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He was an old man who lived alone in the shack and did so for the next 7 years a fter

that marvelous battle with the marlin. The boy, Manolin, still visited him often. When he showed up he would indulge the old man his most favored pleasure. "good afternoon, Santiago!" he announced. "Very peaceful, indeed." The idea of a 'good afternoon' in the boy's mind was not in line with the old ma n's view, which Santiago seemed to not take note of. "well, I can't call it peaceful, but it was exitedly fulfilling, and despite the incident, the crew decided all together it was a day worthy of note. A good day nonetheless." "I miss the feel of those days myself, son, and as a bit of warning, you will pr obably have the idea of death to deal with at some point in your job. No matter what the crew does as a precaution, you never know what can come across your pat h and catch you off guard" Manolin, although now a progressive, quick and energetic boy of his mid teenage years, respected Santiago. Instead of a retired, decrepit man in decline, Manol in saw him as dignified with much evidence of his experience and personal knowle dge as to the rhythm of time and nature, of which the old man told him many thou ghts and views. "...And thanks to the Captain Clio's quick thinking, we managed to avoid multipl e casualties in the crew," the boy finished. The smell of coffee crawled across the room as he heated it over coals, and proceeded to pour a cup and pass it to the old man. "Ah, a close call," he confirmed. "Clio must be quite a fiery woman, able to imp rovise in such a moment, and impressive enough to gain top spot on a high class ship such as the statek. An apt woman with the ability to lead and command a cre w of hardened sea dogs." "she's fantastic under pressure! It amazes me that she's so precise and skilled in her duty!" "Come to think of it, I've heard women aren't considered very lucky to have on b oard a ship. I personally cannot understand how a ridiculous superstition as ind ignant of man. My wife was my good luck charm, my enrichment and my joy." "I agree, really cruel of people to divide and conquer like that. wish I would have a met your wife, Santiago. You have mentioned stories that leave me longing for a woman like her. She sounds like my kind of lady, ambitious to get her obl igations done and with a mindful head" "I as well, lad. You can only imagine." "Anyway, From my captain I've learned a lot just being a part of the crew! She d oes everything in her duty with perfection! I must learn much more from her set of skills in the coming days," the boy stated very enthusiastically. "If I did not know any better, old boy, I would imagine that you were hooked by this aspiring seawoman. Seems to be quite a catch." It was quiet for a moment an d Manolin pondered on Santiago's statement. "Don't steer her off course!" Santia go chuckled out. "good one, old man. I couldn't win her heart even if I wanted to, which I don't.

I just want to inspire the ambitious with a legacy of those who inspire me! A l ot of that is your faith as a human being, and I'm also looking for a good train er on the job. You in my eyes are my mentor on this journey of my ambitions." "thank you many times over young lad, that means more than most could make thems elves try to understand. You were quite the inspiration for me and helped keep a playful flame alight in my heart during my game of chess with the sea and her s ubordinates. You still have a long way to go as well, son, growing old. Yet I st ill sense you will be a stellar captain among a crew of men." "I know, Santiago, I know. Thanks again for having a belief in me. All these yea rs and my father still hasn't let an ounce of soul in his heart and he sees you as a has been with no more uses, wasting my precious hours. Oh, that reminds me, I should be off to the market place, I guess. Wouldn't want to worry my father. See you hopefully within the next few days!" The next noises heard were the 3 t huds of Manolin's feet on the floor as he rushed to the exit, then a creaking of the door being opened, and a quick crackle as it swung shut, closing with a sla m. The old man sat for a bit. He sipped his coffee. When the glass was about halfwa y gone, he set down the cup. he thought to himself, old man, it's time to take a step to the harbor. Another swig of the cup of coffee then he stood up, took a deep breath, and carefully exited his shack. The door closing behind him, he ste pped down the moist dirt path, as it was a cool, humid shanty town that he resid ed in. He stumbled upon the docks. Caught up in the stroll down the lane, it surprised him. Yet, he took in the sight and sighed as he longed for memories from yesterd ay's time.

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