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The Nativity Scene Southwest Baptist Church Christmas Program 2012


A life sized Nativity scene has been set up for public display along a busy sidewalk. Different views of Christmas are everywhere and every person who passes by leaves their mark on the nativity scene in a different way. After each character adds their own twist to the nativity scene, only the audience can decide if they want to restore the manger scene to its true and original form to celebrate the unchanging story of Christs birth at Christmas.

Cast of Characters:

Narrator: middle aged to mature man or woman Mary: woman in late teens or early twenties (will require singing) Joseph: young man in late teens or early twenties (will require singing) Attorney: middle aged man or woman in a hurry Teenager 1 &Teenager 2: male or female teenagers interested in technology Shoppers: two female middle-aged women interested in the dcor of Christmas and all the fabulous shopping bargains Carol Laura Shoppers Children: 2-4 children aged between 5-12 Kari Lisa Georgie Marco Karen: tolerant Christian woman (will require singing) Bob: construction worker Jerry: Construction worker

Scene 1

(Stage is dark except for light shining in the manger scene at center stage. Mary and Joseph are sitting beside the manger with baby Jesus. Off to the side of the stage a choir is set up and begins to sing Away in A Manger. The Narrator enters as the choir concludes their song. Spotlight shines on the narrator as he takes his place next to the nativity scene.)

Narrator: Its the Christmas season all right. I dont know about you but Christmas seems to have changed over the years. Scenes of the manger, like this one (waves toward the manger) are few and far between. Larger and new and improved scenes of Santas workshop in the mall have replaced them now. Christmas comes earlier now too. When I was young I remember being excited for Christmas decorations to cover the town after thanksgiving in November. Now, Christmas starts with big Christmas in July kickoffs. Independence day dcor has to compete with the newest ornaments. By the month of December Christmas seems like a Been there. Done that. Event. And what about this? (Gestures toward manger) The Nativity Scene. The oldest and ultimate symbol of Christmas. What do you think about when you come

across this scene in front of a church, in a store, on tope of Grandmas TV? Maybe you would say that this scene has been overused or that it is too familiar. Is this picture no more than the twinkling lights and plastic Santas? Will you pack these scenes away at New Years never to be thought of again until next Christmas? Perhaps the Nativity has lost its meaning or maybe it never meant anything to you in the first place. Is there something about these two Jewish parents and their brand new baby that differs from ornaments, iced sugar cookies, and candy canes? What does it mean to you? Maybe you see it like this (Waves hand toward nativity and exits while spotlight fades)

Scene 2 (Spotlight shines on an attorney running onto the stage with a giant check under their arm, a briefcase and a cell phone in hand. He/She waves at a taxi and then drops arm as the taxi doesnt see the signal)

Attorney: Taxi! Taxi! (Waves hand in the air) Taxi! (Walks to front of nativity scene and turns to audience) GREAT! Just great! Now I will never make it to the courthouse to file that extension. (Cell phone rings and attorney answers) Yes? (Pause) no! Dont schedule anything for that night. I already promised Id make an appearance at the United Way banquet to accept my award for highest contributor. Just move the Lujan case to Thursday. No. No. (shakes head) I already have Wednesday taken with Choir practice at my church. It will have to be Thursday. (Makes scared face) NO! Dont tell them that. I dont want them to think Im some sort of religious nut. Just let them know Im booked until Thursday. Oh yes. I almost forgot. Call the Salvation Army rep. and tell him to pick up those toys! I didnt spend all weekend going door to door for nothing! Ok. Ill call you back form the taxi.

Taxi! Taxi! (Turns to audience) I missed it again. (Look around exasperated) Whats this? A nativity scene complete with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus huh? (Looks at audience) some people really get into this whole Jesus thing. They are always talking about how he came to earth to save man and make a way for them to get to heaven. As for me, I know I dont need him to make a way to heaven for me. I lead a pretty good life and God wouldnt turn me away from those pearly gates. I mean look at this check (holds up the large check) I had this check cut this morning for those sick little kiddies at the childrens hospital. Tell me that isnt a good thing to do. I even go to church, sing in the choir, help the food pantry, save the whales, hug trees, well you get the picture. So as you can see I have the inside track to heaven. It all balances out in the end. Just like the good old scales of justice. Jesus might be all right for some people like the troubled kids at the jailhouse. They are the ones who need a big push to get into heaven but not me. (Holds a finger up to the audience as phone rings) Excuse me. (Answers phone) yes, send those toys to the orphanage. Make sure you let the news know that our law firm is donating toys to all those kids. A little free publicity cant hurt us. Ok. Have to go. I see another taxi. (Hangs up phone and rushes to side of stage) TAXI!!!!! Oh no I left my check(looks back at nativity scene) Oh well, free publicity. The banks dont actually cash big checks anyway. I have the real one in my pocket. TAXI! (Runs off

stage waving)

Lights dim on stage but manger light is still shining (Mary looks around the nativity scene and touches Josephs arm) Mary: Joseph, look at this place. Our scene seems to be getting dirtier and shabbier every year. What is this? (Looks at corner of nativity scene where the big check is standing and then walks over to inspect it) Oh a gift to the childrens hospital. Ive never seen such a big amount of money. (Turns head toward Joseph) We certainly never saw this big of a sum when we were married. Joseph: Youre right but I think we were blessed much more richly than any amount of money could have blessed. Mary: (smiles at Joseph and walks back to her original place beside the manger) We are blessed. Its still hard to believe God trusted me with this baby. His son. Im sure Ill never really understand. (Reaches down to touch Jesus and music begins to play as Mary prepares to sing) (Mary sings Be Born in Me by Francesca Batesttelli. She walks around stage remembering what the song describes and eventually returns to her place alongside Joseph and the manger. Spotlight fades from Mary and all lights dim)

Scene 3

(Spotlight shines on two teenagers with full shopping bags. One bag is trailing a computer cable as they walk and both teenagers have earphones on) Teenager 1: Whoa man, look at this ancient thing (points to manger) Teenager 2: Yeah that th8ing is so old. Why do they even bother putting this thing up every year? Dont they know how out of date it is? Teenager1: I guess all the old people still get a kick out of it. They just cant seem to get with it today.

Teenager 2: True. True. This religion stuff was cool for our grandparents but we dont need it anymore. Teenager 1: Yeah. Weve been enlightened. Theres really no need for all that Praise Jesus and Thou shalt not anymore. We just dont need Jesus as much as they did back then. Teenager 2: Agree. Teenager 1: Time for a facebook status update(begins texting on phone) Manger scene needs to get updated. Bring on the imanger 5 or maybe find an app for it. Teenager 2: My grandma wouldnt know what to do if Jesus went on the web. She cant even turn on her radio let alone download a manger app. Like I said before Jesus was ok for our grandparents but were over it now. Teenager 1: You know what these people need? (Gestures to manger) Teenager 2: What? Teenager 1: They need to be linked up to the web. Teenager 2: What do you mean? Teenager 1: Link up, upload, go high tech, surf the web, explore the twenty first century. Change as the world changes, become user friendly Teenager 2: I get it. You can stop with the corny tech lingo. Teenager 1: Fine but you know Im right. They need a wider appeal to the masses. Get rid of all the religious

lingo too. Diversify. Teenager 2: but how? Hmm(scratches his head in thought.) Hey get that cable out of your bag. Lets plug them into the future. Teenager 1: Cool. But dude, you know that wont really work right? Teenager 2: (shakes head.) seriously? I know that. Were making a statement. Teenager 1: Oh Ok. Cool. Out with the old in with the new. (Teens connect a wire from the manger to the side of the stage) Teenager 2: much better. Teenager 1: Glad we were able to straighten them out. Teenager 2: Lets go. We have to sync our iPods before Grandma makes us go to that boring Christmas service at her church. Teenager 1: Youre right. I have to have something interesting to listen to while Im there. (Teens exit laughing and spotlight fades as they exit. Manger light gets brighter and spotlight falls on Joseph after teens exit.) Joseph: What were those kids talking about and what is this cord for? Mary: I dont know but I dont understand how they can

say praise Jesus would ever go out of style. If anything, they seem to need Jesus more today than ever before. Joseph: I wasnt sure I needed Jesus in my life until all of this happened. Now (looks down at manger) I cant live a second without him. Its still unreal that God allowed me to be His Sons earthly father. (Music begins to start as Joseph sings Josephs Lullaby by Mercy Me. When song finishes Joseph kneels down by the manger and kisses Jesus forehead.)

Scene 4 (Children run onto stage and parents carrying many full shopping bags follow after them.) Children: (singing) We wissshhhhh you a merry Christmas.

We wissssshhhhh you a merry Christmas! Carol: Kids! Quiet down. Youre not at home yet. (Kids shoot Carol an ugly look but stop singing.) Laura: Stop everyone. Look at this manger scene. Isnt it charming? Carol: Its so picturesqueold fashioned you know. (Kids lose interest in the scene and go to side of stage to play tag.) Laura: Wed better get going. We dont want the kids to miss the frosty the snowman special on TV. (Everyone turns to go) Carol: Wait a minute. Dont you think something is missing here? (Sweeps hand across stage) I mean look at it. Laura: I think youre right. Its just notnot Carol: Not Christmassy enough? Laura: Exactly! Carol: Why it doesnt resemble the spirit of Christmas at all. Im sure theres something we can do to help. Laura: (motions to kids playing tag) Kids! Come here! (Kids come running and stop in front of their parents.) Lisa: What mom? Georgie: We were playing nice! Promise. Lisa fell by herself. I didnt even push her.

Laura: Georgie I am not even talking about that. I was going to ask you to help us make this old manger scene look better with a little decoration. Wait! You pushed Lisa? (Georgie puts his hands out in front of him to gesture no) Georgie: No! I said I didnt push her Carol: Oh Never mind that. We have some decorating to doo kids. Find the twinkle lights. Theyre in one of these bags (Kids and ladies begin to sort through bags looking for Christmas decorations like bows, lights, and tinsel and a fake Christmas tree. They set up all the decorations while talking amongst themselves.) Laura: Someone will be thanking us tomorrow after they see all these improvements we made. (Decorating scene continues until the scene is fairly bright with lights and tinsel everywhere.) Carol: (Takes a step back and admires the work they have just done.) Just look at it guys. Its beautiful now. Laura: Now that is what I call Christmassy. (Looks at watch) We better get going. Almost time for Frosty. (Everyone walks off stage but leaves their bags. The kids run back to pick them up) Kari: That pioneer scene sure looks better now that we decorated it. Marco: Thats not a pioneer scene! (Looks at Kari

exasperated) My Sunday school teacher told me about it. Its about this baby named Jesus that was born on Christmas so he could save us. Georgie: Oh so its Jesus birthday on Christmas? Lisa: I love birthdays! Lets sing Happy birthday(lights dim and children run off stage. Childrens choir assembles on other side of stage and spotlight shines on them. Childrens choir begins to sing Come on Ring those bells/ Happy Birthday Jesus Medley. When Choir is finished singing lights go dim)

Scene 5

(Spotlight focuses on Karen as she enters stage carrying a purse over her shoulder and books in her hand. As she nears the manger she accidentally drops the books) Karen: (bends down to pick books up) this certainly hasnt been my day. (She sits down on a bench to the side of the manger scene when she suddenly notices the manger scene behind her) My goodness! Is that Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus in the middle of that Christmas decoration monstrosity? I suppose it was bound to happen one day. First they took prayer out of schools and then all the religious symbols out of government buildings so I guess we Christians are lucky that they even allow a manger scene to be put up at all. I suppose sharing the space with all these decorations isnt so bad. Whats a Christian to do anyway? I mean I dont want to be a fanatic or anything, pushing the gospel down peoples throats. Its a free country and people can believe in what they want. Take these books for instance. (Holds up books t audience) This one is called learning to live with tolerance. We all have to tolerate each others beliefs to get along and I certainly dont want to make waves. That wouldnt be Christian-like would it? Oh I know that the bible teaches that we should preach his gospel, telling the story about how he came to earth to die for sinners but what if it offends someone? I dont want to violate anyones rights. Besides, I think both worlds can get along. (Waves at manger) Its not so bad looking actuallyonce you get used to it. Maybe Ill just leave these books about tolerance right here and it will help close the gap. Possibly

we can all learn to live together and the gospel can find its niche where everyone can be happy. (Looks over at the scene again in thought) Some how I cant help but think that it doesnt look right. Oh wellI suppose that Im just being narrow minded. (Exits stage with a shrug.)

Scene 6 (Spotlight on two construction workers coming onto stage carrying lunch pails. They are in the middle of a conversation.) Jerry: so I told the management guy that the union men wanted more time off between Christmas and New Years. He told me that wouldnt be a problem if I didnt mind standing in the unemployment line. (Both men laugh) Bob: Hey are you going down to happy hour atJerry: Look at that! Bob: What? Jerry: What a mess. It looks like Santas workshop exploded all over this lawn. Bob: Wait a minute. I know what this is. Jerry: Yeah? Bob: Its a nativity scene. Jerry: I dont know. It looks more like a Kmart Blue light special after the woman get done fighting. (Both laugh) Bob: Nope. See? (Points to manger) Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus. Sure. Thats what it is. A nativity scene. Jerry: Isnt that apart of the Christmas Carol by Charles

dickens? Bob: What? Havent you ever been to church before? Its Jesus you know? Gods Son? My Aunt Maria was always talking about him. How he came to earth and died on the cross for us and then resurrected on the third day. Dont you know anything about religion? She says that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jerry: Sounds to far fetched for me. I think your Aunt Maria tipped a few to many. (Gestures a hand motion of drinking) Bob: She might be crazy but it wasnt from drinking. Jerry: You believe any of that stuff? Bob: Nah Its just part of the commercialization of Christmas. Jerry: Comerwhat? Did you swallow a dictionary or something? Bob: Forget it! How can I reason with a man whose version of being informed is reading the comic section of the newspaper? Jerry: We better be going. Happy hour wont wait. Bob: Yeah right. StillTheres something about this JesusHe must have been pretty special to still have a set up in this town (gestures toward nativity scene) Jerry: Bob, come on. Bob: Hold on. Im coming (Walks off stage while looking back toward the scene.)

(Spotlight comes off of the stage and starts at back of sanctuary as three wise men come toward the stage looking for Jesus. As Wise men make their way up the stage to present their gifts (MUSIC BEGINS TO PLAY HOW MANY KINGS) and worship Jesus they are surprised by the decorations and talk amongst themselves before taking all of the props off of the scene until the true nativity scene is complete and visible. Choir begins to sing How many Kings by Down Here.) Scene 7 (As wise men take their final position next to the manger choir begins to sing Here with us by Joy Williams. Spotlights fades as Choir finishes their song.)

Scene 8 (Narrator takes stage and spotlight shines on him as he begins to speak) Narrator: Unto us a Son is given. Unto us a child is born. Behold I bring you tidings of Great joy for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord and this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12 How do you view Christmas? Maybe you find that the hustle and bustle, the glamour and glitz, is enough or maybe you have no need for Christs birth. That your contributions to mankind are sufficient. Some of you may even view the manger as a tale, Nice, sweet and entertaining but find no relevance to your everyday life. The manger is more than a festival celebration. It is the true account of the birth of Jesus Christ, Gods son, some two thousand years ago. That timeless truth of Gods gift penetrates all generations: past, present, and future. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. Our worthiness is not measured

by good works. God does not use a scale to measure our good and bad deeds judging our worth by that result. No. The answer began at the manger and led to the cross and ultimately, a triumphant resurrection. The same Christ that was wrapped in swaddling clothes over 2000 years ago still lives today. HE asks you if you will find that timeless truth of Christmas tonight? The same God that created you and sent his own son, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for you is waiting for your answer.

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