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1. Aim/Objective To determine the concentration of sucrose solution that is isotonic to the cell sap of mango. 2.

Problem statement What is the concentration of sucrose solution will cause the mass of mango strip to remain unchanged? //What is the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solution on the mass of mango strip? 3. Hypothesis The higher the concentration of sucrose solution, the lower the mass of the mango strip. //The mass of the mango strip is unchanged when the mango strip is placed in 5% sucrose solution. 4. Variables Manipulated variable: Concentration of sucrose solution Responding variable: Mass of mango strip Fixed variable: Type of plant//volume of sucrose solution//time to immerse the mango strip//initial mass of mango strip. 5. Apparatus Cork borer, petri dishes, weighing scales/beam balance, knife Material Mango, filter paper, sucrose solution 5%, 10%, 15%, distilled water 6. Technique used Measure and record the mass of mango strip using the beam balance. //Calculate the change in mass using formula: Change in mass (g) = Final mass Initial mass 7. Procedures: 1 Four petri dishes are labeled A, B, C and D. 2 Each petri dish is filled with sucrose solution as follows: Petri dish A B C D Sucrose solution 20 ml of distilled water 20 ml of 5% sucrose solution 20 ml of 10% sucrose solution 20 ml of 15% sucrose solution

3 Cork borer is used to obtain five cylindrical strips of mango. 4 Mango strips are cut so that the length is 50mm each.

5 Each strip is weighed to obtain the initial mass and the results are recorded in a table. 6 Each strip is placed in the respective petri dish and is left for 30 minutes. 7 The strips are taken out and dried with filter paper. 8 The strips are weighed again to obtain the final mass. 9 The results are recorded in a table. 10 The graph of concentration of sucrose solution against the mass of the strip is plotted. Precautions: 1. Dry the mango strips thoroughly with filter paper. 2. Use more than 5 strips and find the average mass of mango strips. 8. Presentation of data Average initial Average final Change in Concentration of mass of strip mass of strip mass of strip sucrose solution (%) (g) (g) (g) A (0%) B (5%) C (10%) D (15%) Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell

9. Conclusion Hypothesis is accepted. The higher the concentration of sucrose solution, the lower the mass of the mango strip. The mass of the mango strip is unchanged when the mango strip is placed in 5% sucrose solution.

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