______________service after I was caught shoplifting. 3. The _____________ took 3 weeks and at the end of it, I was found innocent. 4. As a youngster, he often ________________ minor crimes and was arrested several times. 5. He was arrested for committing sexual _______________ after he touched the girl on the train. 6. I am completely _______________. I swear that I did not commit the crime. 7. The judge asked my lawyer what I _______________ and he said My clients ______________ not guilty. (use same word twice) 8. When I was younger, I _________________ a drunk man throw his wife down the stairs. 9. It cost a lot of money for me to hire a ______________when I was charged with the crime. 10.I was so happy when the judge found me not ______________ of the crime.

11.I received a $200 _______________ for speeding. 12.I didnt trust the _____________ that was listening to my case. They didnt seem to listen to the facts and looked like they would base their decision on emotion. 13.I accidentally killed my friend and I was convicted of ______________________. 14.The teenager ________________ the man of his new shoes and jacket. 15.The _________________ burned down 17 houses in the city. 16.The thief _______________ my house and stole my Hello Kitty collection. 17.The judge ___________________ the criminal to ten years in jail. 18.I have been the ____________of many crimes; unfortunately, they have never caught the people that committed these crimes. 19.The _______________ told the judge the defendant was guilty and should go to jail for a long time. 20.I was a _____________ of a terrible accident and I always have nightmares about it. Answer the following questions. Tell me what the following crime and tell me a true/fake story about someone committing the crime. Example: What is murder? Murder is when one person kills another person. About 15 years ago, in Los Angeles, a famous ex-football players ex-wife and her boyfriend were murdered. The main suspect was the ex-football player OJ Simpson. Supposedly, What is fraud? What is assault? What is arson? What is kidnapping? What is a break and enter? Insert the right prepositions into the blanks: He was a victim _______ fraud. He was arrested ________ murder. He was arrested _______ murdering his boss. He was sentenced ________ ten years in jail. He was a witness _________ the crime. He was convicted ________ murder. He broke in ______ the house and robbed the owner ________ his money. He was found innocent __________ the crime.

He pleaded guilty ___________ the crime. He broke ______ to the car and stole the stereo. The police charged him ___________ manslaughter.

What would the world be like if there were no crimes? Do you think this could What would happen if there were no prisons, and instead all the criminals were There's a new law. If someone commits a crime, everyone in his family is simil-

ever happen? sent to an island far away? Please explain. arly responsible. Is this good or bad? Please explain.

What would you do if a family member committed a crime? What if it were a What would you do if there were a burglar in your house? Please explain. How do you feel about the death penalty? Is it right or wrong? Why do you

serious crime? Please explain.

think so? Phrasal verbs related to crime A phrasal verb is the combination of a verb + preposition to create a new verb that has a different meaning. Example: I work (basic verb) = I do a job I work out (phrasal verb, because its verb (work) + preposition (out) I work out = I exercise Phrasal verbs that also often be used as a noun: The criminal will hold up the bank or There was a hold up at the bank The pronunciation is different. If we use the phrasal verb as a noun, we stress the verb; however, if we use the phrasal verb as a verb, we stress the preposition. Example: Im going for a WORK out Im going to work OUT Lets look at some phrasal verbs related to crime Phrasal Verbs - Crime

1. To get into a building or car using force is to ___. a. break out b. break down c. break in

2. To steal money from a bank by using force is a ___. a. hold in b. hold down c. hold up

3. To hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking is to ___. a. pull them over b. beat them up c. put one over

4. To destroy something with a bomb is to ___. a. beat it up b. blow it up c. knock it over

5. To take a criminal to the police is to ___. a. turn them over b. turn them in c. turn them down

6. To succeed in not being punished for a crime is to ___ it a. get away with b. make off with c. pick through Lets match the phrasal verb with the definition:

Break in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Hold up

Blow it up

Get away with

Turn s/o in

Beat s/o up

To use a gun/weapon to rob someone To destroy something with a bomb To tell the police the location of a criminal To commit a crime and not get caught To enter a house/vehicle to steal something To hurt someone badly with punches or kicks

Use the above terms to restate the following sentences: 1. (break in) He entered the building without a key and took computers He ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. (held up) He will rob the convenience store with a knife He ________________________________________________________________ 3. (blow up) I plan to plant a bomb in the building and make sure it explodes I _________________________________________________________________ 4. (get away with) OJ Simpson committed murder, but did not get sentenced OJ ______________________________________________________________ 5. (beat up) I punched him in the face ten times and he started bleeding I ______________________________________________________________ Note related to phrasal verbs: Like many verbs, some phrasal verbs need or can have an object. Example: I beat Tom up/I beat up Tom What is the object in the next sentence: I cooked up some chicken object: _____________________________ Tom = object

If the object is a pronoun, we usually place it between the verb and the preposition. Example: I held him up him is the object and a pronoun, so we place it between the verb (held) and the preposition (up) I held him up (correct) I held up him (wrong)

However, if the object is not a pronoun, we can put it between the verb and the preposition of after the verb and preposition. Example: I held the store up (correct) Lets look at some other examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. I I I I put it away (correct) put away it (wrong) put away the chair (correct) put the chair away (correct) (correct) I held up the store

Tell me if the following sentences are correct or wrong: I. I blew up it (correct/wrong)

II. The fight broke the couple up (correct/wrong) III. The fight broke up them (correct/wrong) IV. That information calmed me down (correct/wrong) V. Im going to check it out (correct/wrong) VI. Im going to look the phone number up (correct/wrong) VII. Im going to look up the phone number (correct/wrong) VIII. Im going to look up it (correct/wrong) IX. Im going to look it up (correct/wrong)
Questions: What would you do if you saw a guy beating up his girlfriend in public? Do people every hold up convenience stores in your country?

Final Crime Vocabulary Test

Victim Got away with Charged Robbed Corrupt Fined Witnessed Held it up Prosecutor Stolen Witness Service Arson Rape Jury Shoplift Fraudulent 10 year Found Assault Broke in Manslaughter Defrauded 1000 dollar Beat up Sentenced Blow it up Committed Fraud guilty

1. The accused was ____________ innocent of the crime after a two week trial. 2. The court ______________ the man $8000 for stealing the public bench. 3. The company committed _________________ when it lied to the man about the investment and took all his money. 4. The police ________________ the man with murder after they found a great deal of evidence that showed he was at the crime scene.

5. The company _______________the man when it lied to him about the investment and took all his money. 6. I was chosen to be a member of a ______________ and judge the case of the accused murderer. 7. The terrorist put a bomb underneath the building and was planning to _________________ when the building was full of people. 8. Because the man accidentally killed his friend, he was charged with ________________. 9. I have never ______________ a crime in my life. I am proud of that. 10. The company was ______________ because it told the customer it would provide them a service, took the customers money, but never gave the customer anything. 11. The man was charged with _______________ after he was caught trying to burn down a building. 12. The man on the street _____________ me of my wallet and ran away. 13. I was a ________________ of a crime when the man stole my wallet. 14. The ______________ told the judge that the defendant should go to jail for ten years, but the defendants lawyer said that a 2 year sentence was more reasonable. 15. I was a _____________ to a crime when I was young. I saw a man stab another man with a knife. 16. I was surprised to find out that the judge was ________________. He had been taking money from criminals and finding them innocent. 17. _____________ is one of the worst crimes a man can commit against a woman. 18. The teenagers _____________ to the house and stole the persons jewelry. 19. The judge sentenced the criminal to 20 hours of community _________________. 20. The gang ______________ the old man. They punched him and kicked him repeatedly. 21. To impress their friends, teenagers often _______________ from stores, stealing little things like candy and chips. 22. The police called me to tell me that they had found my ___________ bicycle. I was so happy, because I thought that I would never get it back. 23. The criminal received a ________________ jail sentence for assaulting the woman. He thought that he was only going to receive 3 years in jail. 24. Because he ______________ the shooting, the police asked him many questions and tried to find out exactly what he saw. 25. The teenagers committed ______________ when they punched the stranger in the face.

26. The criminal was _______________ to five years in jail for committing fraud. The judge said the punishment was fair. 27. The man __________________ murder, as he killed the person but never got punished for his crime. 28. The men plead _____________ to the crime and admitted that they had done something terrible. 29. The criminal walked into the convenience store and ____________ with a gun. He demanded all of the money in the cash register.

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